Oh, so that’s where he was – hawking EU passports at the Malta High Commission in London

Published: October 8, 2014 at 10:02pm

selling passports in London

The report says that the seminar was organised by Henley & Partners – but instead of paying fancy London prices for a meeting room in a hotel or club, this private company got to use Malta House in Piccadilly f.o.c.

As for what the context means for Malta, lie down and weep: the Maltese prime minister hawking passports to businesses at Malta’s diplomatic HQ in London.

Amazing how no journalist thought to ask Alastair Campbell why his boss Tony Blair never travelled the world selling British passports to his oligarch friends and sleazy donors.

22 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    I’m entirely sure it’s not the case but more and more it looks like Muscat is in business with Henley and Partners.

    Doesn’t he have a PR person to explain to him how bad this looks?

    People are going to think he’s desperate for money and is using state property to promote his private business.

    • Spock says:

      But he is desperate for money .

    • pablo says:

      It’s about time we were asking questions about a Prime Minister who takes off every three months and becomes a travelling salesman working for Henley & Partners.

      What is the financial arrangement? Does the Malta Government receive any payment for use of our Prime Minister?

      Is our PM slowly paying off the debt owed by the Labour Party to Henley&Partners?

      Does our PM receive directly or indirectly any financial reward for working for Henley?

      • Tabatha White says:

        The Opposition still has a golden question to put before the Commissioner for Competition.

        What counts in this case is not whether the result is answered honestly, but that the question is put.

        Why the dithering?


        The gazelle is faster than the lion but ends up getting caught and eaten. Why?

        Because the gazelle hesitates and keeps on looking back, and the lion doesn’t. The lion is focused.

  2. curious says:

    He will be a key speaker at their Singapore conference at the end of this month. Joseph Muscat has become a hawker at the service of Henley & Partners.


    • Mr Meritocracy says:

      And if you look at the leaflet carefully, you’ll notice that the Government of Malta is a gold partner at that conference.

      I can’t stress how wrong this is – the GOVERNMENT, a PARTNER at a conference with an international firm.

      Malta’s name is being placed first in every Henley list.

      Makes you wonder how much they’ve bought Muscat out for.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Guzeppi il-Qahba.

  4. L.Gatt says:

    Anyone watched Otto e Mezzo on La7? They showed a clip of Muscat trailing behind Renzi, catching up with him and – judging by the expression on his face – making one of his “british humour” wise cracks. Renzi looked at him oddly and walked off, which left Malta’s Joey staring at his back with a look of mixed anger and bewilderment.

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    Would Joseph Muscat be so frantically rushing here and there, trying to sell passports, if sales were going as well as expected?

  6. Gaetano Pace says:

    Niftakar hawkers tal isfinga, il bigilla, il granita, ir-rizzi, it-tut. Niftakar ukoll li kellhom dekor bil bosta aktar mill hawker tal passaporti ghalkemm kienu bla kommixxin.

  7. Michelle Pirotta says:

    Somehow I get the feeling that this scheme is not yielding the results that the government had expected.

  8. xmun says:

    Good to know we have a salesman as prime minister

    • M says:

      We knew that when we saw him selling ice to the Eskimos in the run up to the last general elections. If he is to be crowned king of something there is no doubt that he is the deserving king of spin. BUT how many will vote out the weakest link?

  9. Malti ta' Veru says:

    I agree with most of these comments here that it is a PR job not a PM’s role. If anything there is a unit with a chairman who should be handling this.

    Somehow, I am convinced more than ever that this party was never ready for government and is certainly not capable or up to the job.

  10. Jason King says:

    It is perfectly clear that Henley & Partners which is a not a member of any external professional body and is located in a country that has very low reporting requirements was selected by the MLP so that side agreements could be arranged with the minimum amount of fuss.

    It is totally laughable that this whole exercise is described as a Individual Investment Programme when Henley & Partners are not even regulated to give financial advice. If they wanted this scheme to carry any creditability they would have selected one of the big accountancy firms. That is assuming if they wanted to be associated by such a scheme.

    The people are wondering why Malta has become internationally a less attractive place to invest in, when we have a Prime Minister working as a part time salesman for a unregulated company that clearly states it is selling citizenship. What international image does this portray of a country when its PM is happy to sell passports?

    • M says:

      I am afraid I would have said ‘shameful’ rather than ‘laughable’ because losing face internationally is no laughing matter. Ask all those old enough to remember how people avoided mentioning where they were from and put jackets on their passports so that they would not be associated with the despicable antics of the then prime minister.

  11. daffid says:

    How much does Tony Blair charge for a speech? .. In €k.

    Perhaps that’s the payoff arrangement…all in a day’s work!

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