I am not going to vote again for any MEP who voted for this trash

Published: October 26, 2014 at 4:59pm

I’m sorry, but I didn’t exactly elect you on my behalf so that you can vote for Karmenu Vella. As though it’s not enough that he was part of that corrupt and violent outfit that broke Malta’s back in the 1970s and 1980s, and then tried to do the same again under Sant – now an MEP who voted for him, how back-scratchingly, incestuously cute – the man is a shambolic, rambling, inept mess in the present.

You should have voted against this appointment. Not only is it immoral to reward wrong-doing, and wrong-doing over such a protracted period, but having this perambulating mess there in Malta’s name is a bloody embarrassment, coming so hot on the Bahamas Skunk’s heels.

47 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    That’s exactly my train of thought in the matter.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’ll never have that problem. I voted for Helga Ellul, Ray Bugeja, and Stefano Mallia, see.

  3. WhoamI? says:

    Roberta Metsola Tedesco Triccas (x’izjed?), David Casa, Therese Commodini Cachia: Start working on a life after MEP. I’m with Daphne. You embarrass us.

    • Manum says:

      Yes with you too. This is becoming too much to bear. Just to think, that Karmenu Vella was in a party that 30 years ago was waging war on church schools. I wonder how all this was not mentioned at the grilling.

  4. ex tesserat says:

    Why are you surprised?

    Didn’t we have the famous ‘rikonciliazzioni’ and look where it got us.

  5. ciccio says:

    I have been reading the previous posts, and I deliberately bit my tongue.

    Did Roberta Metsola, David Casa AND Therese Comodini Cachia vote for this guy.

    Maltese politics is at the lowest it has ever been. And that’s both parties. It’s no wonder that 80,000 voters chose to stay at home last May.

    • Jozef says:


    • Superman says:

      There was an occasion when Roberta Metsola voted for a motion by the socialists too. It wasn’t covered in Malta, and I didn’t agree with it. For that reason I did not vote for her and I know people who did the same.

  6. TinaB says:

    “It is verry frrrrustrrrating when a fishermenn in the Mediterrenien tells you I have fish passing by, I cannot touch that fish because…”

    What an embarrassment.

  7. observer says:

    A multi-colour spectacle, dominated by catchwords (probably not even il-guy himself very much aware of their meaning)and the ‘responsorial’ verse “I THINK” (four or five times – sorry, but did not bother to go through the whole rigmarole again to check).

    Pity Ms Thomas, Mr Finch, Mr Jan….. and Ms Konecna.

    I think they had a ‘head-against-the-wall banging session’ back in their offices after the comedy was over. Probably most of the other grillers did too.

    I remember feeling extrememly hot under the collar during most of the session – and for quite a while after – but managed to sit through a lengthy stretch before raising my hands in desperation and giving up.

    O truth, what sycophantic utterances are often voiced in thy name!

  8. Manuel says:

    I am with Daphne on this one.

    I still can’t get over the fact the the three Nationalist MEPs endorsed such a man. I will never trust you with my vote again.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Endorsing this man to avoid being dubbed ‘negative’ is a shame and will come back to haunt the sitting PN MPs.

    • ta minn jahseb says:

      Agree – they won’t have mine next time. It was their duty to vote against. Utterly disgusted, that they don’t have backbones.

  9. canon says:

    1. Joseph Muscat proposed Karmenu Vella as the EU Commissioner Designate without consulting or briefing Simon Busuttil.

    2. Simon Busuttil accepted to back Karmenu Vella without discussing the issue with the PM.

    3. The PM didn’t even acknowledge the fact that the Nationalists backed Karmenu Vella.

  10. P Shaw says:

    Were they bullied into being called ‘negative’ or ‘non-patriotic’?

  11. La Redoute says:

    You rop
    Turd countries?


  12. Fenominali says:

    I tried hard to understand. There is just bluff, generic and nonsense phrases and statements which scared me more than hell! Read between the lines, you see subtext of great & grave concern.

