Using its road map, the government takes a wrong turning and hits a brick wall

Published: October 14, 2014 at 10:42am

I’m sorry I have to say this, but typical Labour and a story as old as the 1970s. They think that their deals with China are done on the basis of friendship and China’s unaccountable love for tiny Malta, its historic ally in the Mediterranean, and then discover that actually, the other side is thinking in terms of a business deal that benefits mainly China.

They thought that they were going to get the Chinese dictatorship’s investment in a Maltese power station without giving a guarantee that they would actually buy the electricity produced. The usual Maltese mentality: daqs kemm ghandhom flus jistghu jaffordjaw/nisolhu minn fuq ir-regina u l-barrani.

enemalta deal 1

Enemalta deal 2

enemalta deal 3

77 Comments Comment

  1. Phili B says:

    I hope that the Opposition raises a storm about this, and hounds Muscat.

    • Steve says:

      I wouldn’t bet on that

    • chico says:

      Bir-rispett kollu, most of the members of the Opposition are of the same generation and with the same mentality as the other side, with few exceptions. Can you mention one member worth his or her salt? Go ahead.

      • carlos says:

        Chico, you are wrong. Just mention one on the Opposition benches belonging to the old generation.

    • The Opposition’s successful move to have a debate in parliament shows that they are not sleeping on this matter. I am sure that they will take full advantage of the opportunity to show the Maltese public how they have been deceived.

  2. White coat says:

    This developing situation gives more power and more leverage to Simon Busuttil to ask for Muscat’s resignation.

    There’s are no two ways about it.

    Busuttil has to carry out his duty and bear his responsibilities to the fullest as leader of the Opposition. Many thousands of people are expecting him to do what needs to be done.

    Everybody’s saying it: Open your bloody mouth.

    The Prime Minister has electoral fraud on his hands and it cannot be called by any other name.

  3. Norman Vella says:

    Kuljum b’xi aħbar fenomenali.

  4. White coat says:

    If Simon Busuttil fails to ask for Muscat’s resignation then I will have to say that he is in cahoots with him on the Chinese deal or Henley’s deal or both. It cannot be other wise. But I know he isn’t.

    • Jozef says:

      He isn’t. Not sure about everyone else.

      • xifajk says:

        Someone whispered to me that Joseph Muscat actually wants Simon Busuttil to challenge him and ask for his resignation, so that he can call an election.

        At this stage this would probably return a larger victory for Labour, while destructing the Nationalist Party financially once and all.

        [Daphne – That whisper probably came from the Nationalist Party itself, which seems not to want to challenge him. In any case, I don’t think they should challenge him to resign. Besides being a recipe for stalemate and so, bad strategy, it also lacks style and is ineffective. Cool and cutting remarks about men who fail to keep their word and who make empty promises that they cannot be trusted to keep, from now until election day, are more in order.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You’ll have to translate “cool” and “cutting”. That’s the tragedy of Maltese politics.

      • Jozef says:

        Agreed Daphne, what Busuttil can really do is to tear Muscat’s credibility to shreds.

        Not that there ever was one. But with nine seats in parliament he really sucks at executing any promise.

        There’s grumbling out there, it’s just not where the PN’s looking. Muscat isn’t at all the hardcore’s object of admiration. His bizniss suits and entourage alienating.

        Il-perit relished, was, the crowd, Sant ‘misthi’ and subghu dritt, this one daqsxejn iridha.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Everyone else includes lawyers who are happily making a profit from the passport sales scheme. In my book, this is almost in cahoots.

        On this fabled ‘strategy’ that the Nationalist Party keeps hidden from us mortals, I have to say it’s stupid in the extreme. The NP is planning to lose the 2018 election. Simon Busuttil will resign and Mario Demarco will take over. Then he will acquiesce for the next five years, and assuming Chinese funds dry up, Joseph Muscat will be voted out in 2023.

        Then what? Mario Demarco will be Prime Minister at at 59. Some prize, that is. At that age, most of us are thinking about retirement.

        Meanwhile, Joseph Muscat will have accumulated millions, allowing him to live out the rest of his life like a prince. Shiv Nair will have accumulated billions. The Strickland Foundation will be as solid as ever, and Allied Newspapers will be printing the usual drivel.

        The Chinese-built and Chinese-owned power station will have been operational for five years, spewing out carbon dioxide and pollutants, the never-completed interconnector cable will be a distant memory, and Xarabank will be in its third decade, conducted by a senile and now totally incoherent Joe Azzopardi.

        Simon Busuttil will have returned to his legal practice, making enough money to get by, but not too much, still believing in the fundamental goodness of man.

        He will occasionally visit Eddie Fenech Adami’s tomb, to place a bunch of flowers, or simply to reflect upon life. As he looks up to the sky to watch yet another Chinese JH-9 on its approach run, he may well rue the day he ever listened to his advisors selling him their strategy in 2014.

