Speaker finds Konrad Mizzi to have, on the face of it, breached parliamentary privilege

Published: October 22, 2014 at 8:55pm

breach of privilege

The Speaker of the House has declared the Minister for Health and Energy to have breached parliamentary privilege, on the face of it, with his remarks in parliament about Opposition member George Pullicino.

Members of parliament are protected at law from civil suits and criminal prosecution for libel for what they say while in parliament, as long as this is done in good faith.

If they appear to be in bad faith, they are subject to breach of privilege complaints and then, if the Speaker rules the complaint to be justified, breach of privilege proceedings.

Konrad Mizzi said in parliament this week (when trying to deflect attention from his own problems with the power station) that he had met many businessmen who told him that George Pullicino is corrupt. Pullicino quite understandably objected and the Speaker asked Mizzi to substantiate his claim or withdraw it.

Mizzi refused to withdraw it, saying that he could substantiate it. He then produced documents which had nothing to do with his claim.

The Speaker said that he was not satisfied with the Minister for Health and Energy’s response, and declared him prima facie in breach of privilege, referring the case to the House Privileges Committee.

30 Comments Comment

    • Natalie says:

      Times of Malta need to update their Konrad Mizzi photo. He needs to be three sizes larger and look much more bloated.

  1. Tabatha White says:

    Is this meant to deflect attention from the power station March 2015 deadline that won’t be happening after all?

  2. canon says:

    I didn’t expect that ruling from the Speaker. The Speaker should watch his back,

  3. jackie says:

    This was such a clear-cut case of breach of privilege that even the monumental fuck-wit Anglu Farrugia could see it.

    • Tabatha White says:

      What a brilliant 3-word label for the party of clumps, stooges, theives and liars.

      I think it’s going to stick: it slides so truly off the tongue.

      The Monumental Fuck-Wit party.

  4. xejn b' xejn says:

    Bahnan u imbecilli. Does Min. Mizzi still believe that the majority of Malta are gullible fools? The tide is turning and he will be one of the first individuals from the Moviment Progresssiffff to have to relocate to another country because of shame. I am sure China would accept him.

  5. anthony says:

    This is quite understandable.

    Mizzi is under attack on all fronts.

    He has proved to be an unmitigated failure.

    He is behaving just like a cornered rat.

    Who can blame him?

    I suspect that not only has he misled the entire country but also the PM.

    He is most certainly in the soup.

    • Goxrin Punt says:

      Stop trying to excuse the PM. The PM has never been misled; he knows exactly who he has surrounded himself with.

      He appointed those people precisely because they are incompetent. The PM is your classic bully who will only surround himself with yes men, who take the fall when the shit hits the fan.

  6. xejn b' xejn says:


    Mhux ahjar jieqaf jeqred fuq x’ allegatament sab, u jibda jahdem u itejjeb is-sitwazjoni li qed jghid li sab. What a waste of space… and a lot of it for that matter.

  7. White coat says:

    Is Konrad taking the fall for Muscat?

  8. Fiona says:

    I think this has been way overblown by Mr. Pullicino and the opposition. Mr. Mizzi said something along these lines: “taf kemm naf businessmen li jghidu fuqek!” He didn’t say that businessmen said that he’s corrupt. Yes Mr. Mizzi acted very childishly and insulted Mr. Pullicino repeatedly but is this a beach of privilege? And if it’s not, why is the PN going down this route when there’s a risk that this will overshadow the important matters?

    • Manuel says:

      So in your opinion, when the Leader of the Opposition was found to be in breach of parliamentary privilege (also prima facie) for something he said about the Dalligate and the PM’s interference in the case (which is the truth, by the way), it was ok for the PM to turn the Privilege Committee into a court to ‘arraign’ the Dr. Busuttil?

      Mr. Mizzi was found guilty prima facie, it means that he used the word “corrupt” and he exactly expressed himself along those lines. It is not “something along these lines”, he actually said the words.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Don’t worry Fiona, this will not overshadow the power station fiasco. As a matter of fact, I think the failures of this government in the energy sector will continue to drag on until the next general elections.

  9. David says:

    Shouldn’t breach of privilege be abolished and MPs be subject to the same libel laws as us common mortals?

    • Tabatha White says:

      The Speaker’s English is improving in leaps and bounds.

      Strange really, when only last week the interview aired showed the quality of his English expression to be no different to how it’s always been.

      As though the fated Mow Raal O Tor ty came into it.

      Baxxter, time for that Trilby.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Have we changed hats now? And what’s Yana up to these days?

      • Tabatha White says:

        Reaping the benefits from a property that was never her father’s?

        John Dalli was so fortunate in the team members he picked.

        What a strange assortment of coincidences.

  10. Albert Bonnici says:

    And what is Kon-rat doing with the health area?

  11. Gee Dee says:

    George Pullicino asked the Commissioner of Police to check of Con Rat Mizzi’s allegations. Let us just wait and see.

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