CHOGM’s media coodinator has a reserved parking space herself

Published: October 8, 2014 at 1:23pm



Alessandra Pace, the Labour Party activist and campaign worker who has been given a cronyism post and full-time salary as media coordinator for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting which our government will be hosting next year, has objected to the way the Curia has reserved parking spaces outside its own headquarters.

Since I pointed out, in a post last night, that a media coordinator should be able to distinguish, at the very least, between it’s and its, she has removed the redundant apostrophe but left the vulgarity about vaginas. Clearly, she believes the former is bad for the image of the organisation she represents, but the latter is not.

I wrote that the Archbishop has as much right to a reserved parking space outside his office as the prime minister has to one outside his.

Meanwhile, somebody has emailed me with a photograph, showing that Miss Pace’s irrationality and brass neck go way beyond that. She and her boss Facecream Phyllis, too, have a reserved parking space – outside the Auberge de Castille.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    Crass, vulgar, downright wrong and hypocritical to boot. Labour: the gift that keeps on giving.

  2. Rita Camilleri says:

    Well they do say il-qahba milli jkollha ittik.

  3. M says:

    There you go, proof that ‘Taghna lkoll’ actually meant ‘Taghna biss’.

  4. etil says:

    They are still getting away with murder so to speak and that is the way they will be for the next (hopefully) two and a half years. Still the people seem to be in a trance and totally disinterested. All hope for some crumbs left off the table or a secure job with the public service and they dare not speak up. As long as these carrots are still being dangled at the public, nothing will change in this benighted country of ours.

  5. Wilson says:

    Wow, someone in such a position can actually speak like that on Facebook? No shame, I guess.

  6. Manuel says:

    Well that clears the parking spot part then and reveals her hypocrisy which she definitely learned from her master at the Auberge de Castille.

    Let us hope that no one sends in any photo regarding the padlock part.

  7. xejn b' xejn says:

    The Curia is an easy target for an idiot like Alessandra. Most Lejber lapdogs are still imagining the building destroyed and a Lejber flag erected instead. Reason for all this hatred is unknown or rather can be directly attributed to the fact that she was raised in a Mintoffian household by Mintoffian parents.

  8. Kevin says:

    The Curia isn’t an institution. The Church is.

  9. Peter Grech says:

    These are the people who “represent” us – tal-biki.

  10. Malti ta' Veru says:

    These reserved parking spaces for every strata and genre of public servant are ridiculous. There should be only one space per ministry or government entity and, then, only during working hours.

  11. Dave says:

    So her comment therefore is less of a post about parking places and more about the lack of a padlock on her… how welcoming CHOGM staff are!

  12. denpy says:

    What an absolutely rude vulgar woman. Can she sink any lower?

  13. Jozef says:

    Hope her car isn’t a Vulva.

  14. AE says:

    Oh I see, her issue is not with reserved parking places but putting padlocks on them.

    I suppose because those of her ilk wouldn’t respect a reserved parking place as such if there was no padlock on it.

  15. Arnold Layne says:

    When Malta last hosted CHOGM (2005, I believe) the conference was staffed by officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with some retired diplomats serving in an advisory capacity.

    As ever, Labour ignores trained diplomats and uses events like these to line the pockets of their friends.

  16. hmm says:

    Vera wicca u sorma l-istess. Kemm huma nies vulgari u injoranti, qabda cwiec.

  17. michael seychell says:

    The M/L.P. were, are, and will always remain anticlerical.

  18. verita says:

    How low can she go

  19. Paul B says:

    Din minn tahseb li hi? Mela l-poter tal-klikka taggha tela ghal rasa?

    Missa tishti – hamalla tal-prima klassi.

    Kif ma jisthux. Dawn huma persuni vulgari, jaghmlu ghall-flus u mohhom biss kif se jahtfu l-affarijiet permess tal-cronies taghhom fil-gvern.

    U ha nirrepetti jiena ukoll: “il-qahba milli jkollha ittiek” u din Alessandra Pace hija wahda minnhom.

  20. Tabatha White says:

    Give me the Church and the Curia any day. I wish they would give themselves permission for a stronger voice.

    This person can go do what she does best. Evidently Media Coordination gives her pent up emotions.

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