Here’s one thing that Mrs Muscat hasn’t thought of yet

Published: October 9, 2014 at 12:01am


Cheated on and dumped by Francois Hollande while the world watched, crisis-ridden Valerie Trierweiler has chosen the well-trodden path of a spiritual awakening that involves being photographed surrounded by nicely contrasting little black children in some benighted part of Africa.

Mrs Muscat hasn’t been dumped, but then she doesn’t like to be outdone either. This is something she could usefully do in vintage orange. It would tone so beautifully with those black accessories.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Rosie says:

    Mela mhux hekk tghid ha taqbadha l-Ebola…

  2. Amanda says:

    She could also publish her memoirs – although I doubt they would be as gripping

  3. claire says:

    Valerie Trierweiler qeghdha tipprova tigbor gieha. Kellhom balla fuq l-istonku bhal dik il-Francizi biha.

    She went off with her friend’s husband, so finally she got what she deserved.

  4. The Observer says:

    Ija issa tmur l-Afrika. Ma tarax, dik tibza ghalina l-Maltin hi, ma tmurx tittrasmetti xi virus.

    • Calculator says:

      U kieku b’xi mod tmur, tgħid it-tfal tħallihom l-iskola did-darba? Taf int, la sirna konxji dwar l-‘absenteeism’ fl-iskejjel Maltin issa.

  5. Arnold Layne says:

    “Hobbuwha……….”. Just can’t see Hollande pulling that off.

  6. Someone says:

    Very aptly dressed for a walkabout with the “natives”.

  7. Comment says:

    Mela is-sinjura Muscat ha thalli nies ta’ livell daqshekk baxx ibezilqu fiha. Insejt li dik ma nies ta’ klassi gholja biss taghmila.

  8. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Have camera crew …will definitely travel…those are the key statements that will get the Muscats well and truly on the road! There is no such thing as a free meal where this family is concerned……they will do anything : “for d eye of the people!”

  9. Gg says:

    Mrs Muscat makes me sick. Please stop talking about her, Daphne.

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