Konrad Mizzi needs to grow up and behave like a cabinet minister

Published: October 22, 2014 at 1:35am
Look who's got the bare-faced cheek to make Georgie Porgy jokes

Look who’s got the bare-faced cheek to make Georgie Porgy jokes

Konrad Mizzi, a minister of the government, made an unsightly spectacle of himself by lashing out in parliament at George Pullicino on the Opposition benches – a transparent attempt at deflecting attention and criticism from himself to somebody who is no longer in government.

We are not interested in anything an ex minister did two or three years ago, Minister, especially if he didn’t do it. We are interested in what you, the current Minister for Energy and Health and making a right mess of both, are doing NOW.

It takes some nerve to try saving your own skin in the media by feeding us a paltry old contract about something irrelevant when we’re all baying for the contracts you won’t show us – the ones you have signed or haven’t signed with China and the ever-shifting sands of Electrogas.

And it takes some kind of brass neck to pick on somebody with no power except that of a single vote from the Opposition benches in the cursory hope that the press will stop baying for your blood over your failed power station deadline and run baying after George Pullicino instead.

Some will be stupid enough to fall for it, as always.

Meanwhile, I’ll have to point out that nobody named Konrad should ever try to make a joke of somebody named George by calling him ‘Georgie’ across the floor of the House. Konnie won’t wash quite as well, will it. Konrat – which is, incidentally, how most of his fans pronounce it – washes even worse.

He’s so keen to raise a laugh on his side of the House by poking the wrong sort of fun at those on the other side (“Georgie Porgy, pudding and pie…”), but then heaven forfend anybody should suggest that there’s something really freaky about the way he speaks, flaps about, alternates between jerks and rigidity, and always has the wrong facial expression. Le, ta, ghax imbaghad dak ikun attakk fahxi u moqziez fuq il-persuna tal-ministru tas-sahha u l-energija u naghmluh headlines (hetlines) fuq is-Super One.

22 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    Simon Busuttil kellu ragun jistaqsi lil prim ministru jekk ir-rohs fil-kontijiet tal-eletriku hux qed jigi issussidjat mil-prezz gholi li qed inhallsu ghal petrol u diesel.

    Il-gvern mhux interessat li jsolvi il-problema tat-traffiku eccessiv ghax bil-petrol li qed jinhela aktar minn normal u bil-prezz esagerat li qed inhallsu qed nissussidjaw ir-rohs tad-dawl.

  2. bernie says:

    I totally agree with you that Konrad needs to grow up, and not only in politics.

    But as much, who needs to grow too is Mr Speaker, who should never allow such remarks no matter how hot the debates becomes.

    We used to have a lots of “l-oghla istituzzjoni tal-pajjiz” remarks from Labour when in Opposition. Now that they’re on the right side of the Speaker, they’ve turned the Chamber look more like they are at Tas-Serkin.

    Speaker should never lose control.

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Actually I have always likened Konrad Mizzi’s face to that of King Carnival on the float leading the defile’, eyes, facial expression, jerky movements and all.

    Now Konrad is extending the analogy by the way he is handling the power station project, and by his puerile behaviour in Parliament.

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    Re Konrat: in Malta we share ONE (I say only ONLY ONE) trait with the Germanic world; people soften the end ‘d’s and pronounce them as ‘t’s.

  5. bored says:

    Konnie Hot Lips

  6. Herbie says:

    Careful Kon Rat this might stick to you like the ‘Shame on you ‘ bit

  7. watchful eye says:

    He also needs to behave like an ADULT.

    His deportment is so so childish.

  8. Rosie says:

    No one should have expected any better from someone whose only gift is the gift of the gab.

    He seems to be able to memorize A4 loads of useless information and recite it at will out of his motorized mouth with the resultant impression of intelligence and coherence.

    Cheap attacks on physical characteristics work like a charm on xi hamallu, pastazz u injorant, and there’s plenty of those about.

  9. M says:

    What would you expect from a cornered rat? A man of substance and in control of his portfolio would not have needed to behave in this way.

    Where are the headlines ”Misiter lauches vile personal attack on opposition menber to deflect discussions”

  10. Pussy says:

    He would also be oblivious to the fact that the word Connie is also used instead of the word C.NT. And boy what an appropriate word to describe this man.

  11. Denpy says:

    Con’s attitude clearly shows his lack of self confidence and the void in his ministry.

  12. pablo says:

    It is up to George Pullicino to defend his reputation but I just marvel at the attack that comes from a distorted cartoon of a man, a proven incompetent, who last July had no qualms in financing his marital problems using public funds to the tune of Euro 13,000 a month for the next three years or more.

  13. Xejn sew says:

    Allow me to start with the first attakk fahxi fuq il-minestru minn taghna.

    Compare this picture


    with this


    and this


    Yep, Conrat is a dead ringer for Gonzo the Muppet.

  14. Xejn sew says:

    And another attakk fahxi, if I may.

    Where does someone whose wife prefers to live a million miles away in one of the most polluted cities on earth rather than stay with her husband get off calling others Georgie Porgie?

    Georgie Porgie, Puddin’ and Pie,
    Kissed the girls and made them cry,
    And after marrying him they cry and Sai,
    And off to Beijing they go, bye bye.

  15. Natalie says:

    Everyone was surprised when they learnt that Konrad Mizzi has a wife. We all thought he had a boyfriend instead.

    Of course, nobody is really happy that Konrad has a wife because of her state-financed return to her country to do a phantom job.

    • anthony says:

      Natalie you seem to know something I don’t know.

      If I am eventually expected to also support a boyfriend to the tune of thirteen thousand euros per month then I will call it a day and put an IED inside this moron’s cavernous mouth.

  16. Louis says:

    He is truly a Con rat.

    • KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

      Louis I quite agree. Many spell it with a ‘C’ notably the late Conrad Hilton and a dyslexic like me could easily spell it Con Rat. Well I hope not we don’t want the Chinese contract up our backside do we?

  17. Foggy says:

    I am surprised that Mr Speaker did not rebuke Konrad Mizzi immediately he used the derogatory term “Georgie”.

    In the House of Commons the Speaker would have sat on the minister at once and, if he persisted, would have ordered him to exit the chamber.

    It really is about time that this Speaker remembers that he is a servant of the whole House and that he must protect all members of whatever political hue when subjected to crass, childish and spiteful behaviour such as that shown by this overgrown schoolboy and erstwhile Minister of Energy.

    To borrow a phrase – shame on you, Mizzi.

  18. Steve says:

    There was always something odd about this Konrad fellow but lately he has shown his true colours.

    How can he be considered as credible when he tries to shift his own shortcomings onto other people? That is what a ten year old would normally do.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      There’s nothing especially odd. He’s just one of a longish list of people born with a silver spoon in their mouth who can’t believe their own luck. It tends to make grown men behave like schoolboys.

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