UPDATED: John Dalli bought a Chinese slave from Leisure Clothing

Published: October 31, 2014 at 5:03pm
Sacked EU Commissioner John Dalli, who is now a consultant to prime minister Joseph Muscat, bought a Chinese slave from Leisure Clothing.

Sacked EU Commissioner John Dalli, who is now a consultant to prime minister Joseph Muscat, bought a Chinese slave from Leisure Clothing.

UPDATE: Following the death of the Dowager Mrs Dalli, the woman in question went to live with John Dalli’s brother Gorg, the priest, and lives with him still in a semi-detached house in Tal-Ibragg.

The antennae that told me John Dalli would surface in this mess sooner or later have turned out to be functioning efficiently. The Chinese state-owned company Leisure Clothing is trafficking Chinese people into Malta, taking their passports, and keeping them in conditions of indentured servitude/slavery, working them for inhuman hours and giving them “tens of euros” every month while keeping them in sub-standard barracks and feeding them food with worms.

Its factory employees are also being sold on in the white slave market, as sex workers in massage parlours and ‘companions’ for Maltese men. They are literally bought and sold and have no access to their own passport.

Others are sold into domestic servitude. In-Nazzjon reported this morning that one such buyer is a former Maltese cabinet minister who used to hold high office in the “European Union”.

Given that there are at least four individuals who fall within this category, I made some enquiries of my own, though I was under no illusions as to which one it was going to turn out to be. Surprise! John Dalli.

Dalli did not buy the woman as a sex slave. He bought her to look after his old mother.

But those antennae are twitching wildly. Something tells me that Dalli is a big invisible presence in the Leisure Clothing saga, and that he has been part of the story somehow or other for a long time.

This thing is turning out to be a Chinese-Maltese piovra, or octopus.

72 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Let’s not piss about here: Are we saying this government should resign and call an election, or what? Because who in their right mind would call for a massive nationwide investigation on themselves or their own buddies?

    • ken il malti says:

      They will not resign, they will create a diversionary issue or problem and threaten the very few journalists that keep harping on the Chinese slave matter and then go on, business as usual.

    • Kevin says:

      Any PM is duty bound to call a massive nationwide investigation. It is called accountability and transparency. It would be the honourable and honest thing to do especially since government is elected by majority votes. Those found to have been allegedly involved have to resign and face legal proceedings.

      Back in the real world, however, the real issue will be transformed into something else. People will forget (they have an attention span of a mosquito anyway) and will talk about “mhux ahjar tara x’ghamiltu ntom.” As far as I am aware, there’s been not a peep from Simon Busuttil or Joseph Muscat on this.

    • Peritocracy says:

      You’re absolutely right. Our politically appointed judiciary stinks. Look at Spain. Their politicians are also rotten to the core but at least the police and courts are doing something about it.

      All these links are from today’s edition of El Pais in English.

      Prison for mayors involved in Púnica bid-rigging scheme

      Former top Madrid official and partner had €5.8m in Swiss bank

      PM apologizes to “all Spaniards” over party corruption

      Ex-PP minister Acebes denies knowledge of party slush fund

    • JG says:

      @ H.P.Baxxter, re ‘Do you trust any of these ?’
      – Stop being a generalizing twit, Baxxter

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        OK. Let’s not generalise. How many of them can you trust? Two? Three? Half a dozen?

      • JG says:

        There are 11 in the picture. Of those, there are 5 I would trust unconditionally. There are 4 I would have some reservations about, depending on the nature of the case and there are 2 so totally rotten that I would shoot myself rather than trusting to their judgment. I know, I know, it’s a shitty state of affairs but blithely dismissing the lot, as you did, makes the job of the decent ones a damn sight harder than it already is. Frankly, that sort of global dismissal, more typical of the everyday idiot-in-the-street, is unworthy of you.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        And how can we tell who’s what?

        Oh and if you’re a member of the legal profession, isn’t it time you let the rest of us get on with our lives? We’ve had it up to here with you lot hogging the limelight.

      • JG says:

        You’re starting to exhibit a distinctly Labour-like way of thinking. Perhaps it’s time you took a sabbatical ?

    • bob-a-job says:

      Here Baxxter, this ought to answer your question.

      ‘Police agreement undermines ‘independence, integrity and autonomy’ of the Force – MPA’

      This agreement places the highest positions in the police force under temporary performance agreements.

      It undermines the independence, integrity and autonomy of the police Force placing it at the whims of the Minister.

      Goodbye investigation.

  2. Jozef says:

    U ejja.

    Mela, ghadu bic-certifikat tat-tabib?

