Malta Today, 11 January 2013: “Labour leader says he would be ready to resign as Prime Minister if energy plan fails”

Published: October 20, 2014 at 9:14pm

Miriam Dalli Malta Today Muscat resignation

This is from a report in Malta Today, dated 11 January 2013, on proceedings in the Labour Party’s campaign tent. The reporter was most certainly not biased against Joseph Muscat or Labour, because it’s Miriam Dalli (not the MEP), who has a transparently embarrassing crush on Kurt Farrugia, head of government communications.


“At the same time I am a bit worried. I don’t expect everyone to agree with us and we welcome criticism and proposals. But then the finance minister said this plan is going to be a failure… And that is why I worry: because Tonio Fenech is an expert in failures,” the Labour leader jibed.


Marco Cremona described the energy plan as “interesting” and that it had “shocked” people. “The proposal met all expectations and the proposal seems to be professional and detailed,” he said.


Cremona argued that the plan was “essentially a risk” of the Labour Party and not of the country. He said that if the plan failed, it would not only reflect badly on a Labour government but on Joseph Muscat as Prime Minister. “I expect that if the plan failed, Muscat would then have to resign as Prime Minister,” Cremona said, to which Muscat replied “yes”.

Muscat added that he was putting himself on the line because he was sure his plan would work.

24 Comments Comment

    • ciccio says:

      “He has said that he will be taking personal responsibility for this project. I think what this means is that he would resign,” Dr Cremona said.“That’s right,” Dr Muscat replied.

    • ciccio says:

      This one is by Kurt Sansone, so we have got to believe it. It explains what Labour’s energy plan is all about:

      “Labour announces its plan to cut utility bills
      – €370m scheme to convert Delimara power station to gas

      Labour yesterday unveiled a detailed €370 million plan to convert the Delimara power station to a gas-fired plant, which it says will lead to an average 25 per cent reduction in utility bills.

      Launched on the second official day of the electoral campaign, Labour announced that it would complete the project within a two-year timeframe and effect savings for private households next year.”

      So Labour’s plan was a Eur 370 million project to have a gas-fired power plant in Delimara “which it (Labour) says will lead to an average 25% reduction in utility bills.”

  1. Charles Theuma says:

    Oh the irony… Now it’s no longer a cancer generating factory as when Labour came into power.

    They have changed it into a rainbow generating machine powered by domesticated unicorns.

  2. Edward says:

    I think I’ve finally understood what Muscat’s master plan for Malta has been: he wants to turn Malta into the battery of the Mediterranean by getting the Chinese to generate our power, which we then sell on to the rest of the Mediterranean, giving China power not only over Malta, but also of southern Europe and North Africa.

    • Rosie says:

      We might sell it but at a lower price than the cost of generating it , VIVA L-LABOUR

      • canon says:

        We ,the local consumers, will be subsidizing the energy that is exported. It will be something similar to the Air Malta flights Malta-London-Malta and London-Malta-London.

    • ciccio says:

      Yepp, that’s why he said Malta, Energija Pozittiva. It’s like saying Malta: Your Duracell of the Mediterranean.

      He will eventually expropriate the entire Marsaxlokk area, build several 200MW powerstations, and bring in all the sister ships of the LNG Gemini: the LNG Aquarius, the LNG Taurus, the LNG Aries, the LNG Pisces, the LNG Leo, the LNG Virgo and the LNG Cancer – oh no, that one no actually – into the Marsaxlokk harbour.

  3. ken il malti says:

    Jo’s next promise to the Maltese people will be strike a deal with Libya to use its vast desert to let us place there many thousands of square miles worth of Chinese made photo-voltaic cells.

    This will provide Malta with all the clean electricity it ever it will need, transported to Malta via Nikola Tesla wireless power distribution technology.

    He is still working out with his advisors of what to do when the sun goes down.

  4. ciccio says:

    “The gas plant itself would be provided by Siemens and the gas would be procured from Shell.”


    What happened to Socar?

  5. AE says:

    Don’t let them take this off the agenda. Watch as they use every trick possible to deflect and create other issues to push this out of sight. We mustn’t let them and must keep calling him what he is:


    [see definition of the phrase in the Urban Dictionary
    “Liar Liar Pants On Fire is a phrase that children like to scream at each other whenever they think the other is lying. They also like to scream it at adults who tell them stories about fairies. It is an overall stupid thing to say, since if your pants actually caught on fire when you lied, more politicians would be dead.”

