The oracle of truth and credibility gives the Nationalist Party some advice

Published: October 26, 2014 at 4:27pm


As could be foreseen, the human equivalent of something that you might find wriggling under a stone has spoken from his oracle platform, Facebook.

Of course, we are all agog to hear what a vengeful and unstable drunk from whom two wives have fled with their things hastily crammed into suitcases, one of them after just a year, and who refused to go to a psychiatrist when those who wished him well pleaded with him to do so, has to say on the subject of correct and proper behaviour and political judgement.

And also as predicted, the drunken dentist from Wied Is-Sewda – who for some reason is also chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology, which he uses to put the women he is sleeping with, and his friends, on the public payroll – has launched what I know through personal experience will be a long and vicious campaign against David Thake and his presence on Radio 101. But sadly for this brawling drunk, he no longer has a seat in the house, still less one he defrauded people into giving him on the PN ticket.

Is it because David Thake rang Lara Blow-Jeff on air and asked her those questions? Obviously. But it’s not because Jeff is feeling protective towards Lara Blow-Jeff. It’s because Jeff is a textbook narcissist, and narcissists see those closely linked to them as extensions of themselves.

Perhaps I should tell Lara Blow-Jeff, via this blog-post, that her tacky boyfriend used to do the exact same thing when I so much as dared mention his Labour Party activist consort Carmen Ciantar. Lots of people thought he was rushing to her defence and that he was acting out of respect for her. But I had worked out somehow – call it instinct – that it was guilt talking, that he didn’t give a fig about her really, and that the increasing intensity of his outbursts and unstable behaviour the nearer his wedding date drew were directly linked to his reluctance to marry.

And in fact, Lara Blow-Jeff, despite all that drama about wanting to marry Ms Ciantar and all that screaming and screeching on the phone to people in the PN every time I mentioned her (as though they have anything to do with me, or me with them) before the year was out he was cheating on his new wife with you.

Keep him on a very short leash, my dear, and whatever you do, don’t marry him – though you’ll probably find out for yourself why not in the three years that have to go by before he can get his next divorce.

Do please drown yourself in a bottle of whisky, Jeffrey. And when you’re done and your hand is steady enough again to hold a syringe, there’s a prime minister who really needs a botox shot between his brows.

34 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    Looks like things are bothering them all.

    Who knows why?

    Perhaps their dirty secrets are out?

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    And Malta has been hijacked by a dilettante posing as an expert on science policy.

    • Jozef says:

      Dottor Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith I, II and IIi jaqla’ s-snien jekk joghgbok.

      Anke Sandro Chetcuti.

      • A. Charles says:

        There is an Italian saying which says this on dentists ” e’ uno che mangia con i denti degl’altri “.

  3. Ideas cannot be detached from the persons who promote them. This is where you cannot ignore the fact that the person who tries to give you good advice may be one who has proved himself to be most unreliable, to put it mildly. Trying to rehabilitate those who stabbed you in the back is sheer madness.

  4. gn says:

    Ooo…ha ghalih ghax David cempel lis-siehba tieghu

  5. Jozef says:

    If Jeffrey were to know that David Griscti loves David Thake’s show, what happens?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      He’d annihilate in a flash of light.

    • Tabatha White says:

      I think David Griscti will be able to breath more freely after this weekend.

      Perhaps the extra baggage will finally be put on the bonfire.

      • Jozef says:


        The way his words were distorted, and this by those who were in the room if you please, clarifies.

        It seems someone sitting at the front left in a huff the moment Griscti finished his twenty minutes.

        Quite a sport it must be said.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Do you know Jozef, I think this has enabled a process of grieving that hadn’t yet happened.

      I think the total result of what happened this weekend is excellent.

      Tough to take for the organisers, but excellent.

      Chaos can now allow the elements thrown up in the air to fall differently.

      Communication between NP supporters cannot be judged on the same standards as between one party and another.

      NP supporters are after excellence and perfection.

      They will bash and criticise until that happens. That’s because they have high standards, as opposed to having none.

      One sure thing. The weekend was far from boring and that’s thanks to the convention organised.

      Provocation is healthy.

      Now’s the time to seize and shape.

      Certainly not the time to get lost on emotions.

      I look forward to the next convention.

  6. WhoamI? says:

    Dan cheater-Jeff ukoll. Short-man syndrome first, then textbook narcissist.