    • Denis says:

      This time it’s mummy,

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Ask Mary Swann or whatever name it is she goes by these days.

      Dr Michael Scholten of Mettlach, Germany, is an associate of Dalli’s creepy clients who run a shady pseudo-religious outfit called His Place in the same one-horse hamlet in the middle of Germany’s nowhere and who fixed up Mary Swann with a rental agreement in Sliema’s High Street.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Is this the gynae who also practices in Switzerland?

        If he’s one and the same, how would a certificate from him have been valid for the Brussels grounding?

  3. Paddling Duck says:

    It is well known in the Qormi circles that Dalli had a ‘Filippina’ as a carer for his mother.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:

      Alot of people have Filippinas as their parents’ helpers/children’s nannies but as far as I knew they were lawfully employed and paid a decent package which in most cases included accommodation and rent.

      I hope this john Dalli’s alleged case is the exception and not the rule.

  4. pablo says:

    God bless our own Johnny Cash, the innocent victim of ubiquitous and never ending conspiracies; he seems to pop up everywhere.

  5. GiovDeMartino says:

    No wonder Ms Caruana Galizia is their no 1 enemy.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      It is embarrassing that a country has to rely on one single journalist because all the others are spineless and bla bajd.

      • rjc says:

        Credit where credit is due, it was the Nationalist Party media that broke out the story. Hats off for Daphne’s style of catching a story and doing everything to get to the bottom of things, as every journalist should do,

  6. Gahan says:

    The plot thickens.

    • observer says:

      In Maltese “il-kawlata qed tkompli mhux biss tithawwad, izda tinten bl-ikrah”

    • ciccio says:

      So now we know that the Chinese “filippina” is living in Fr. Hu Bastjan’s home. The tentacles of the octopus are growing longer and multiplying in the same way that computer technology went from 8 bits to 16 bits and then to 32 bits and so forth.

      The next bit of the story presents itself easily: that Bastjan Dalli might well be involved in people-trafficking as drug-smuggling.

  7. Jozef says:


    They’ve been at it all week, Poland, Hungary, the works.

    The Bear was the Soviet Union’s answer to the American B-52 Stratofortress, long range strategic nuclear response capability.

    Follows sightings and pics of cruise missiles launched from submarines within sight of Dingli. The images do not indicate Polaris type firing.

    Who’s our defence minister?

  8. edgar says:

    I wonder whether he is paying the N.I for her as required by law.

  9. Wilson says:

    This guy has really gotten away with a lot in his life. And what bursts the bubble: he still acts as if he has never done anything criminal.

    Gonzi gave him a chance to redeem himself and he managed to fuck up that chance too.

  10. ciccio says:

    It’s part of his philanthropic work, you see.

    He adopted her, and provided her with a job.

    Ghax kif jghid HP Baxxter, mhux kulhadd irid jiekol, heqq?

  11. AE says:

    Not that I mean to be devil’s advocate (literally) but do we know if Dalli paid this woman he “purchased” for her services, whether he gave her decent accommodation, food, her freedom of movement?

    Not that it excuses him if he did. It still means that he knew what was going on and turned the other way. And this when he was a minister in Government and therefore should be held to a higher standard to ensure the respect of human rights.

  12. muddy waters says:

    Their main excuse will be that even in the PN era, these things happened. Full stop.

  13. Janice Vella says:

    The Chinese “helper” still lives with his brother Gorg Dalli the priest. They live happily in a semi detached villa in Swieqi which is allegedly owned by the Tumas Group. Maybe someone can elaborate further.

    • ken il malti says:

      So this like Fr Bérenger Saunière and his live-in “housemaid”, Marie Dénarnaud, of Rennes-le-Chateau France and their secret great wealth fame.

      And like them, one wonders what secrets Fr Gorg and his Asian “housemaid” hold?

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      Dalli’s sister is married to one of the Tumas brothers.

  14. Madoff says:

    Poor Dalli is being harassed again. Could it be a conspiracy theory or scheme again?

  15. Grezz says:


    Ġlieda bejn l-assistent personali tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u l-Kap tal-Customer Care f’Kastilja Tony Borg wasslet għas-sospensjoni tal-Kap tat-taqsima tal-Customer Care u persuna oħra.

    Dan l-istazzjon jinsab informat li l-ġlieda bdiet wara diżgwid bejn Sandro Craus, l-assistent personali tal-Prim Ministru, u Tony Borg, li inċidentalment huwa missier l-eks Assistent personali u Chairman tal-WasteServe David Borg.

