Taghna Lkoll exemptions from double-yellow-line regulations

Published: October 22, 2014 at 6:11pm

police parking 1

police parking 2

This police officer not only failed to give tickets to the Taghna Lkoll cars parked on the double yellow line at the top of St Paul’s Street just outside the Prime Minister’s Office, but he did the same. He dumped his bike on the lines and went off. I’m told he was spotted having coffee with a lady friend in a cafe in the square.

8 Comments Comment

  1. lunarossa says:

    This morning, I flew back to Malta from Rome with Air Malta.

    Malta Freeport Corporation’s CEO, Aaron Farrugia, was at the boarding-gate. We started boarding and he was in front of us. He gave the gate agent his boarding card and she immediately told him: “Sorry sir, but this is an Air Malta flight and not an Alitalia one.”

    He stood there, dazed and confused, while she repeated that. Then without saying a word he moved away and slowly went off to search for the Alitalia gate.

  2. This contemptuous attitude to law and order from those who are expected to give a good example, is at the root of much of what is wrong with this island, and it is getting worse under this administration.

  3. Disillusion says:

    Arrogance? Or what?

    This is the result of the standards and the attitude being applied by people in power, who are influenced and follow the Ministers (primarily of the Police), who should be “leading by example” and respect the law to the full.

    If it was poor Mr Citizen, God help him.

  4. Etienne Calleja says:

    Art 79 of LN 128 of 1994 (MVR) exempts the Police from the observance of these regulations.

    • Angus Black says:

      Were the other cars exempt as well?

      Are police exempt when on duty or when they drink coffee with some female friend?

  5. Silvio Farrugia says:

    So if I were to do the same as an example will I be able to complain in court that there are two laws in this country ? For tal-Klikka and one for the tax payers ?

  6. Enrico Lapira says:

    Every day at about 7.00am, two or even sometimes four traffic policemen are seen having coffee at 77 Snack Bar on Sliema Road, Gzira while the roads and streets in all Malta are full of traffic chaos.

    Discipline has to start from the very top. The police commissioner should take note.

  7. Gee Dee says:

    What a real bright spark we have as CEO of Malta Freeport. He can’t even distinguish between boarding gates with the names writ large.

    And this guy is already campaigning as a PL candidate for the next general election. He could be a future minister.

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