Angela Merkel snubs Joseph Muscat

Published: October 27, 2014 at 7:01pm

118 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:


  2. Wilson says:

    She is not stupid and while he needs to be seen with Merkel to feel important, Merkel does not need to be seen with him. Insomma social climber tal-marelli.

  3. SPA says:


  4. Paddling Duck says:


  5. La Redoute says:

    Milling around meeting and greeting is all very well but it should be done with a purpose. Doesn’t he have an agenda to see to other than hanging around famous leaders like some love struck groupie?

  6. P Shaw says:

    No surprise there. She is my favourite politician at the moment and is a no-nonsense person. Consequently, she typically snubs clowns, like she did with Berlusconi years ago.

    In this footage, one can notice that Angela Merkel was going for a quick discussion on substance. She means business and obviously she had no time for fools. Joseph Muscat is alien and completely lost where crucial topics are discussed. These discussions are beyond his competency level, and Angela Merkel is rightly well aware of this.

  7. La Chouette says:

    That pompous idiot got what he deserves. I can picture Muscat saying.”Mama! Angela Merkel is ignoring me! Wah,wah!”.

  8. qahbuMalti says:

    A man among children and a child among men.

  9. Someone says:

    Did you note the defensive gesture of fiddling with his cuff links? If you listen very closely you hear as his ego is shattered to smithereens by Mrs Merkel. Pure gold.

  10. Zunzana Blu says:

    The “cuff-and-sleeve fix” as well as the sudden rush of blood to the whole face say it all. The spoilt brat deserved all of the cold shoulder granted him.

    Always poking around for the next photo op! I bet you all that if had managed to stay around Merkel for another 5 seconds, One Media would have fabricated another “successful meeting” story out of it.

  11. pablo says:

    Veru stmat fl-Ewropa bhala l-ahjar fl-Ewropa, il-Joey Taghna Lkoll. Hadha r-risposta dan is-salesman tal-passaporti tal-EU.

  12. Darren says:

    that was great hahhhahaha look at his expression

  13. Herbie says:

    Did TVM air this footage?

  14. Denis says:

    Just seen the full snub…..

  15. Joe Fenech says:

    In the past we would have said “qisu l-iblah t’Alla” !

  16. Sam Attard says:

    X’jaqa’ ghan-nejk!!

  17. nemesis says:

    Naa got that wrong. Muscat snubs Merkel.

  18. observer says:

    Two is company – three is a crowd.

    Some people know an upstart pest when they see one – others don’t.

    Berlusconi’s reaction for the snub he had received was to indulge in vulgar jokes about Merkel’s derriere.

    I would not be surprised were something of the sort – in Burmarrad lingo – to come from Joey, too.

  19. Neil says:

    Seeing that, I actually feel sorry for the guy! That can’t be right, surely?

    I’ll get me coat…

  20. John T says:

    She didn’t ignore him; she actually told him to buzz off. “I want to speak to this man… Move on, please, Joseph.”

    • watchful eye says:

      Bulls’ eye, John.

      Seems the cuffs were rather tight and he had to leave to be relieved.

      • ciccio says:

        There was a surge in his blood pressure, hence the cuffs gesture. You can see it in his face – it turns red.

    • Katrin says:

      Wrong. She greeted him politely as she could not escape him, then curtly said “excuse me” and turned to the other person.

  21. Kevin says:

    At the end Muscat uttered the Maltese version of “wot de heck.”

  22. Gahan says:


  23. Lizz says:

    Marelli! Merkel meket lil Muscat.

  24. Salvu says:

    He had no intention to discuss whatever she was discussing on that document.

    He just wanted a photo opportunity with Angela Merkel. As soon as he was sure that someone did get that photo he walked away for another photo opportunity.

  25. ciccio says:

    I think I can hear Merkel tell the boy “Coffee, thanks but no thank you.”

  26. Charles Theuma says:

    *slowly slips away while trying to look as cool as possible”

    Dan Joey ukoll.

  27. edgar says:

    You reap what you sow fits perfectly in this case.

  28. ken il malti says:

    She was like the headmistress at school meeting a troublesome first grader.

  29. Verita says:

    Seems she is pointing at the other man as indicating that she wants to speak to him and not JOEY

    • ta minn jahseb says:

      Precisely, that move by Merkel is priceless. I love that woman, the PN need one now.

      • Tabatha White says:

        It is quick, deliberate positioning in action. Merkel’s absolutely there to do business.

        That type of departing move by Joseph Muscat is what people wearing the occasional suit, in Malta, do at weddings.

        How can he be taken seriously.

        The contrast with the person Merkel is speaking with is also fitting. There he is, not as flash, not as pompous, but with a great deal more to say, and more importantly Merkel distinguishes between the two.

        Had she not gone for the snub there would have been a tiny minute of chit chat before proceeding with the discussion.

        Very deliberate.

        Merkel is my type of woman.

        Doesn’t socialise with scum.

  30. Rosie says:

    Pathetic fool

  31. ken il malti says:

    Someone should tell Jo to stop acting like a star struck buffoon, on camera or off camera.

