My, what a nice doormat
October 3, 2014 at 7:08pm
Lovely doormat taking centre-stage there – and Malta’s ambassador to Rome has been relegated to holding the microphone like an intern or a junior aide.
I wonder whether they’d have asked a man ambassador to do the same, or whether he’d have made the ill-judged decision to oblige.
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Why is this Ambassador always wearing red?
Because she is secretly Chinese.
…or possibly she now wants us all to know that she no longer likes blue. It no longer serves her to be so.
Welcome back, Ms Caruana Galizia – life was dreary without your commentary page active.
Anyway, who or which is the doormat? The one on the ground or the one holding the microphone? How embarrassing for such a high-ranking diplomat to be holding the microphone for her other Excellence.
Where is Her Excellency’s PRO – does she not know that one does not hand a microphone to an Ambassador but arranges to have a stand-up microphone. How pathetic they all are.
Qabel xejn, merħba mill-ġdid. Tabilħaqq m’aħna xejn mingħajrek Daphne. Monotonija sħiħa.
Imma dik l-EĊĊELLENZA l-president mhux xi impjegat tas-servizz ċivili! Ma’ dawk taf kif tagħmel l-arja l-ambaxxatur.
Three’s company.
It gets worse every day
“Imsħu saqajkom fit-tapit qabel tidħlu, għax għadni kif ħsilt kull m’hawn.”
Is it possible that we can stoop so low, where protocol and basic PR should be the order of the day?
The least she can do to make up for so many cushy jobs under Gonzi and Muscat!
Well said. She was given a cushy job in defence matters, for which she was decidedly unfit for purpose and of which she knew zero – by a parrinu within the civil service. Remarkably for someone flying the national flag as a diplomat, she is considered as ‘very pro-US’, possibly because she is married to a US citizen. Wikileaks cables have this and more.
Oh well. All’s well that ends well with another cushy station in Rome, with a beaming Uncle George Vella in the foreground (and Auntie Miriam Vella, also in red as it happens).
The country is clearly going to the dogs, starting from the President’s office. Is the ambassador the new lady’s maid?