    Id-diżgwid jidher li nqala minħabba li Sandro Craus qed jimmira li jikkontesta fuq it-tieni distrett, waqt li Borg jidher li qed jirreżisti din il-ħaġa, din waslet biex ħolqot kunflitti kbar bejn iż-żewġ naħat.

    Is-sorsi qalulna li kien Keith Schembri il-Kasco, ic-Chief of Staff tal-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru li ddeċieda li jissospendi lil Tony Borg u persuna ohra. Mhux magħruf x’se tkun il-pożizzjoni tal-Prim Ministru, hekk kif bħalissa jinsab f’Singapore.

    Ma’ newsbook.com.mt, il-Kap tal-Komunikazzjoni tal-Gvern, Kurt Farrugia, ikkonferma li bħalissa għaddej stħarriġ preliminari intern skont ir-regoli għall-impjegati mal-Gvern.


  16. ciccio says:

    What is Jurgen Balzan going on about here?

    Letters show former resources ministry was responsible for PV contract


    The letter from the Contracts Department says that:

    “The Department of Contracts was only referred to in the issuing of the Tender Document (by invitation to the three shortlisted bidders), approval of the Evaluation Committee members upon recommendation by the MRRA, and the approval of the evaluation report submitted by the Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation report dated 25th June 2012 was discussed by the General Contracts Committee and approved the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee to award the tender to Alberta Photovoltaic Consortium, who was the only bidder.”

    Jurgen Balzan and MaltaToday conveniently do not quote this part of the letter. Instead, they quote parts which refer to the expression of interest, and not the award of the tender and the contract.

    The part quoted above states clearly that it was the Contracts Department which approved the recommendations of the evaluation committee on the award of the tender and there is no reference to the Minister or the Ministry, except that the Ministry recommended members for the evaluation committee, who were however approved by the Contracts Department.

    The letter by the Contracts Department published in Malta Today proves that the Minister did not decide or approve the Feed-In-Tariff.

    Letter from Contracts Department to the Ministry of Energy, Health and The Derailed Power Station Project:


    Letter by George Pullicino to the Commissioner of Police as published in The Times:


    The Ministry retained only the role to issue the letter of intent to the tenderer whose offer was approved by the Contracts Department upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee.

    The letter from the Contracts Department attempts to minimise the role of the Contracts Department, and tries to confuse matters by laying emphasis on the role of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs in the expression of interest phase.

    But really, does the Contracts Department ever issue an expression of interest? Isn’t it the relevant ministries which issue an expression of interest?

    Oh, look, Minister Chris Cardona issues expression of interest for White Rocks:


    And, jeez, look at this one here: Parliamentary Secretary Michael Farrugia launches expression of interest for land reclamation:


    Labour, Liars.

  17. ciccio says:

    Back to this one:


    One wonders, how is Gasol going to honour its loan repayments and guarantee commitments as explained in its recently published annual report, as well as pay its 30% share of the upfront sum of Eur 30 million due to Enemalta (“biex inrahhsu il-kontijiet”) and then have enough cash left to pay its 30% share in the capital outlay of Eur 400 million for the construction of a new powerstation in Malta, while investing in its Cotonou Harbour project in Benin and in other projects around Africa?

    Something is not right here.

  18. Neil says:

    You could NOT make this up. The dots keep on joining themselves up. Labour, Dalli, scandal after scandal. GWU, journalists warned off. How many fingers in how many pies?

    And yet, still, Dalli screams, ‘VICTIM!’

    • White coat says:

      Yes, victim, when he actually means victims, in the plural; his many victims. Hypocritical criminal that he is.

      The MLP should resurrect the old sign and stick it above their emblem:

  19. silvio Farrugia says:

    I always knew that this country ‘stinks ‘to high heaven with corruption

  20. ciccio says:

    Just 2 days before Malta celebrated the 50th anniversary of its Independence, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat secretly addressed the China-Malta Culture and Media Forum in Valletta, where he told the forum that:

    “Malta hopes to play its part in the new Maritime Silk Road as a staging post in the central Mediterranean with China, evoking the spirit of the historic routes. This was revealed by Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat at the China-Malta Culture and Media Forum held in Valletta, on September 19, two days before the anniversary of Malta’s independence.”

    This address was reported in the Chinese media, but it was never reported in the local media – I cannot find any internet material on the main Maltese news portals about this forum.

    Worse still, maltastar did report on a speech by Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis at the same forum, where he repeated the Labour government’s usual b*llshit about Mintoff’s recognition of the People’s Republic of China (One China Policy) 42 years ago, but it added that:

    “Prime Minister Joseph Muscat also attended the forum.”


