Thank you, tattoos

Published: October 29, 2014 at 1:07am


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That’s views, not individual people, I hasten to add. The Nationalist Party now knows how to win an election: brainstorm around the subject of tattoos.

Some ideas:

– Tattoo the party leader

– Hold a Tattoo Convention

– Get a tattoo artist to design a new emblem

– Have tattooed guest speakers at its next general council

– Set up a tattoo parlour on the ground floor at Dar Centrali

– Engage tattooed lesbian as PA to party leader

– Beat LGBT Labour at its own game with Tattoo PN and call it that, NOT Ghaqda Nazzjonalisti Bit-Tpingija

– Put forward a couple of tattooed candidates and create a big fuss around them

– Start an evening talk show on NET hosted by a youngish person with both tattoos and brains

– Have the party leader pictured with at least two tattooed people, preferably one of each gender, at all public appearances

– Forget the girls with mikes at PN talking-shops: go to Carina’s model agency and pay to hire a couple of good-looking tattooed men in their 20s

– Party leader to be filmed or photographed casually holding Tattoo Magazine while walking his dog

– Party leader visits tattoo parlours to speak about their problems

– Party leader fetches up at parliament driven in famous Jaguar with TATTOOIST number-plate (this is an actual car)

Add your suggestions below – and I’m not joking about all of the above.

63 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Jozef knows you’re not joking. But that’s because design is his métier.

  2. Peppa Pig says:

    Get the shadow minister of culture and arts to have a tattoo done where it can be seen.

  3. Kapxinn says:

    Every tesserat gets a Simon Busuttil portrait tattood for free. Any size, any place. Smiling, frowning, gazing or pouting.

  4. ken il malti says:

    A Maori haka at the entrance of Valletta perhaps ?

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    On papers use it as a homonym as ” hemm bzonn Tattoo kollox ghan- Nazzjon” or “Tattoo semkhom ghal- partit”.

  6. A. Charles says:

    If one adds more suggestions to the above, they might lead to an overkill.

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    Henna ‘lina, Mulej !

  8. observer says:

    The height of tattoo art – right down to the depths of the arse.

  9. Marie says:

    I think that very indirectly you have stumbled across one of the key differences splitting society in Malta.

    There are those who think that tattoos are a work of art etc and there are those who think that tattoos should not be visible at least at the workplace – do whatever you like (if you have a good body) on your own time.

    It could well be that young people flocked to Labour because it obviously gives the impression that persons with tattoos are very welcome whilst the Nationalist Party still associates tattoos with the British Navy.

    • tinnat says:

      I’m afraid that in recent years tattoos have become attractive to all strata of society in Europe. Gone are the days when you can classify someone with a “smallish” tattoo as a hamallu.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Gypsies, prisoners, sailors and prostitutes.

  10. Liberal says:

    Promise that you will make tattoos tax-free, or better still, government subsidised.

    • ciccio says:

      Sinjuri tal-Labour, mhux ahjar tippublikaw dawk il-kuntratti tal-pawer stejxin?

      Jaqaw tridu tattooo x-xemx bl-gharbiel?

      Jew forsi tridu ‘tatttoo s*rmk*m’?

  11. il busu says:

    Il-Mument came out with a ‘scoop’ over the weekend about the exploitation of Chinese workers at a clothing factory in Malta that’s been going on for years.

    I believe the many implications in this case are very serious.

    So why are the unions (especially GWU) and Times of Malta so silent on this issue?

    Is it a case of them trying hard to avoid ‘harassing’ important people?

    I wonder.

  12. Manuel says:

    I would suggest that George Pullicino exposes a tattoo of Cyrus on his belly. That might get him some attention.

  13. zz says:

    Now Joseph will do all the above.

  14. il- bobby says:

    Get Frank Psaila to write an article for Saviour’s newspaper: ‘PN has to learn from the ethics behind tattoos’.

  15. Disillusioned says:

    The PN PN slogan: We’re Inked.

    A mobile tattoo parlour or tent at PN mass meetings, with offerti specjali.

  16. La Redoute says:

    Do a Cyrus Engerer and court the attention of ‘hurt’ tattooed individuals with hair dyed in outrageous colours who feel they are unfairly at a disadvantage because of their self-selected appearance.

    • Liberal says:

      Excellent observation. I do have tattoos, but I had the good sense of putting them where they can be easily covered when the occasion requires it.

  17. Wilson says:

    This island went from not employing people with tattoos to every Tom, Dick and Harry having one. Just goes to show that it really has gone to the dogs. No one ought to be surprised that Labour got voted in, decency is not cool for the Malts.

  18. AE says:

    My guess is that it is the Prince that is the pull factor here. The prince in the company of tattoos.

    Let’s make it clear that it is not Kelly Vero that people are interested in. She would think it is that. But the brass neck of inviting people like her to meet the Prince.

    A bet Buckingham Palace will be a lot more discerning when they receive invitations from the government of Malta now. How embarrassing.

  19. PWG says:

    “Daphne Daphne, Kenneth will never vote for the PN again and it is all your fault!”