  7. ken il malti says:

    This crappy person, with his whisky bottle and Earl Grey tea and his conveyer-belt women should have been weeded out of the political arena and its complimentary pig feeding trough long, long ago.

    But in Malta anything is acceptable, the screwier the better.

  8. Furjaniz says:

    Daphne, maybe Jeffrey should explain what has happened to the huge project planned for Bighi, the Interactive Science Centre.

    He was responsible for its development and I remember him boasting about it in every event organized by the MCST, yet it was due for this year and work hasn’t even started.

    • Jozef says:

      They think people on cruise liners will skip Valletta and spend their day watching his big balls rotate inside a giant egg.

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      First things, first, please’ Let us place the first stone of the new power station first.

    • ta minn jahseb says:

      Work has started there already, and there is a big gaping hole. The question to ask is, what are the plans for setting it up, as it looks to be one big mess. Well all Bighi is a mess.

  9. Malti ta' Veru says:

    These sort of life forms are not even worth talking about or writing about.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    Some will never learn. The more silent and discreet one would expect them to be, the more they open their big gob.

  11. Gahan says:

    Jeffrey who?

  12. NGT says:

    Is David Griscti’s address, which seems to have struck a chord or two with JPO et al, the new-PN’s way of distancing themselves from you and your attakki fahxija on poor little helpless LP members and activists? Do they actually believe the shit that was spun before the election that tried to link your blog to lost votes?

    [Daphne – Yes, I am the most powerful and influential person in Malta, apparently. I am so powerful and influential that, as with Yahweh, they dare not even pronounce my name. And people don’t vote because of politicians, parties and policies, but because of a blog. They don’t even understand that this is not only a deep insult to the electorate in general, but an even deeper one to themselves. Tad-disperazzjoni, ha nghidlek.]

  13. Madoff says:

    Jeffrey – guda, nittien, sakranazz u speci ta’ dentist imma izjed jithallas ghal Botox.

  14. Manum says:

    JPO nesa it teatrini li ghamel meta il partit li kien qed jikkonfoffa mieghu, sabiex meta jitilghu jkunu jistghu jwettaq l-pjan tal-Mistra, inqeda bih biex ihammeg lin-Nazzjonalisti.

    Nesa li mar bhal gurnalista jipprova jigbor giehu billi jaghmlilna recta ta’ dmugh tal-kukkudrilli. Issa jippretendi l-Partit Nazzjonalista jwaqqaf lil min qed jikxiflu l-hmieg li kull fejn imur il-hin kollu jikber.

    Ikun ahjar jistahba ghax mhux ser indumu ma nisimghu xi storja ohra mill-attrici numru 3. Ma nahsibx li ser thallih ghaddej lixx.

  15. Joe Fenech says:

    Just for the sake of clarity:

    Dr. David Griscti, AZAD Chairman, said yesterday that Nationalist bullying tactics, mud-slinging and use of multimedia to attack individuals personally [simply because they drink heavily, occupy posts they don’t deserve and fornicate with their employees] was wrong. “It’s wrong if the PN resorted to these tactics [to attack me and my mistress whom I decided to employ simply because she was the next in line on my shag list]. This is not the way you acquire [my] respect.” The days when the PN could claim the high moral ground are over [ – without me they can call it quits]. Even the party’s radio station, with its insignificant listenership [due to the entirety of the nation being tuned-in to my Facebook where they can follow my tips to spice up their commoner’s sex life], has now been hijacked by dilettantes [unlike me] posing as ‘presenters’ who are dragging it down into the mud [where had I become the party leader, the PN would still be in office]. Dr Griscti was speaking during a National Convention organised by the PN [who since losing me have got it up their bum].

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “bullying tactics, mud-slinging and use of multimedia to attack individuals personally ”

      WHAT. THE. FCVUK.?

      When did the Nationalist Party EVER do any of this? I’ve heard of self-flagellation but this goes beyond anything. This is making up nonexistent sins to beat yourself with.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        Like his lover, he walks into things (remember Boffa’s “maybe one day the PN will manage to get back on its feet”?). You would think people with so much to be quiet about would shut up.

    • mf says:

      Throw him out before it is too late.

  16. tinu says:

    Who the hell is David Griscti? Does he want us to stay mum, get blindfolded and with ear plugs blocking our ears?

    PN must counter attack the sinister moves by Joseph Muscat and his gang of thieves and scoundrels. That is the only way the PN will recover the lost support of the people.

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