      • Tabatha White says:

        @ Baxxter

        “Everyone else includes lawyers who are happily making a profit from the passport sales scheme. In my book, this is almost in cahoots.”

        Did you see the false reasoning which said: “if we don’t do it we’ll lose customers so it’s a double whammy.”

        This is exactly on parallel with those importers under Mintoff who were told either pay the 10% per container to Patrick Holland and consortium or no import licence.

        There were many who did. And there were those who didn’t, knowing full well the effect that this would have on their business – which wouldn’t have been the end of it because “all machines were synchronised” then too, to add additional pressure on those who didn’t pay, yet still had enough creativity and vision to keep going.

        There is no double-whammy.

        There are simply principles or no principles.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        There are no principles, my dear Tabatha. There’s just Fehmiet Bazici.

      • Tabatha White says:


        Yin Yang. As old as time.

        Vice doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

        It never did.

        Principles, and the lack of them, are what makes vice possible.

        Don’t give me Fehmiet Bazici. That sounds as though it’s a concept snare. Not my mother tongue.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        It was written by “Father” Peter. Need I say more?

  5. Il-Kajboj says:

    Ouuuch … did he really throw Anglu Farrugia to her?

  6. AE says:

    What an irresponsible bunch of amateurs. They rushed off to sell off our energy assets without thinking it through.

    We’re spoilt for choice as to who is the worst cabinet minister, though Konrad Mizzi must take the biscuit as the biggest buffoon/con artist of the lot.

    Remember him before the election, like a jack-in-the-box, popping up everywhere, qisu kien jifhem f’kollox. Where is he now?

    Having said that, Joseph Muscat as prime minister is the one who has to carry the can and resign.

    He staked his political career on this, bullshitting his way through the election with all his rhetoric.

    Now he should not be permitted to weasel out of it.

    I know the PN may feel that the electorate as asked it to get out of the way, but I think the time has come for the PN to do its duty as Opposition as hold the government accountable.

    Is your honeymoon over, prime minister?

    In the meantime let’s be thankful for little mercies – maybe with Labour cocking this up as usual, perhaps Marsaxlokk will not see that dastardly LNG tanker after all.

  7. M says:

    Ah but at this point the government has its back to the wall so the likelihood of China getting what it wants is much greater.

    Will this deal dent China if it does not go through?

    What is at stake for the Labour government? You know what we say about the small fish never eating the big fish.

    Perhaps we should conduct business according to what the fortune cookies tell us from now on. As things stand we are certainly not doing it on brains.

    However we should not forget that enough time has passed for the deal with China to be milked again.

    Seeing that agreements are not made public, why not say that the Chinese are getting cold feet but that mighty mouse will swoop in and save the day.

    There are no other feats in the pipeline to boast of so we might as well recycle an old one.

    ‘Mhux fl-interess tal-poplu’ has its perks.

  8. Jozef says:

    Trying not to imagine what international observers are gathering from this.

    We may have been reading too much into it, thinking they have the basic nous.

    Seeing the other Mizzi’s mess with the Spaniards who are also dictating their terms and conditions, Spanish drivers and mechanics only, it will turn sublime sooner than we think.

  9. Beingpressed says:

    Ok… So Muscat resigns then what?

    Mallia or election?

    This roller coaster has a few more bumps, twists and turns before it’s over?

    Quite honestly I wouldn’t feel over confident PN coming back into power. They haven’t exactly cleaned up the backstage.

  10. Simon Busuttil’s task is not to ask for Joseph Muscat to resign as he promised to do, when we all know that Joseph Muscat will not keep to his promise.

    However, no harm in reminding him. Simon Busuttil’s real task is to lay bare the utter failure of Muscat’s plans, and how his promises were unrealistic and deceitful.

    This should be a message, not so much to Muscat who will dismiss any criticism, but to the electorate, especially those who were gullible enough to believe him. He could add a warning that Muscat’s intransigence in the face of reality will have serious consequences for Malta.

    • anon says:

      The days of gentlemanly politics died with the advent of social media and the resultant populism. Hand over the reins to a self-serving uncouth imbecile and the PN may stand a chance of winning the next election.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’m screaming this as I write, so I might as well use caps:


        Ignorance. Ignorance of the meaning of words. That’s where the wrongness of this entire debate starts.

        Gentlemanly doesn’t mean meek or submissive, nor does it mean hypocrisy (the Maltese sort, where we try to please our interlocutor).

        A gentleman can be forceful. He can cut down with a well-placed word. He can be quick in thought and powerful in presence.

        So let’s start using the word in the correct English way, not in the Malglish way.

        What you mean to say is that the days of policy-focussed politics are over. Now it’s about people. I disagree with that too, because politics has been about people, including their private lives (YES, MY FELLOW COUNTRYMEN, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PRIVATE LIFE WHEN YOU’RE IN POLITICS).