  32. H.P. Baxxter says:


  33. Kapxinn says:

    “Qed nitkellem mal-kbar…”

  34. Manum says:

    Nahseb nista nimmagina x qaltlu f’qalba……verpiss dich!

  35. bob-a-job says:

    Angela Merkel – Iron Lady tal-Azzar. X’ċuċ hu Panzer

  36. Steve says:


  37. Joseph Caruana says:

    Marelli! Imagine if Muscat’s and Mallia’s was the size of Germany, world war three?

  38. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You’ve seen the movie. Now get the soundtrack.

    Sod politics, techno wins.

  39. il-Ginger says:


  40. WhoamI? says:

    It’s not a big deal for him I suppose. She’s a woman not a man.

  41. ciccio says:

    I get the feeling that Merkel did not even recognise Muscat.

    She probably mixed him up with Silvio Berlusconi: same stature, same face size, same hair problems…

  42. Bluey says:

    That’s what I call Iron People. I guess he went crying in the corner. Worse then a kid.

  43. Towni says:

    Just imagine for a moment that the leader of the opposition is a woman.

    Ann Fenech would have the same effect Merkel has on Joey!

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Just imagine if it was Helga Ellul.

      It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman. It’s the steeliness he can’t deal with.

      • Towni says:

        From my school days at St. Aloysius, I clearly remember Joseph having a dominant mum and an ultra dominant grandmother.

      • tinnat says:

        It’s the woman that he can’t deal with, H.P.Baxxter.

      • P Shaw says:

        If Joseph Muscat had a dominant mom and a weak/ submissive father, that would explain his repressed sexual orientation. Very typical.

    • Tabatha White says:

      In case such as that, since we are in Malta and Joseph Muscat has been raised to refer to women as “dik”, he would continue just as he is.

      It’s the power rush thing again.

      As long as he thinks he’s Malta’s PM, he’ll think he’s invincible on the local scene.

      • Tabatha White says:

        That’s with reference to Ann Fenech. The case with Helga Ellul would be different.

        Helga Ellul is still classed as foreign in his brain and therefore the logic of local invincible doesn’t quite extend it’s imagined net.

        Yes. Helga would unnerve him.

        It’s not a question of steeliness.

        It’s a question of what he has full control over, if necessary.

        That’s how his petty mind works.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Exactly. I’ve seen this before, so it’s not just Joseph Muscat. So many of our demigods are worshipped because they find it easy to bullshit the Maltese. Take them out of Malta and they lose their audience.

  44. Grande Merkel says:

    David Cameron would do himself a great favour going by Merkel’s example.

  45. Beingpressed says:

    How history repeats itself. However denied by Maltese government

  46. Jozef says:

    Which part of the concluding statement did this idiot not understand?

    The proposals put forward by the different workshops were NOT anything the PN is obliged to follow or put on its permanent agenda.

    The proposal in question was simply a suggestion to the party to thrash the two subjects thoroughly before it erupts elsewhere leaving the PN in the same situation it was at the time of the divorce debate.

    There was no discussion, no consultation with other parties and no speech given from any podium to anyone in particular.

    It was just a suggestion to prepare for any future comprehensive and exhaustive the party may be required to take.

    I hate this place Daphne.

    Kulhadd iboss kemm jiflah, (kev please note) u hadd ma jindenja ruhu jaqra d-dokumenti sew.

    Mbasta jiddeffsu (kev, again please note).

    [Daphne – Paul Vincenti is on this website, currently commenting under the ‘headmaster’ post. He might wish to answer that here directly.]

  47. Tal-Malja says:

    Induna li kien zejjed malli Merkel qaghlbet Il-lingwa ghal Gernaniz. Hemm kien jibqa .

  48. Wink says:

    I can’t help thinking, but the more I see of Joseph Muscat and his wife, the more I see a desperate attempt – gone wrong – to imitate Dr. Gonzi and Mrs. Gonzi.

    To think that the electorate gave in to such an unsubstantiated marketing strategy, makes me despair.

    • Pippa says:

      Wink, Muscat might be trying to imitate Dr. Gonzi but Mrs. Gonzi was never pushy and her dress sense was impeccable so Michelle cannot be imitating her .

      Michelle is really showing her “alter ego”, the one that needs to be in limelight at whatever cost.

  49. Madoff says:

    How to cut someone down to size.

  50. Michael Mifsud says:

    Our Prime Minister is a politician that is only admired by local ‘marmalja’, he was and never will be fit to represent us abroad.

    In simple words, Spiru Sant in a suit.

  51. Maradona says:

    Sodoffen idioten.

  52. Joe Fenech says:

    Some one, please, teach this guy some manners. Kull fejn ikun irid jizzattat !

  53. RF says:

    Joseph, smell the coffee while we talk important business.

  54. Felix says:

    He overlooks the fact that they all know that he fought against joining them.

  55. Ju! says:

    The walk of shame: “You are the weakest link. Goodbye.”

  56. Artemis says:

    Getting a little taste of what he’s been dishing out.

  57. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat didn’t even bother to excuse himself before leaving them. Should we tell him every time what he should do and what he shouldn’t.

