My, what a nice doormat

Published: October 3, 2014 at 7:08pm

Lovely doormat taking centre-stage there – and Malta’s ambassador to Rome has been relegated to holding the microphone like an intern or a junior aide.

I wonder whether they’d have asked a man ambassador to do the same, or whether he’d have made the ill-judged decision to oblige.


14 Comments Comment

  1. Lucifer Sam says:

    Why is this Ambassador always wearing red?

  2. Be-witched says:

    Welcome back, Ms Caruana Galizia – life was dreary without your commentary page active.

    Anyway, who or which is the doormat? The one on the ground or the one holding the microphone? How embarrassing for such a high-ranking diplomat to be holding the microphone for her other Excellence.

    • etil says:

      Where is Her Excellency’s PRO – does she not know that one does not hand a microphone to an Ambassador but arranges to have a stand-up microphone. How pathetic they all are.

    • Cikku says:

      Qabel xejn, merħba mill-ġdid. Tabilħaqq m’aħna xejn mingħajrek Daphne. Monotonija sħiħa.

      Imma dik l-EĊĊELLENZA l-president mhux xi impjegat tas-servizz ċivili! Ma’ dawk taf kif tagħmel l-arja l-ambaxxatur.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    Three’s company.

  4. Albert Bonnici says:

    It gets worse every day

  5. Gahan says:

    “Imsħu saqajkom fit-tapit qabel tidħlu, għax għadni kif ħsilt kull m’hawn.”

  6. Francis Said says:

    Is it possible that we can stoop so low, where protocol and basic PR should be the order of the day?

  7. Doormat says:

    The least she can do to make up for so many cushy jobs under Gonzi and Muscat!

    • H.P. Baxxter says:


    • stephen borg says:

      Well said. She was given a cushy job in defence matters, for which she was decidedly unfit for purpose and of which she knew zero – by a parrinu within the civil service. Remarkably for someone flying the national flag as a diplomat, she is considered as ‘very pro-US’, possibly because she is married to a US citizen. Wikileaks cables have this and more.

      Oh well. All’s well that ends well with another cushy station in Rome, with a beaming Uncle George Vella in the foreground (and Auntie Miriam Vella, also in red as it happens).

  8. kram says:

    The country is clearly going to the dogs, starting from the President’s office. Is the ambassador the new lady’s maid?

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