Leave him, desperate ladies. He wants to stay on the shelf with all the other canned goods.
October 3, 2014 at 7:27pm
I see that the President of the Law Commission is still busy uploading on Facebook what he clearly thinks of as ‘good’ photographs of himself, to bask in the admiring and semi-literate comments of desperate aging women and men with few brains.
Very dignified.
Insecure teenagers do this sort of thing, not confirmed bachelors who are well into middle age and who hold official ‘grace and favour’ appointments (Silver Stick in Waiting to the Queen, anyone?) with the government.
If I were the President of the Law Commission, I would ring his admirer Charlene at once. She strikes me as being someone who shares his passion for cocks.
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Jozef, your take on that bedroom décor. Please.
OK, I am not Jozef, but, in Jozef’s style, it’s like “where almond bosoms meet hames posti ruzarju.”
“Almond bosoms”.
You have just made literary history.
Putting it diplomatically, birds of the same species tend to flock together.
Oh, and welcome back
Isabella Attard ara ma tintaqax ma xi klandestini franc ;;;;;;;
September 14 at 8:23am
Leli Bartolo Tajba gbin
September 14 at 8:57am
Paul Fava Good picture Dottore, you look in great shape!!
September 14 at 9:54am
Joanne Cutajar Can I come no prob I can drive::)) Nice one Dott!!
September 14 at 10:38am
look here = http://www.escorteurope.net/escort/elleni-689.html
Recommended title for the President of the Law Commission’s next book with haiku pojims: Almond Bosoms.
With a special introductory dedication by the Chairman of the Constitutional Convention to Charlene:
“Sabih tkun Gakbin,
Fil-Parlament, teatrin
‘Hu go fik,’ Charlene.”
Is that 11 syllables?
five, seven and five: Well done.
But it rhymes, which makes it a Westernised haiku.
Taht Santa Rita
Fuq l-altar tal-lussurja
Mal-Qalb ta’ Gesù.
Jidden tliet darbiet
Kummissarju tal-Ligi
Nice man with cute face
Pupu, definitely. Nice man? I’m not to sure about that.
Nice face: de gustibus non est disputandum.
I also see similarities in this young “lady” and the other “lady” Mr. Debono frequented a while back – the junk yard pussycat.
It’s so good to have you back Daphne!
Dan bis-serjeta jew?
It gets better….that’s a man, trust me. Missed you.
Oh My Oh My
Charlene is a ‘Massage Therapist’ from Valletta. She offers her ‘Happy Endings’ after a session.
Why is it that Malta’s Commissioner is again responsible for for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs. Is this healthy? Can some one please explain how it works?
Charlene? Or Charlie?
So now he’s into transexuals (or the other way round!) !
Nice pic of Charlene with St Rita.
Complete with a ‘Divine Mercy’ framed picture, skirted by a set of rosary beads, and a small ‘San Pawl’ in the lower right-hand corner.
How’s that for attracting all kinds of clients!
No wonder the saint from Cascia is known as ‘Santa Rita tal-Impossibbli’.
Is anyone aware that Charlene is in fact a post op transexual?
[Daphne – I think that much is obvious. But why is it relevant?]
Meglio soli che male accompagnati.
Welcome back, dear lady. Much missed.