A holder of public office can’t concurrently be a private citizen

Published: October 8, 2014 at 12:57pm

private citizen

You are either a private citizen or you are a holder of public office. When you hold public office in the category of member og government or state official, you are your position. You do not shed it with your clothes at night or when you go on holiday or even when you leave the office.

The prime minister is the prime minister is the prime minister even when he is on holiday. The mayor is the mayor is the mayor wherever he is and whatever he is doing.

Yet our government has chosen to react to journalists’ questions about the prolonged presence in Malta of the mayor of Tripoli by saying that he is here as a private citizen and that in any case, he is leaving soon (this latter is a complete non sequitur).

The mayor of Tripoli may not be here on official business, but this does not change the fact that he is the mayor of Tripoli and those who live in that city are wondering out loud and in public why he is in Malta and not there where he should be.

The government made a point of telling us that the mayor of Tripoli is an Irish citizen – i.e. “we didn’t issue him with a visa and he has freedom of movement in the EU”.

That last argument alone would have sufficed, because nobody can argue against it. That tosh about private citizens was false and unnecessary.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Malti ta' Veru says:

    This is just the typical amateurism and irresponsibility that I have spoken about a number of times.

    These people were and are unfit for any responsible political role let alone for government, but that says a lot about those who elected them.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Shit, if only we could have flogged him a passport.

  3. Argentina. says:

    That is why I want to remain a common citizen and not involved in public life. It is very boring, going on holiday and carrying the responsibility with you.

  4. chico says:

    He’s Irish? I can’t believe it’s not butter!

  5. Salvu Felice Pace says:

    This story betrays a view to which our government subscribes. Only a few days ago, our Minister for Justice Owen Bonnici claimed, according the The Times of Malta, that he appeared in court as a private citizen.

  6. Gaetano Pace says:

    In nineteen months of Labour I came to learn that being in sixth form under the supervision of a class prefect is none worse than being in a Labour cabinet in Castille under a Labour Joey.

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