    Joseph Muscat should be made to explain what he means by what he told the forum. He should explain why in this case, “Il-Partnerxipp Ma Hux l-Ahjar Ghazla.” What does his Maritime Silk Road mean for Malta, its independence, its people, its culture, its democracy, its freedom…

    According to China Daily, there was also a speech by “Malta’s Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government Owen Benicia.”


    Once again, the Chinese media is proving to be more transparent than the Maltese Labour government.

  21. Denis says:

    May we know if these exploited persons are being cared for by the relative government departments? Do they have medical care? Have their living quarters been inspected and people living there transferred to decent shelter.

    What matters more now is the well being of these people who have been exploited by their own state embassy and personnel.

  22. eve says:

    Its no secret that Dalli’s mother had a foreign carer with her. Was she forced to go working with Dalli’s family?

  23. francesca says:

    When you say barracks do you mean the ones opposite the Hal Far open centre very close to the Employment and Training Corporation (ETC)?

    There is a Chinese colony living there and apparently they are all picked up for work very early in the morning and returned back to the barracks around 6pm.

    I always wondered what they were doing there. Saturday mornings I have seen one or two walking around. Maybe someone should go speak to them about their conditions of employment?

  24. Maradona says:

    Time for the press to get a couple of comments from those two clowns, Franco and Jeffrey, about Evil Klikks.

  25. mc says:


    The inquiry findings as reported in The Times do not give the full picture.

    Up until March 2013, the worst blackout lasted 4 or 5 hours and very rarely was the blackout nationwide.

    The August 2014 nationwide blackout was much worse than any other previous blackout and lasted a full 20 hours in some places.

    Was it a coincidence that under the PL Malta and Gozo suffered what was by far the worst blackout in history?

    I think not. I think Enemalta’s new senior management mishandled the initial cable fault and allowed it to escalate into a nationwide blackout. They probably also mishandled the process to reestablish power across Malta and Gozo.

    The new CEO was NOT appointed for his knowledge and ability on power generation and/or distribution. A keen Labour supporter and activist was appointed to the job – one who had no previous experience on power.

    This is what you get with Joseph Muscat’s version of meritocracy.

  26. Bumblebee says:

    When Dun Gorg Dalli was Ibragg parish priest he caused extensive division and discord amongst parishoners, so much so that he was transferred and not assigned another parish. besides leaving a financial black hole with cost over-runs on the building of the parish church extension.

  27. Salvu says:

    If I understood correctly, this has been going on for more than 25 years. For all these years, no one (and that includes Times of Malta, L-Orizzont, Kullhadd, PBS, Malta Today, and Nazzjon) wanted to investigate.

    [Daphne – Correction: one journalist at L-Orizzont started investigating and was stopped by the GWU bosses, who instructed him not to stop investigating and not to publish anything about it.]

    At long last, someone decided to pull the plug and report to the media.

    They chose Nazzjon. And Nazzjon went with it (unlike other media).

  28. Toni bajada says:

    I have know about this factory for many, many years. What amazes me is the willful ignorance of the authorities in Malta.

    I can even tell you how I found out – via the hospital where I was told by a doctor in very clear terms that in Malta there was a factory manned by Chinese slaves held captive inside. Those were the precise words used.

    So of course there is corruption and bribery involved.

    [Daphne – Not a very ethical doctor if he failed to report the matter or make a fuss about it. A doctor, of all people. One despairs.]

  29. Artemis says:

    It is general knowledge that the carer of John Dalli’s mother was a Filipina. At the time she was still living in Garden Street, Qormi. John Dalli was a very close friend of Joseph Mary Scicluna (now deceased) who was the Philippines consulate and a partner with Joe Gaffarena in the Daewoo franchise. Everyone has a good idea what happened at Daewoo during the period John Dalli was a consultant for the company.

    During the period J.M. Scicluna was the Philippines consulate in Malta the female Philippine population in Malta increased to record heights. This raises many questions and was never investigated.

    Allegedly John Dalli and the Daewoo employees knew what was going on during that period. There were Philippine nationals employed by the company and many others that visited the offices on a regular basis.

    I am reliably informed that after J.M. Scicluna terminated his Philippines Consulate that the Chinese carer materialised. She stayed on until Dalli’s mother passed away.

  30. Joe Fenech says:

    Has Marie-Louise ‘Robin Hood’ Coleiro issued a statement?

  31. Not Sandy:P says:

    Did Gorg Dalli buy the woman from his brother? This is not a trivial question.

  32. Ronnie says:

    Hadn’t Gorg Dalli bought shares in Mid Med Bank just before his brother John organised its sale to HSBC?

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