“We invited you, but…”

Published: October 8, 2014 at 7:39am

president invitation

There’s been a staff stampede at the President’s Office, and the results are beginning to show. Invitations for a reception in London held on 15 September were received on 24 September.

I’m trying to work out how this could have happened? Were some people selected for late invitation? “Ooops, we’re sorry – we invited you ta, but the post is terrible.”

Or do the new staff at the President’s Office not know that invitations of this nature are supposed to be RECEIVED three weeks ahead of the event?

The post from Malta to London takes just three days. So even if the invitations were posted in Valletta, rather than by the Malta High Commission in London, it’s difficult to see what happened here.

18 Comments Comment

  1. pablo says:

    Backdated invitations are so cute. Just think how useful they will be in time with the new LNG Tanker Power Plant grand opening ceremony in 2017. Under Labour, even history is backdated to allow for anyone with an imagination to backdate his EU vote to “Yes”.

  2. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Planning…or the absence of any form of planning….doing things as if this were some local social club instead of in the professional way. But the is the problem with these people, instead of treating everything professionally…whether it is the local social club or the OPR …the just choose the easy way out…business as usual…once an amateur always an amateur..at least, they are constant here, I’ll give them that!

    • Calculator says:

      Please, running the country professionally and efficiently would mean they would have to be fair, transparent, accountable and avoid nepotism. With Labour that’s currently a non sequitur.

  3. canon says:

    I hope that the expense of the reception is not from the account of the Community Chest Fund.

  4. etil says:

    Good excuse to leave out non-Taghna Lkollers.

  5. Nathalie says:

    We are being governed by the commonest of common.

  6. verita says:

    the great majority of the president’s staff are new to all protocol and have no idea how to go about etiquette, and normal procedures

  7. Professionalism, or at least, a disposition to be ready to admit that one needs to learn about a job before embarking on it, is unknown among upstarts.

  8. Cikku says:

    Hekk hu kif qed tgħid int verita. Il-ħażin hu li lanqas jippruvaw jitgħallmu anzi jikkonvinċu lilna nagħmlu dak li jridu huma u kif jaqbel lilhom anke jekk ngħidulhom li l-affarijiet ma jmorrux hekk… jagħmlu ta’ rashom u minħabba li hemm il-president fin-nofs, u l-president skont huma hekk trid, ikollna nbaxxu rasna u addio l-protokol. Bilkemm ma jgħidulnix li qed niffissaw.

    • observer says:

      X’jigifieri inbaxxi rasi ghaliex “il-president (skond huma) hekk trid”?

      Baqax, ukoll! Mela l-president ghandha xi dritt “hekk trid”?

      It-tfal bla kontroll jghidu “hekk irrid”!

  9. Tabatha White says:

    Aren’t such invitations issued first via diplomatic pouch and then on location?

    Is anyone surprised that RCC had to issue instructions for EVERYTHING?

    Rather disciplined and correct than everything in free-fall.

  10. Foggy says:

    The staff responsible for sending the invitation were probably demonstrating their British work ethic if Joseph Muscat is to be believed. Welcome back.

  11. chico says:

    The caterer must have done pretty well. So many invitations, and so many no shows. I wonder if he had inside information?

  12. michael seychell says:

    I feel certain that the President will be shocked when she realizes that the invitations arrived so long after the reception.

    Having said this I can assure her Excellency that I was much more shocked and shaken when in her time as an MLP high official, I was attacked by a bunch of thugs/criminals at the GWU, and had it not been for the prompt action taken by the security officer, I would not be here today to write this comment.

  13. Il-Verita says:

    Mela George Azzopardi raqad jew? Nsomma dak jibda xi haga u ma jafx jispicca…. Back dated invites, classic.

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