    Meritocratic? Transparent? My foot.

    I am sorry to say, but I simply don’t believe he will ever be a contributor to EU progress on Environment & Fisheries. karmenu has no vision whatsoever and is too aged to take up the challanges in this so important sector.

    What a waste of time, money and great opportunities.

  13. marlene says:

    I am so glad that you wrote about the Nationalist MEPs voting in favour of Karmenu Vella.

    WHY? Why did they do it?

    And what about Roberta Metsola’s comments immediately after the grilling?

    Her mouth was saying one thing but the rest of her face was saying another.

    There’s a lot to be said for body language.

    Sometimes Simon Busuttil’s PN moves in mysterious ways.

  14. orapronobis says:

    Ulied in-Nanna Venut fil-Kummissjoni Ewropea.

  15. Tarzan says:

    To be fair on the 3 Nationalist MEPs, I think it was a collective Nationalist party decision to endorse il-Guy. So probably it would have been the same outcome, had they been anybody else.

    [Daphne – ‘To be fair’…three words that get my back up. This is not about being fair, but about being factual. They voted for him. They did not have the electorate’s mandate to endorse him (obviously, because most of us vote PN because we disapprove of people like Karmenu Vella) and they should not have done so. Now, because they endorsed him, I will find it impossible to endorse them. It’s that simple. And as for them following the party’s direction, that direction in itself was wrong. No bloody backbone.]

    • mf says:

      @ Daphne, hear hear.

    • Amanda Jane says:

      Then it is the PN that has no principles or pride. Not much choice for us, then, is there?

    • Michelle Pirotta says:

      Tarzan, this shows me that despite their mediocrity, the Labour propaganda machine is still working well.

      Labour repeats its PN-negativity mantra, and even the PN believes it. I’m quite sure this Yes vote for il-Guy is precisely intended at appearing ‘less negative’. Idiots.

    • Oscar says:

      Hear, hear, Daphne. As far as I’m concerned they let us down, and no excuses from anyone will suffice. Will we ever learn?

    • KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

      I’m four-square with you, Daphne. How could the PN MEPs abide by this and not vigorously challenge any decision even if coming from the very top to vote for a stooge of this magnitude?

  16. M says:

    The vote for Vella was an insult to all those who suffered from what he endorsed and what he stood for. Haven’t the PN realized yet that ‘il-passat huwa garanzija tal-futur’? Are they enjoying staying down and counting the kicks?

  17. Osservatore says:

    Sir Humphrey Appleby would be proud of him. Not half as witty or devious in his replies, but he does manage to confuse the hell out of his audience…and seemingly gets away with it.

    Not even one single MEP distinguished himself/herself from the rest of the herd by asking him to stop speaking total bollocks and start answering the questions he was being asked.

  18. caroline says:

    If they voted for him, then like Daphne, I will not vote for them ever again.

  19. Bunga Bunga says:

    I almost always agree with you. This time round, I’m sorry, but you’re saying a load of bullocks. To start with, the current MEPs simply followed the instructions given to them by their Party.

    [Daphne – Bullocks are castrated young bulls. I think you mean bollocks there. 1. Why did the PN give those instructions – is it nuts? 2. Why were those instructions followed if the MEPs in question disagreed with them? They’re not in the Maltese parliament. So I am going to assume that they agreed with their instructions, or that they did not feel strongly enough about Il-Guy’s appointment to make any effort at all to disagree. Either is bad.]

    • KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

      ‘A load of bullocks’ is about right if directed at the men who gave those instructions in the first place.

  20. J Abela says:

    Madonna how embarrassing. I couldn’t finish watching the video. Why didn’t he just speak in Maltese? Don’t we pay to have interpreters over there?

  21. ken il malti says:

    For a supposed educated man, why then is his spoken English so pitifully bad?

    Was his claimed scholastic achievement a fraud?

  22. Jozef says:

    The PPE and the PES issued those instructions to their respective members.

    • Not Sandy: P says:

      So? Since when did following orders become a legitimate defence of the indefensible?

