Published: August 4, 2014 at 8:08pm


well done

father son

13 Comments Comment

  1. ghalgolhajt.com says:

    Mgr Calleja is a truly remarkable person .

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      The work that he and other priests are doing in the fields of the Lord go beyond, far beyond any praise and commendation. If only we could wake up to the call.

  2. White coat says:

    Great news .

  3. verita says:

    Mgr. Philip Calleja is known for his help in all conflict countries.A refugee family who fled Saddam Hussein told me that they were urged to flee to Malta from Syria and once here ask for Father Philip.

    Indeed he helped the family and today they live in Scotland with all the children graduating in different fields. May God bless this priest for offering his life to the needs of migrants and emigrants from all nations.

  4. Confused says:

    This is truly wonderful news. Compassion and kindness have prevailed.

    Sadly though, a vast majority of the comments under the article on timesofmalta.com show very little compassion. There really is something wrong, something very sick in Maltese society that is leading so many to abandon basic human values.

    I am truly shocked that people can think and say certain things, more so when this involves the well-being of a defenceless three year old boy.

    • Francis Said says:

      Very well said. Certainly not confused in your thoughts. Well done and SHAME to all racists who think they know it all and believe they are superior beings. SHAME, SHAME SHAME.

  5. Last Post says:

    Admin, you should include a link to your post a couple of days ago where you prompted the government to do just this in view of its secretive sale-of-passport programme to rich applicants.

    I am convinced it was the reason for the government’s action. Well done also to the Migrants’ Commission for bringing the case to the public’s attention.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      Whatever the causal reason – and I agree with you – let us be happy and thankful for the end result.

  6. Joseph says:

    How come they didn’t rush for a photo shoot or a little promo video, is it cause he’s black?

    • Stephen says:

      That would have lost them votes! The average Labour voter will NOT be happy with Malta actually facilitating the arrival of another iswed, who will take our jobs in the future.

  7. Timon of Athens says:

    This is one good priest.

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