Chris Fearne’s Ebola tent has collapsed

Published: October 15, 2014 at 11:21pm

ebola tent 2

You have to laugh, though ultimately, the laugh’s on us. And has Fearne been fired or mocked by his boss? No, he has not. But Godfrey Farrugia was publicly humiliated by Muscat on tent-related matters and then fired.

Not that I think it had anything to do with the tent. It was Jeffrey Pullicino, still bearing him a grudge after all these years and so much water (and so many wives and girlfriends) under the bridge.

33 Comments Comment

  1. Norman Vella says:

    The Health Minister is Konrad Mizzi, the same person entrusted with the building of a new power station complete with a gas storage tanker. God help us.

    • Len says:

      Unfortunately the tent and the power station are both made in China.

      We are committed to buy from them, I mean, why should Dr Muscat buy the power station from any country in the European Union when they did not even fork out one cent for the election igloo and its lighting.

      • etil says:

        Wherever they were made, is someone going to be held responsible for another mess up ? No, of course not, it is the PN fault that the tent collapsed ! What a government we have been landed with, one mess after another but wot the hack !

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Killing patients is not a way of eliminating epidemics.

  3. Aunt Hetty says:

    It is not a laughing matter. Public health is at risk as is the health of all the staff at Mater Dei Hospital. In any other civilized society, heads would have rolled by now for this incompetence.

    Mizzi and Fearne should resign forthwith.

  4. Paul B says:

    Waqat bla ma ghamel ir-rih – ahseb u ara fejn kienet tispicca kieku ghamel xi grigalata tajba.

  5. Salvu says:

    Meta jigru affarijiet bhal dawn tibda tiddubidta kemm verament qed johduha bis-serjeta’ il-preparazzjoni ghall-ebola.

    Din hi ‘decontamination tent’. Logiku li tfisser li qabel tidhol fiha inti tkun liebes ilbies kontaminat. Huwa ovvju illi l-area ta’ madwar it-tinda ghandha tkun ‘no go’ area u mhux id-dhul tal-emergenza.

  6. pablo says:

    This collapse reminds me of the odds of once every 10,000 years that an LNG tanker would blow up and take out most of the south of Malta.

  7. LIXU says:

    They can’t even pitch a bloody tent. Imagine if it was swept away by high winds and ended up a some kind of Ebola UFO.

  8. Joe Micallef says:

    Truth be said, Fearne did warn us that the concrete pillars are weak.

    Oh I see – so this is not the main building that collapsed.

  9. anthony says:

    The picture of a shambolic so-called tent epitomises this government.

    Instead of erecting marquees, the Health Minister and his sidekick should reassure us all by telling us how many top-level biocontainment units are available at Mater Dei or anywhere else on the Island for that matter.

    Ideally these should be hermetically sealed wards accessed via a series of airlocked systems.

    Although Ebola is not (yet) an airborne virus in the strict scientific meaning of the term, some eminent microbiologists believe that it can be transmitted in the air in large droplets of fluid.

    If this is true the human race is heading for very serious trouble indeed.

  10. Malti ta' Veru says:

    If it were not so tragic then it would be the stuff of comedies and sitcoms.

  11. Xejn Sew says:

    Maaaa, you Nationalists how negative you are. And this when you understand nothing. Mela let me tell you how this system it work.

    First you get the Ebola, then we takes you to the Mater Dei, put you in the tinda, pull the cord and it follonyou like the cabin baggage of the Air Malta.

    You die and we burn you in the incinirejter. Problem it solved be.

  12. wacko says:

    Ahjar waqa’ l-Gvern milli t-tinda ta’ Konrad.

  13. Peter Mercieca says:

    Konrad Mizzi can’t even get a tent up. Then we expect him to have a power station done and dusted.

  14. gn says:

    Immagina kieku kien fiha xi pazjent marid go fiha, kemm kien johrog jigri l-mikrobu.

  15. hmm says:

    I’m quite certain that the staff at the general hospital are well trained. My concern with the Ebola threat is whether they will have all the tools they need and whether they will be allowed to work as they should.

  16. Natalie says:

    Someone in the comments section under that article asked: Were there any patients inside?

    L-intelligenza tibbrilla.

  17. H.Galea(NRK) says:

    Certainly enough this is no laughing matter. According to me it is simply another piece that fits snugly in a panoramic jigsaw puzzle depicting crass incompetence and humiliation. Poor Malta – I feel like crying in despair.

  18. butterfly says:

    As from this morning, the tent has completely collapsed.

  19. Annie says:

    ”… authorities wouldn’t have a clue as to whether there could be a case of Ebola in the country since doctors do not always report the case to the authorities at the patient’s request.”

    Are these sources saying that Ebola is not a notifiable disease and if not might we perhaps think that it would be a good idea to make it notifiable?

    Isn’t it just great to have every Tom, Dick and Harry, just because they are doctors or surgeons, giving out statements when this is such a huge infection control issue?

    Infection control has its own experts. But then looking at the Maltese MRSA track record compared to the rest of Europe and the lack of infection control presence on the wards what is one to do except pray?

    Even agnostics are looking at better odds with prayer.

    A friend who some time ago asked what the doctor said about his MRSA diagnosis was told that it was not his doctor but the infection control department who would send a sticker signed with the MRSA antibiotic prescription via the tubing system and the antibiotic is also sent via the tubing system.

    The sticker would then be glued onto his treatment chart. All explanations are left to the nursing staff and a carer would some days later repeat his test swabs. There are so many eyebrow-raising issues here that one is dumbfounded.

    All those shudder who realize that most patterns are repeated.

  20. La Redoute says:

    Why are Ebola patients to be kept in a tent outdoors, with all the attendant risks of a structure we now know is susceptible to collapse? Effective treatment means not only reducing the chance of infection spreading. It also means minimising risks for further infection for patients with already severely compromised immune systems.

  21. ron says:

    It-tinda made in China u l-power station il-gdida ukoll. Poplu Malti tista’ sserrah rasek. Jekk se tkun safe daqs it-tinda mela veru qeghdin sew.

  22. dg says:

    This government is not even able to put up a tent, let alone protect us from Ebola.

  23. And so, we can put our mind at rest that this government is ready to meet the Ebola challenge head on. MEP Dr Alfred Sant should quote this as an example of what he expects the EU to do to meet this challenge.

  24. ciccio says:

    Tinda fenomenali.

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