      • Jozef says:

        Just to clarify, The PPE and the PES formed a coalition to be able to obtain a working majority inside a chamber infested with the far right. Greens virtually eradicated.

        Bitter pill to swallow? Definitely.

        Labour were gagging at the bit to be able to point fingers at the PN being anti-EU if they didn’t. L-Orizzont carried on for weeks.

        That’s what it was. Again, why the PN doesn’t maintain control of the narrative is their fault.

        It’s all pointing in one direction; Brian St.John, appointed Medialink CEO last week, has one tough nut to crack.

        Carte Blanche required.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Well that makes sense. But why did it have to be you to provide the explanation?

        Two national newspapers, a radio station, a TV station, a party website and a news portal, and it had to be a private individual on a private individual’s blog.

      • ciccio says:

        Great, Jozef. So those who voted for PPE MEPs could have voted for PES.

        When was the public informed about this coalition?

        That is why the far right is getting bigger. There is a crisis of leadership and after 1933 we know what this could lead to.

      • Jozef says:

        No Ciccio, it was Juncker’s close majority over the Schultz that forced him to approach the PES and form the coalition.

        We had already voted.

        We’re not used to this mechansim, Merkel herself spent over a month ironing out each and every detail with allies to form a coalition, Renzi made an informal pact along a number of issues with Berlusconi to get his backing in parliament, Even Cameron had to do the same.

        Baxxter, you’re absolutely right, which however prompts the question whether such elaborate reasoning was ever going to be understood.

        Especially when L-Orizzont had twisted it out of context making it some sort of ghaqda nazzjonali.

        With the press in the state it’s in, transcription inc. disquisition remains the PN’s responsibility.

    • Jozef says:

      In the sense that it wasn’t another erroneous strategic decision originating from Pieta’.

      Why Pieta’ chooses to censor itself however, is another matter.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      So who briefed the PPE on Karmenu Vella’s suitability?

      This isn’t another case of misplaced patriotism, is it?

      • Jozef says:

        It was one of Schultz’s conditions.

        Muscat being one of Schultz’s closest supporters for leadership of the PES managed to trade Vella upstairs, just like Coleiro.

        It seems he can’t afford having these heavyweights in Labour’s key districts.

        What that implies remains to be seen.

  23. Lomax says:

    The older I grow the more I realise that the PN’s acronym is very apt: PN = Partit tan-N**k.

    I have never voted for anybody but the PN but, really, I had no choice – and still don’t. But, come on, I would have voted against just to make a statement.

    We lived the horrors of the 80s thanks to this Guy here and we voted him in? PPE be damned – I would have made it clear that my MEPs cannot be used to sanction the unacceptable.

  24. EVC says:

    Meta staqsejt ghaliex l-MEPs taghna kellhon jivvutaw favur Karmenu Vella qaluli li f’din l-okkazzjoni jew jghaddu l-5 li kienu qed jaghmlu dan il-grilling jew hadd.

    Din ma kienitx okkazzjoni bhal ta’ Tonio Borg li kien wahdu.

    Allura iktar difficli ghax jew jghaddi hu jew jehel.

    Kieku wehel Karmenu Vella, li fl-opinjoni tieghi lanqas imissu resaq l’hemm, kienu jehlu l-ohrajn ukoll u ma nahsibx li hu sew, pero kieku kien xi hadd iehor li wehel u ahna pprezentajna bniedem eligibbli li jkun fosthom ma kienx ikun lanqas sew li jehel minhabba xi hadd iehor fil-group li ma kienx ikun tajjeb.

    Ma nafx jekk min qalli hekk kienx korrett. Min jaf iktar jista’ jispjega ahjar u nitghallmu aktar.

  25. Chris M says:

    Makes me no difference. I did not vote for anyone contesting on the MLP or PN ticket for the MEP elections.

    My reasons being that most of the PN candidates were all pro immigrant and all the MLP candidates were… err Labour.

  26. Il-Ħmar says:

    Ġesù ħanin.

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