Too right – and this is just a fraction of it

Published: October 26, 2014 at 8:16pm

david thake FB

11 Comments Comment

  1. Pablo says:

    And Communist China has a clothing factory that employs scores of imported Asian women on a slave labour rates of Euro 150 a month. This factory is here in Malta. Enemalta employees take note. The GWU is asleep or otherwise in a coma.

    Our future is bright, says Konrad Austin Powers.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s MCST, not MCAST, or they’ll think he’s referring to Patrick Attard.

  3. Amanda Jane says:


    • Ruby says:

      Sorry, but I don’t see the funny side it. The Maltese are getting shafted here. This is serious. These despicable actions are becoming a normal occurrence. Unacceptable in 2014 Europe.

  4. verita says:

    Jahdmu bil-prekarjat – xi tghid, Tony?

    • Charles Theuma says:

      Qed issemmi l-prekarjat… Kemm ghad hawn kuntratturi tal-gvern ihaddmu nies bill-prekarjat u lanqas il-COLA ma jaghtu?

      Lil dawn imma ma nghidulhom xejn ghax nibzghu minnhom jew nibzghu li nitilfu l-voti… Tony u Gowzef reqdin imma

  5. Gladio says:

    This Chinese form of prekarjat had the blessing of GWU as it used to represent Maltese factory workers.

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