Malta slips down 6 places in World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2014

Published: October 8, 2014 at 11:25pm

Read it here: World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2014 – Malta

12 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    It is time to get rid of the Malta Labour Party as the governing political party. They are not up to the task, it is as simple as that.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Were they ever?

      • ken il malti says:

        Some people actually believed they could be up to the task and naively voted for them, enough for them to win the election.

        This is the Obamazation of Malta, all show and no substance.

        Things get from bad to worse but it is never the fault of the ruling political party.

        Sprinkling fairy dust only gets them so far, their hyperbole is finally seen as the lies it really is, in a short time.

  2. Rosie says:

    Yes , sure , go tell that to the 167000 something geniuses who voted for them . Rahhasilna d-dawl hi , kollox fuq ir-rubini .

    • M says:

      And what about the upcoming wage increase? Goodness, I am so excited I can’t decide what to do with all that extra cash in my pocket!

      Wait, perhaps I can buy the antacids I need everytime I read about local meritocracy and shady alliegencies in action and my ulcer plays up. Nah, checked with the pharmacist, the extra dosh won’t cover that.

    • just me says:

      Many people are complaining that their electricity bills are actually higher than before.

      • Kerry says:

        In 20111/2012 I had an external leak, after which my meter was changed to a smart meter.

        They tried to charge me for the repair, but my lawyer said it was their charge. He was right.

        There was a 4000euro agreed-to adjustment downwards to be made to the bill already then. This was in 2012. This hasn’t yet been effected.

        In 2014 with no occupation of the property meanwhile, the bill is now at 16,000euro.

        The original adjustment was never effected, despite several requests for this to be finalised.

        My complete disbelief at the new bill has revealed that my file is effectively: “on someone’s desk.” Previously that someone was “my superior,” “the manager,” “the director.”

        Just as I’d thought all along – there are those who were singled out for attention, both in their favour – as with the smart metre scandal – and in their prejudice – as in my case – from well before the 2013 elections.

  3. Kevin says:

    On the subject of cancelling the Local Elections, one Times regular posts the following:

    Mark J. Magri • 11 hours ago
    In Malta there is no need of elections either general or councils ones……we need only one stable government like The Labour rule the country forever!
    One captain is enough to keep the ship moving ahead rather than two or more!
    So is our country!

    Now, I’m off to hack (or ‘heck’) my head off.

    • observer says:

      Miktuba minn cuc fost ic-cwiec.

      Singapore – or, better still, Bejing – style democracy seems so acceptable to this utter idiot….. and so many others like him it seems.

  4. kev says:

    Where does it say Malta dropped 6 places? The 2014-2015 report (which is the one you’re reproducing) mentions no movement. Malta’s ranking stands at 41. It was at 47 in the GCI 2012-2013.

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