  20. Lizz says:

    Get a tattoo of the road map inked on your chest, back or arse.

  21. dutchie says:

    Party leader initiates the “tattoo-yer-genitals” challenge to support a free transgender surgery fund.

    Try piercings too.. I’m sure they’ll score well.

  22. Pier Pless says:

    I refer to the invitation list of the Independence celebrations reception at the Upper Barrakka. What Michelle Muscat did, with the blessing of the PM, is offensive to the Maltese people. One would have thought that government puts forward the best of what Malta represents to meet Prince William. It could be senior politicians; or renowned representatives of Maltese culture, arts, sports and academia; or maybe representatives of civil society. Instead Michelle Muscat put forward her friends/advisors namely her make-up artist, dressmaker, hairdresser, dietician and a convicted criminal with a two-year suspended prison sentence. Are these the best people to represent Malta?

    It was offensive to the people for another reason. Past national representatives of the people, namely former Presidents and former Prime Ministers, were excluded.

    I also think it was offensive to Prince William. I am sure he would have preferred to meet people with whom he could engage in conversation on culture, the arts, academia, sports or society in general.

    What exactly did Cyrus Engerer discuss with the Prince? How to backstab your way to the top? How to retain the PM’s endorsement in spite of a criminal conviction?

  23. george mizzi says:

    ara veru li pajjizna sar pajjiz tal-annimali (b’apologija kbira lill-annimali) u mhux ta’ bnedmin civilizzati. Kemm ghad iridu jishtu z-zmien li twebblu jaghmlu dak il-hmieg ma gisimhom u issa ma jistax jigi kkancellat. U jridu jghidu li ahna ghadna lura? Ahna nies b’mohhna f’postu u m’ghandniex bzonn tpingija biex nidhru sbieh. Cwiec u imbecilli li jhallsu l-flus biex juru kemm huma hamalli u jahsbu li huma biss ghandhom mohh miftuh! u halluna.

  24. Ruby says:

    Is that Franco Debono in the picture?

  25. simca says:

    Hi Daphne

    What is your email address?

    [Daphne –]

  26. Tal-Malja says:

    Sex, drugs and tattoos.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      You know, you may laugh, but this is what life is all about. Unless political parties want a huge gulf to develop between them and the people (and the gulf is there – we no longer believe that the aim of politics is to improve people’s lives), they must know what drives us, and talk about it, and make it their own.

      Sex is what life is all about. It is, after all, all about the continuation of the species.

      Drugs is what we do in life for recreation. Because man wasn’t born to spend his life in an office cubicle.

      Tattoos is what we draw to make a point aesthetically, or ot make an aesthetic point. Because there is something called Beauty, which has been banned from the political vocabulary.

      Who was it that said “Truth is beauty”? I can’t remember. But he was right.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Tattoos and taboos.

      Now both are in.

      What’s changed?


      The greater majority of prisoners worldwide have a signature tattoo that’s done in jail.

      This is made from the collected condensation of burnt plastic bottles and then injected with anything pointed. Colour and style are particular.

      It’s a world over thing, too.

      Easy for one club member to recognise another – it’s generally in a discreet enough place to be instantly visible.

    • Manuel says:

      I won’t bet on it. I have serious concerns that someone from the Police Force or from the Labour-MLP camp, gave the factory management heads up before the police raid.

      Why didn’t the previous PN administrations investigate this factory? Was the PN maybe aware that both the PL and the GWU were directly involved in the running of this factory? Do we know if the Labour Party and/or the GWU have shares in this factory?

      These are some questions journalists should be asking.

  27. La Redoute says:

    The Ta’ l-Isnobby sisters were a huge draw too. But they’re a lost cause to the PN.

  28. Skandlu oxxen says:

    During the past few weeks I’ve seen several comments in this blog that tell me that Labour has many skeletons in its closet. I’m sure you have received comments which you could not publish. I’m also sure that in the next months or perhaps years we’ll get to know things about several Labour MPs that will put things like the clock given to a PN minister into perspective. This is because the clock event was such a ludicrous non event and will become even more so when we see what some Labour MPs are getting up to. Some of the things which will be uncovered will paint a very different picture of some of the MPs who like to project an image of perfect family men.

  29. Maqqu de Boo says:

    Recite the Wendy joke ad nauseum.

  30. White coat says:

    China is all about corruption. It is built on corruption which is always the resultant consequence of a tyrannical dictatorship where honest men and women are considered fools or even criminals while the political cronies enrich themselves at the expense of the poor masses.

    And of course the media are under the dictator’s control . In our case Muscat has practically taken control of the media invuding the ToM, TVM, Peppi, MT, and of course ONe and all GWU dailies and weeklies.

    Hope the blogosphere remains untouched. Obama has his eyes on the US bloggers with a proposal to shut them down during election campaigns. Muscat must be drooling over this.

  31. mo says:

    If Konrad Mizzi ever publishes the contract with the Chinese, I’ll tattoo it on my back.

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