Has this man written to Muscat again, this time to thank him for those 58 cents?
October 27, 2014 at 12:04am
I’m sure he has. He sounds like a polite sort. So why hasn’t the Labour Party’s television station told us about it?
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Boo Hoo Hoo…3 kids and he can’t afford a mortgage repayment of Eur340 a month. Does his wife work? Obviously not.
It is 11.30pm and they still haven’t transmitted Simon Busuttil’s speech on NET TV. But we had replay discussing corruption in football. And here was I thinking it was a political station. Silly me!
One can have the best product, but what good is it if no one knows about it. The PN desperately need a huge infusion of cash to constantly remind the people of Muscat’s lies. Unless the PN shore up its finances, Muscat will continue to rule with impunity for the next twenty years..
The PN needs vision and a leader more than anything.
I think the PN needs people who help the party and not armchair critics.
Carlos, firstly I’m well into retirement age, secondly I don’t live in Malta.
Leadership is crucial. The PN is running into another defeat.
Jekk naf sewwa lil dan ir-ragel, zgur li rega’ kiteb lil Joseph Muscat u qallu li s-sitwazzjoni tjiebet xi ftit ghaliex issa qed jiffranka ftit ewro mill-kont tad-dawl, qed jiffranka wkoll zewg centezmi minn kull litru petrol u se jhossu kemmxejn aktar komdu fi 58 centezmu zieda fil-gimgha.
Spjegalu wkoll li minn dan il-gwadann se jitlef ghaliex biex martu tkun tista’ ssajjar ghall-familja, matul ix-xitwa se jkollu jixtri cilindri tal-gass bi prezz oghla , irid jahsiblu ghaz-zieda fil-hlas ta’ ezamijiet tat-tfal, u qed jistenna li n-noll tal-karrozza tal-linja jizdied. Uliedu hafna drabi jkollhom juzaw tal-linja ghaliex xorta ghadu f’sitwazzjoni li ma setax jixtri karrozza gdida.
Ghandi l-hsieb li dan ir-ragel, fit-talba tieghu lil Joseph Muscat talbu biex jghinu billi jaghti lil martu l-istess beneficcji u vantaggi li l-Prim Ministru ta lil mart il-Ministru Konrad Mizzi, anke jekk hemm bzonn, jagevola l-possibbilta’ li din tmur tghix mal-familja taghha.
Ghad mhux maghruf jekk dan ir-ragel irceviex risposta minghand il-Prim Ministru. Ghadni ma rajt xejn dwarha fuq One news.
I cannot endure anymore this high level of rhetoric in their propaganda machine. I also believe that the 58c increase will be doubled so as to create a feel good factor which is aimed to produce something positive from negativity.
A brave knight in shining armour (and receding hairline) will arrive in time and declare a rise of 1 euro instead of 58 cents.
Day saved. Knight rides back into the sunset (in his own personal car rented out to himself). Media all abuzz trying to find where this knight came from, who he is.
Santo subito.
Update: Knight in shining armour not available. 58 cents increase remains.
Totally with you. They have no choice but to be smarmy.
Lots of time to kill when nothing of relevance is being done.
It seems people have fallen into the same trap yet again. Why was the 58c COLA increase announced by the government spokesman before the budget speech?
One can bet the whole 58c that this was done to alienate people’s minds from the real stories.
The breaking news about the COLA increase came just when everybody was speculating about the scandals surrounding the disappearance of Ryan Schembri, kuginRyan the PM’s chief of staff, the visit of the Libyan government in exile, the virtually bankrupt GASOL, and many other stories of real interest to the general public.
How do people manage to build up a €200 per month utility bill? I have never paid that much… Even with an a/c on at night in summer. Granted we have solar water heating which I think should be made mandatory for new housing. It had cost us very little with the government incentive.
Is that really a realistic bill?
[Daphne – Of course it is. It is actually on the low side. What I wonder is how people get bills low enough for them to express astonishment at 200 euros. We have solar heating, too, no air conditioners at all and no electric heating, and our bills are still astronomical.]
Daphne, check your solar water heater settings. Set the thermostat as low as possible (say 55C)and keep its electric heater off except on cloudy days. Otherwise, unless you have electric ovens and cookers your consumption should not exceed 20 units a day maximum which at 16 cents a unit=€3.20 a day=€100 a month. Of course now less with Joseph’s rubber stamp…
[Daphne – I have a gas cooker, not electric.]
€200 euros is not even high. I know people who get €600 bills. €300 euros is quite normal for a one person household.
Do you really mean *per month*? Or just a bill for a certain amount of months (unfortunately not always the same amount of months – which is ridiculous an confusing)?
I can surely say we have never received such bills. I have had this conversation with many of my friends and it would be interested to list usage in terms of appliances and how they are used.
On a daily basis my husband and I go to work. Although when we had our first daughter I stayed home for a year and saw real little change in the bills.
So seriously how much electricity does one consume?!
– if everyone goes to work, energy saving lights are one for about 5 hours a day (6pm – 11pm, max).
– normal size fridge with a 3-drawer freezer
– 1-2 laptops left on doing some minimal processing
– an electric oven used a couple times a week (not everyday).
– a washing machine used for 4-5 loads a week Using ECO program and no more than 700-speed spin. If you use anything above 700 then the machine’s efficiency rating goes down to about a D.
– A hair dryer on for about 20mins, twice a week.
– Dishwasher used daily
– No electric kettle
– No microwave.
– Watch about 2 hours of TV a day
People I know that get €600 bills leave their a/c on all day so that the house is cool when they get home. Xejn sew. Also €600 bill needs to be checked for duration of period (since the duration is not the same, you cannot really compare bills as face value). Also the reading type is important A/E/N. If it is N then the bill does not qualify for eco reduction for using the cheapest electricity rate. So if you don’t have a smart meter, it is important to be home or to send the reading when the meter reader is due (I think not everyone is conscious of this).
Lastly, I will not disclose how much our bills were :) We recently left Malta and still (where I currently live) my utility bills are less than average. Must be down to habit :)
All this poor man needs to do is change the addressee salutation from Dear Joseph to Dear Simon.
I’m into impending old age, my wife and I, both graduates, worked hard, but we never purchased a new car. Always waited for a bargain 2nd hand. It’s worth it especially when the young ones start driving all over the place..
That so-called letter is a fake. Just another Super One set-up.
I do agree with you, Daphne, that this “man” should be writing but two letters: one to the Prime Minister about his 58 cents increase in income, and one to the PN about his current living style status and whether he had settled his loan, or purchased a new car, or whether, he is still arguing with his wife, etc.
There needs to be a follow-up on this story, and about time too that this man “writes” to Dr Simon Busuttil.
Who’s betting that the 58c COLA will be doubled (at least) in the budget? Incidentally (coincidentally?) that would amount to the infamous €1.16.
It’s all twisted utopian socialism. Bleh!
What a loser. The man should count himself lucky he owns his own property. In the rest of the world, people with 3 children and a wife who does not work can barely afford renting.
I have a suggestion for this man: Spend your 58 cents on condoms.