  58. Mikiel says:

    What really irritates me is that we are represented by a man who stupidly believes that these working events are an opportunity to network and flirt. So 1990s. So not today.

    We need a leader who rolls up those cuff-linked sleeves and works hard. And not huffing around when ignored as if saying ‘fil-komma din Merkel’ or smiling like a pet Dino at Cameron.

  59. Xejn Sew says:

    What do you expect? He has gone on record saying that he wants to usurp Germany’s place as the best in Europe. She’s envious and feeling intimidated. Her loss.

  60. albona says:

    He will be smiling on the other side of his face when in 4 years he has to go to Brussels and Berlin begging for a bailout after 6 years of profligate spending.

  61. White coat says:

    Joseph Muscat is the ONE. Our National Embarrassment

  62. s says:

    Brilliant Merkel! I love the look on Joseph’s face!

  63. Tom Double Thumb says:

    It could not be any clearer that what Joseph Muscat wanted was to have HIS photo taken with Mrs Merkel.

    Watch as he walks to the side, makes sure the photographer is ready, turns around, waits for the flash and THE SATISFIED SMILE on his face as he walks away.

    One more for the family album. Michelle will be so proud!

  64. Bumblebee says:

    His blood pressure must have gone sky-high.

  65. Angry Burd says:

    May be its because under a Labour Government Malta slipped to the 99th place on the Gender Gap Index. It slipped an impressive 18 points. It slips 8 points on Economic Participation and Opportunity; 33 on Health and Survival; and 23 on Political Empowerment. (…/global-gender-gap-2014/MLT.pdf)

    Chris Fearne is more interested in infants then in their mothers obviously.

    It will continue to slip until both parties address the abortion “taboo”.. Malta was given quite a telling off in relation to abortion during the HR Committee Hearing on International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in October of this year. Obviously not reported.

  66. Maltese Duro says:

    Dear Joseph, don’t look back in anger !

  67. C.Portelli says:

    Our country is being brought into ridicule and irrelevance by this idiot.

  68. Jozef says:

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    Grima did not address the audience, he was sat with Oliver Friggieri and was booed. A message from the party, if there ever was one. Yes, one needs to realise how the audience is becoming ever more the party, and can we please subscribe to it?

    Yes, Carmen Sammut, the PN’s doing an exercise which may be, in some aspects, similar to what Labour supposedly did, except that this one, the first of a long series if I may, isn’t there to camouflage the rot.

    And no, those topics weren’t deemed non-political. And do I note a hint of panic?

    As for Tarcisio Mifsud’s slick brother,

    “Godfrey Grima was never a permanent part of any political camp. He gave the opinion he saw fit to give at the time.”

    Ticcajta, jghid li jaqbillu, kif jaqbillu u meta jaqbillu.

    Nhar il-Gimgha qal li l-politici iridu jkun korrotti. X’ma jaqlax tisfir.

    • Jozef says:

      Baxxter et al. do you not realise that this is the shape of things to come, that it’s all yours for the taking?

      Intellectuals, journalists, economists, permanently stapled ID photographs on every newspaper scrambling over each other in a post-convention convention.

      Calm down everyone, this wasn’t the only one.

      Next time, be there.

      Surely you don’t expect to be booed off the stage.

  69. pablo says:

    Thought sub-titles –
    Merkel: Oops here comes that passport seller of Europe, smile;
    Joey: OMG its Merkel, shall I call her Angela? Shake hands, smile back;
    Merkel: Say hi and hope the twerp leaves us alone, I want to speak privately to my other colleague;
    Joey: Let me get into position for the cameras, quick change to the left, that’s right, now it looks like I’m part of this real important conversation;
    Merkel: What is this pest doing now?
    Joey: Better edge off.

  70. steve says:

    Makes you cringe, or not, depends on what you think of Muscat. However, as the PM (unfortunately) of our country, it makes you cringe.

    She dealt with Muscat in a typically headmistress fashion, politely telling him (by pointing to the person she was interested in) to move on.

    I must hand it to Muscat, at least he understood that, and didn’t hang about for too long.

    Ah well he has to wait another time to get a pic with Merkel for the family album. Failing that he can always have a pic with a cardboard cut out of her. Does that count?

  71. Comment says:

    Three cheers for Merkel. Muscat seemed so pissed off with her attitude that he turned his back on her pulled his sleeves and moved away.

  72. Tal misthija says:

    LOVELY, kid jghidu l-hamalli.

  73. canon says:

    If Joseph Muscat just said before leaving “Entschuldigen Sie bitte”, Angela Merkel would have smiled back and acknowledged him. But Muscat is only good for British humour.

  74. Guz says:

    Isthi Muscat

  75. Noel says:

    Merkel literally cut his ego down to size.

  76. TROY says:

    The boy from nowhere bows his head in defeat and walks away bruised and beaten.

  77. Angus Black says:

    That clip is a keeper!

  78. Peppa Pig says:

    At least he knows when he is not wanted.

  79. pale blue my foot! says:

    Behind the false smirk as he swivels away whilst fiddling with his cufflinks lies an utterly broken, embarrassed and humiliated buffoon.

  80. verita says:

    thanks J Agius for reminding us of the glorious times for Malta

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