Starved by his nutritionist…

Published: October 7, 2014 at 8:33pm

…the Police Minister sizes up a tasty priest for a quick snack, failing which he will eat Codruta’s over-sized handbag.

snacking on priest

15 Comments Comment

  1. nollop says:

    Perhaps Corduta is carrying some sandwiches and a fizzy drink for Manuel.

  2. one of us says:

    Can some kind soul please take care of Codruta – her hair, makeup, clothes and handbags.

  3. edgar says:

    Nollop, no she took a big bag so that she can fill it up with the left overs.

  4. Meshallveryhappy says:

    A couple of comments on the subject matter of this photo – the mobile home not the minister for criminals or his sound technician.

    1. Since when do we consider a trailer placed bang in the middle of a town as an appropriate police station. In marsascala there are an ample number of appropriate properties that can be rented and used as a temporary (if that is the intention) police station. We had a government that worked hard to get rid of caravans, now we have idiots that think that caravans are ideal as police stations. Imma ffrankajna. Il kera gholja!

    2. The word in Marsascala is that the trailer being used as a temp police station was actually received in Malta to be used by irregular immigrants as temporary housing. Can anyone confirm this? If that’s the case SKANDLU. Apparently when it was delivered at it current location it still had the old signage!

  5. Tal-Malja says:

    Can someone tell us what’s the blessing for?

    What is Bag-Ruta doing there?

  6. Min Jaf says:

    Given the stark resemblance between them, Manuel Mallia is sizing up the priest as a potential diversionary security double, same as Saddam Hussien and Muammar Gaddafi used to do.

  7. Gahan says:

    That’s the kind of bag shoplifters use.

  8. david25 says:

    While the minister blossoms, his wife looks so thin…

  9. canon says:

    The blessing of the cubicle by the priest was ridiculous to say the least. He should never have accepted to officiate that kind of ceremony.

  10. Gaetano Pace says:

    Grief !!! reminds me when I was about eight years old and ran errands for mum. It was then, over fifty eight years ago that I learned to distinguish between a gewlaq, a handbag, a portmonee, bixkilla, curniena, barzakka. Nostalgia comes to mind and heart for the dear old gewlaq when I see that type of blue bag. The good old faithful gewlaq that used the carry all sorts from rationed issues to milk, veg and bread. it used to carry the ful cicri and karawett sold by the kejla.

  11. Maltri says:

    The police minister is eyeing the free holy water in the Aspergillum, and Corduta is ready to take the jerrycan out from her bag.

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