They intend to restore the Caliphate, that means Sicily and Malta too. But that is no reason to say Gaddaffi was the better option. Countries revolting from autocratic rule regularly descend into chaos before democratic institutions are laid down and adopted. Look at revolutionary France as an example. In the end they will be better for it, but inevitably they will bleed.
A few days ago, I tweeted (oh yes) something to effect that medieval caliphates, including Sicily (and therefore Malta), were vastly more enlightened that the modern-day Islamo-nerdfest.
So I would welcome a return to dhimmi status (Wettinger and Fiorini please note). Malta back then was something of an intellectuals’ idyll, bar the occasional Byzantine amphibious op.
We Maltese are excellently placed to understand ISIS. If MZPN and Pulse were Muslims, that’s exactly what they’d produce (an uncultured nerddom).
Thanks for sharing the URLs. This is truly horrific.
And yet we enjoy dulling our senses with ice buckets, Angelina Jolie, and push backs to avoid thinking and facing the real issues.
As to the Al Qaeda disclaimer, I don’t believe it. IS is a test run by Al Qaeda, a splinter cell to make sure the entire body remains in tact if someone takes IS out.
George Vella says there is no direct action that Malta can take. How about urging the EU and the US to eradicate the bastards?
‘…“I hope we won’t be forced to enact a legal notice and send wardens to patrol doctors’ clinics to make sure that that breast milk substitutes for mothers of infants under six months of age are not being advertised.
“But if needs be, we will enact legislation to enforce it….’
The man’s bloody mad.
What next, female wardens instructed how to spot test breasts for unused milk?
Vella insists we must be prudent, better not intervene, at least not before the ISIS declares the north African littoral integral to the Caliphate.
And refugees are counted in their hundreds of thousands.
U kemm konna ahjar b’Ghaddafi hux?
They intend to restore the Caliphate, that means Sicily and Malta too. But that is no reason to say Gaddaffi was the better option. Countries revolting from autocratic rule regularly descend into chaos before democratic institutions are laid down and adopted. Look at revolutionary France as an example. In the end they will be better for it, but inevitably they will bleed.
Oh well, as long as the kids of Rotherham were Pakistanis, any intervention is not for us to determine.
Talk about sweeping statements. Even Al Qaeda issued a disclaimer.
Enjoy. So it’s a Catholic fundamentalist website.
How sweet to slaughter women Halal style, stripped to her bare flesh of course, dehumanising her. Who said evil doesn’t sublime form?
They’re blatant, film everything and gleefully put it out on the net to challenge the whole planet.
What they’re doing is gloat at our keyboard offensive. Images censored lest we’re shocked.
Well, not really, extreme harm in this case is being wrought on every man, woman and child out there.
Perhaps the bishop might care to speak out. A lone priest ostracised instead. Islamophobic they said, duh.
Time to specify which Islam, if we have to engage the usual toing and froing between religion of peace and this indescribable horror.
Taqqiya anyone? Makes an integral part of tradition that.
A few days ago, I tweeted (oh yes) something to effect that medieval caliphates, including Sicily (and therefore Malta), were vastly more enlightened that the modern-day Islamo-nerdfest.
So I would welcome a return to dhimmi status (Wettinger and Fiorini please note). Malta back then was something of an intellectuals’ idyll, bar the occasional Byzantine amphibious op.
We Maltese are excellently placed to understand ISIS. If MZPN and Pulse were Muslims, that’s exactly what they’d produce (an uncultured nerddom).
Thanks for sharing the URLs. This is truly horrific.
And yet we enjoy dulling our senses with ice buckets, Angelina Jolie, and push backs to avoid thinking and facing the real issues.
As to the Al Qaeda disclaimer, I don’t believe it. IS is a test run by Al Qaeda, a splinter cell to make sure the entire body remains in tact if someone takes IS out.
George Vella says there is no direct action that Malta can take. How about urging the EU and the US to eradicate the bastards?
Xi grip , grip.mela dan mhux iehor iffissa bl ikrah fuq il-halib.
The titty minister.
Does he realise what havoc that will create with Muscat’s nisa’ ta’ success childcare b’xejn mantra?
‘…“I hope we won’t be forced to enact a legal notice and send wardens to patrol doctors’ clinics to make sure that that breast milk substitutes for mothers of infants under six months of age are not being advertised.
“But if needs be, we will enact legislation to enforce it….’
The man’s bloody mad.
What next, female wardens instructed how to spot test breasts for unused milk?
He is gripping, all right. What, we do not know.
George Vella warns us to be vigilant.
Us? I’m not the foreign minister. He is.
Maybe he can assign Mr Speaker to look out for any warning signs.
Vigilant? When Malta is still backing Gaddafi’s money in all spheres? or vice versa.
Vigilant is what separates us from him.
Enough with the Taghna speak and call the shots as they are.