Whose evacuation are we helping with? That’s right. The Chinese.

Published: August 2, 2014 at 8:28pm

And that man who couldn’t even organise the proverbial in a brewery, Mario Cutajar – former GWU man catapulted straight to the top job in the civil service as this government’s very first Taghna Lkoll appointment – is heading the ‘crisis centre’ for mass evacuations.

It figures that the first and only people he’d help evacuate are the Chinese. Oh wait. There are a few people from The Philippines as well.

We’ve evacuating the Chinese but the Maltese have to find their own way back home. And pay for the privilege.

Chinese evacuation

11 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    “He said the Maltese government was arranging temporary accommodation for the workers and was preparing for the eventuality of a bigger evacuation from the North African country if the unrest there continues to grow.”

    So the Chinese are OK. If they were immigrants in a dinghy, that would be different.

    At what expense is the government arranging temporary accommodation? Who’s paying? Will the police provide the catering for everyday meals?

    • A. Charles says:

      Like the Japanese who were called “honorary Aryans” by the Nazis, the Chinese are to become favoured guests and will soon be called “honorary Maltese”.

  2. curious says:

    The logistics are different from 2011.

    “In the spring of 2011 Eleftherios Venizelos was among the Greek vessels that carried more than 35,000 Chinese citizens from Libya to the Greek island of Crete, from which they returned to China by chartered flights.”


  3. ken il malti says:

    The little Maltese is known as a great lap dog.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      The Chinese are a pragmatic people: When the Chinese pay people to contort themselves to suit their pleasures then the Chinese will be 100% aware that they are dealing with prostitutes. They do not befriend prostitutes as prostitutes are there to be used in return for a payment.

  4. Aunt Hetty says:

    Why are the Chinese being evacuated to Malta? Isn’t Greece a lot nearer to China geographically then Malta?

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Not if Malta evolves as some sort of Chinese economic or political colony under an LP governor.

      • Gaetano Pace says:

        This could be the feasibility study by our government in collaboration with the Chinese government to establish the feasibility of Air China operating to and from Malta and the establishment of an agency here.

  5. Calculator says:

    Some people have the audacity to think that we bend over backwards for our EU ‘colonisers’. They tend to forget that we can affect decisions there because we are members of the EU, not its subjects.

    This, on the other hand, is bending over backwards for a master. What sort of hogwash is putting the lives of Chinese citizens before Maltese citizens? Who is the ambassador representing there? Us or the Chinese?

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