Another of Muscat’s deals with dodgy regimes that has come to nothing
October 16, 2014 at 2:18am
Do you remember how smugly he returned from Tripoli with news that he had reached a deal for discounted oil with his friend the Libyan prime minister?
Now that prime minister is an ex prime minister and we don’t know who’s controlling Libya’s oil wells – except that it isn’t the Libyan government.
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I think we should be seriously looking at our national security at the moment.
George Vella’s says he has been assured that everyone’s is keeping their eyes open, so you can now sleep well at night.
so where is his press release? oh yes we only want to be positive
A nice way to start the day.
[ANALYSIS] Muscat: the withdrawal method
[Daphne – Yes, but the title is terribly tactless given that Muscat can’t have children naturally.]
Daphne, why do allow such utterly stupid comments? Do we need to give these people exposure?
[Daphne – In no way is the comment stupid. I’m glad it drew our attention to the title of that piece, which is an illustration of how terribly tactless men can be. I hardly think it was deliberate, given that the newspaper’s owner Saviour Balzan has such high moral principles about these matters.]
What did you think when you first saw the title? Direct your comments at who wrote the piece.
Foresight was never a shining virtue in Labour leaders.
even worse….not even ‘hindsight’!
It is good to remind us what Joseph Muscat told us when he announced the agreement.
True. It is amazing how fast this piece of news has become part of Maltese folklore. It should be in the Maltese history books as from next year.
The government has sold off the EneMalta Petroleum Division to two new government companies for a consideration of €80 million.
These new companies obtained a loan for the same amount. From which bank – Bank of Valletta, courtesy of Cassar White?
Can Tonio Fenech ask about this?
Good point, Freedom5. I posted a similar comment under another story.
Nilghab gidi, as they say, that it is indeed the bank you mention.
Il-politika ta’ Joseph Muscat: riedna nibqghu barra mill-Unjoni Ewropeja u kkampanju bis-shih kontra l-ishubija.
Riedna bhal Cipru u Cipru zganga.
Ried li I-Islanda ma tidholx fl-UE ghax kienet tant success, u marret il-bahar.
Mar il-Libja bil politika taz-zejt u l-energija u l-positive thinking, u l- Libja tant ipproduciet energija li splodiet.
Ma nafx jien. Ghamel deal mac-Cina u sa issa ghadu ma gara xejn. Imma l-kbir jidher li ghadu gej.
Ma jistghax igib wahda zewg, trid tkun veru injurant u zatat fl-istess hin.
Veru bezzul kif kollox jisfaghlu suf. Kien tant promittenti meta kien l-iskola jahasra.