For crying out loud, just look at this mind of a goldfish

Published: October 13, 2014 at 7:40pm

Luciano Busuttil dreaming of summer

Are these the people who are running the show, who are taking a packet in public funds because Malta Taghna Lkoll and they think they’re entitled to a sinecure?

Luciano Busuttil is dreaming of summer already – on his first day back at work after a magnificently long recess funded by the hard work and taxes of other people.

And a word of advice to this failed mating experiment between Mother Hen and Nemo doing loops over there in his bowl: if you think you have something kinky going on with your wife, keep it to yourself.

Nobody else gives a damn. It’s too creepy. But if you’re really keen on that kind of thing, there used to be a magazine called Readers’ Wives.

It might still be in print. You never know – Mrs Busuttil might go for it.

And if she’s not the sort, then you’d best stop trying to create the impression that you’re that kind of couple.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Painter says:

    What is it with middle-aged people and their exhibitionism on Facebook?

  2. anthony says:

    He seems to dream from one summer to the next.

    Does he go into torpor in between?

    Is he a marmot?

  3. Toyger says:

    Caroline Farrugia Frendo is the daughter of Anglu Farrugia. Why she felt the need to comment on his post is beyond me. I wouldn’t even be following his posts.Scrap that, I wouldn’t add him as a friend period.

  4. Jolly Todger says:

    An administration of d*** heads. This is the worst government ever…possibly worse than Mintoff’s and KMB’s put together. Come on – this is neither post-colonial Malta, nor pre-Berlin Wall Europe. Cretini!!

  5. Makjavel says:

    He is simply sick in the mind, body and soul.

    Animal instinct, nothing better than the tubby cat we had long time ago.

  6. allan. r says:

    Actually Daphne, Readers Wives was not a magazine as such but an insert in the British skin mag Fiesta in the 70s and 80s much adored by servicemen during that time (complete dogs notwithstanding).

  7. TinaB says:

    What amazes me is how women like Luciano Busuttil’s wife manage to fall in love, and end up married to stupid men like him.

    [Daphne – The obvious is staring you in the face: they’re even stupider.]

  8. TinaB says:

    Exactly. But to be stupider than Luciano Busuttil, ci vuole.

  9. M says:

    Some people prove you right everytime they open their mouth. When they are running the country, this is very unfortunate indeed.

    A man of substance and ‘talent’ at its best with his eyes set on the prize, not winter’s toil for the country but next summer’s long vacation. The pic he chose is worrying however, you know, those who need to give a certain impression usually have a bit of a problem.

  10. ian says:

    Oh god! I was just having lunch at my desk when I read the kinky part. That put me off my sandwich.

  11. TROY says:

    A bunch of dreamers, but that’s what the switchers wanted.

  12. Ian says:

    Hamalli all round, from top to freaking bottom. Just imagine if a British MP posted something as fabulously stupid as this.

  13. ken il malti says:

    That photo would have made a great LP album cover back in the late 1960s, for groups like Willy and the Handjobs.

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