  6. curious says:

    Only yesterday morning, Joseph Muscat solemnly told us that they were ‘not going to blame others’ but will only debate and outline their energy plan.

    Then this evening in parliament we get strong attacks against Lawrence Gonzi and George Pullicino. Shows you how cornered they are.(Needless to say they got Varist, the expert, to do part of the job.)

    Shame on you all.

    • Tabatha White says:

      How weak and insignificant Joseph Muscat is.

      Has he no sense of honour?

      His parents, as good as they may be, have raised the most disgusting stinky turd to hit the political scene since Mintoff, Lorry Sant and Patrick Holland.

      What a total embarrassment to the whole notion of being Maltese.

      Another thing, I didn’t study my life long, with sacrifice after sacrifice to have this creep sneak along and do a Kasco on Malta.

      There is no rule of law operative in Malta if the supposed Government itself has flaunted it since elections, but worse still, has flaunted it to get itself elected.

      This Government has no standing in my eyes.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Why was Kasco using Super One premises to store HIS stocks of sugar even AFTER the elections?

        Why did this sugar then go to More supermarkets if there was no link between Ryan Schembri and Keith Schembri?

        Can Keith Schembri prove that his deals and Ryan’s did not finance the LP election to Government?

        Did the double hull ship seized in Libya, and bought by Ryan Schembri for over 5 million – that was smuggling diesel (buying for 18 cents and selling for 1 euro) – get returned to Keith Kasco by the Libyans?

        Was this or Ryan Schembri’s whereabouts or the sale of repackaged Chinese/ Brazilian Meat as Halal by Schembri in Libya on the agenda of the Libyan arrival yesterday?

        Keith Schembri is going to have to give a huge stock of passports to extracate himself from this mess.

        It may have already been a done deal, and these were here merely for the pick-up.

        Where is the money for these passports going?

        Keith Schembri lied big-time when he said there’s no connection to his cousin Ryan’s operations.

        Saviour Balzan himself knows how difficult it was to get ANY information from ANYONE on this story.

        ALL barriers were up.

        However, the sugar deals are proof enough, not only of the connection to his cousin, but of the connection of the whole of Ryan Schembri’s carefully planned illegal stash, to the Labour Party financing.

        Financing raised by classic pyramid investment scam, that had people investing first amounts of 50,000 euro and then rushing to the bank to get loans and large overdrafts on the basis of the first returns at 20/30% pocketed.

        Now these people have put everything they own on the market as fast as they could to cover their debts.

        This is what Labour is built on: a huge scam at multiple levels.

        I guess the police, upon reading this version of a report, will now have traffic blocked as they charge to investigate.

        Ara kemm jistmawna cwiec.

  7. ciccio says:

    Don’t be too hard on Konrat and Muscrat if they are experiencing delays with the power station.

    In Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe is facing the same problems with Chinese contractors.

  8. Wigi says:

    News conference by Tonio Fenech during election campaign.

    ”Mhux biss mhux fattibbli, imma jġib riskji serji miegħu” – Tonio Fenech
    it-timeframes biex tigi implimentata l-proposta Laburista mhumiex realistici — tant li qed iweghdu li jrahhsu t-tariffi sahansitra qabel ikun lest il-progett. Mill-inqas, sostna Tonio Fenech, biex jitlesta l-progett hemm bzonn hames snin, mhux sentejn kif qed jghid il-Labour.

    • anna caruana says:

      Don t want to blow your bubble but he said a lot of things.

      il madonna qeda tibki,

      electricity gimmick , hrafa ohra ta joseph.

      he would gladly sell Enemalta for one Euro

      New Parliament to cost 80 million, already spent over 90 million and counting.

      [Daphne – Oh do stop, Anna, as you are really becoming tedious now. Tonio Fenech is no longer minister of finance. The PN is no longer in government. Have the backbone to tell us what you think about the people you put into government NOW.]

  9. jaqq says:

    I remember Joseph Muscat saying in Parliament that he will resign. I also remember Dr Gonzi telling him that he is politically irresponsible to tie his political future to this project.

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