Team PL – who’s going to write the script?

Published: October 20, 2014 at 1:53pm

carmen ciantar 1

Carmen Pullicino Orlando, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Mariella Mifsud

Jeffrey and Carmen Pullicino Orlando wedding

Jeffrey Carmen and daughter enter Castille

Lara Boffa Jeffrey Pullicino

Lara Boffa billboard

jeffrey pullicino 1

jeffrey pullicino carmen ciantar

Carmen Ciantar and Konrad Mizzi

20 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    Who said that life during a MLP administration is not exciting? Normality during successive PN administration was so boring. We needed a thrill.

  2. Manuel says:

    A ‘staff reporter’ from Times of Malta would do a great job.

  3. Mariella ta' Hal Ghaxaq says:

    Fortunately Godfrey Farrugia’s wife isn’t also a Labour MP or Labour Party activist, because six of them in the mix instead of just five would be a little TOO complicated.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    “Real-life stories! Real people! Real drama!” Sounds like a trailer for a trashy reality show.

    Except that the Prime Minister has abandoned reality a long time ago; only the trashy part is left.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’m confused.

  6. Ginu says:

    Jidher li jhobbu l-pastizz.

  7. M.Spiteri says:

    It’s like watching spoilers from a new soap opera. They did learn a few lessons from the 80s, but who would have believed they even took Dallas and Dynasty to heart.

  8. chico says:

    For Christ’s sake can somebody please post the link to

  9. Wilson says:

    I guess JPO has finally found his vocation in life, as a plangonologist rather than a dentist.

  10. Jozef says:

    Wonder how the then Miss Boffa was so high that night.

    Bawzer Hara was all over the place as well.

  11. mf says:

    ‘Ghax hawn bzonn ta’ bidla fid-direzzjoni’

    Issa mhux minn quddiem biss, anke minn wara.

  12. freedom5 says:

    Dunno, but this Lara Boffa really comes across as some dumb bimbo.

  13. Abram Gallo says:

    I am an expert in nut jobs. I’ll write the script for you.

  14. Joe Fenech says:

    This is pure Commedia dell’Arte.

  15. Peritocracy says:

    Dalwat fuq TVM:

    DAR TAL-KARTI – Mhabba, Loghob, Pastizzi

    Teledramm politiku taht direzzjoni ta’ Frederick Testa,

  16. Rita Camilleri says:

    Come on Baxxter – we need a storyline here please. You’re the best at these.

  17. Xejn Sew says:

    I like Godfrey Farrugia’s first sentence in the first video most. There he is all po-faced expressing concern at our loss of ethics and values.

    Presumably leaving your wife and children for a ‘more exciting girl’ is both ethical and moral.

    You have to love the Maltese: they have zero self awareness.

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