        What social media have done is merely to speed up information dissemination, and therefore the cognitive process, leading to a tighter OODA loop.

        I can’t be arsed to explain what an OODA loop is. Those suited lawyers at Pietà should know. And if they don’t, they need lessons. Not in politics, but in general knowledge. And life.

  11. M says:

    Wanted: a reliable cartographer to replace the resident flop. Apply at MLP. Qualifications and experience not required (that lesson has not yet been learnt). Wages plus iced buns for friends negotiable.

  12. Tabatha White says:

    Oh dear.

    Did anyone notice the Socar advertising at yesterday’s match?

  13. francesca says:

    I knew this was going to be a cock up from the beginning. Our country is being run by a useless bunch of incompetent people.

    • Manuel says:

      Our country is being run by a subtle Mafia-style administration.

      • White coat says:

        At least mafia’s are known to be competent in their dealings. This one is even incompetent in its cloak and dagger operations, let alone in doing politics according to the books.

      • Thackeray says:

        Unfortunately there is nothing subtle about this administration. Such is the scale of their electoral mandate they already feel there is no need to justify any self-serving action by any jumped-up activist with a minister behind him/her.

        Let’s hope they don’t repeat the ultimate betrayal of the people; which is that if they feel any future election becomes inconvenient as happened in the past they simply cancel it. Indefinitely.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Yes. Reporters SHOULD be at Kasco’s throat. But even this is going to be swept under the carpet.

        Until the point that everyone out there confuses profits with principle and eventually the both will depart.

        Once evil is allowed to come through the door, it’s very difficult to get it to leave. The household will have to go, before evil does. And that takes many forms.

        The IIP should never have been accepted. But once it edged itself it, once the offer was structured to implicate, it implicated.

        Less of a strong base to fight from.

        Karmenu Vella endorsed by the NP. Yeah right.

        You get weaker on the one hand and the next move, left uncountered, will again have spill over effects that weaken.

        On principle Joseph Muscat should resign.

        Instead of basing the outcome on OUR outlook, of principle, the weaker outlook is already basing it on THE PROBABILITY of his resignation, and discussing life after that. Leaving the decision entirely in Muscat’s hands.


        So scared of demanding what’s right for fear of a clash.

        Where is this country’s backbone?

        What a gutless lot.

        I’m disappointed beyond measure.

  14. anthony says:

    It is certainly not in the interests of the PN for Muscat to resign.

    He is currently their best asset unlike Busuttil who is becoming more of a liability by the hour.

    If the tempo of Muscat’s disastrous running of the country is maintained for another few years, then the PN might well be in the running to form a government as early as 2023.

    So far we have had a public transport disaster, a drilling for oil farce, a burgeoning deficit, Air Malta on the brink, a non-carcinogenic power station charade, and thousands of non-productive new jobs on the state payroll.

    Besides of course the debacle in our police force and army.

    What else can the PN ask for?

    The Malta Labour Party has taken on the role of the official opposition in absentia.

  15. curious says:

    If Enemalta is bankrupt, why are the Chinese paying three hundred million euro for 30% shareholding?

    Last year Enemalta saved some forty-five million on fuel as the BWSC plant is more efficient. How come losses were only reduced by twenty million euro? What happened to the other twenty-five million euro?

    • ciccio says:

      Enemalta was never bankrupt. It is the government of Joseph Muscat that is bankrupt, both morally and financially.

      Enemalta had – and it still has – liquidity problems. Enemalta suffers from short term cash unavailability.

      I say it still has because the sale of the Petroleum Division shows that there is an overall cash problem, and it also shows that China, with its Eur 300 million of “investment” – I call that a predatory exercise – hasn’t solved anything so far. This is so because the deal with China isn’t finalised as yet. Konrad Mizzi had pledged that the deal with China would be closed by September, but here we are in October and there is nada. Except for a big hole caused by the monthly salary of Eur 13,000 of Sai Mizzi who was supposed to be drawing Chinese ‘investment’ to Malta.

      What the Labour government is doing is playing around with the assets of the corporation, turning them into cash.

      If you like, it is the Labour government which is liquidating the corporation by stripping it off its main assets. I said it before: Joseph Muscat is an asset stripper.

      But the consequence of this course of action by the bankrupted government of Joseph Muscat is that the nation has lost the control over those assets, which in the case of Enemalta, have always been considered strategic.

  16. John Higgins says:

    Simon Busuttil indeed the whole PN should hound the PM about his resignation promise from now until kingdom come. And please Dr. Busuttil no pussy footing.

  17. Plutarch says:

    Roadmap? What roadmap? The only ‘roadmap’ Muscat had/has contains only two main thoroughfares, namely (i) huge financial backing for the ‘Moviment’, obtained through shady deals (Shiv Nair/ H&P/China/developers and many others) and (ii) a massive vote-buying campaign before the election and AFTER, pandering to the whims of myriad interest groups, and people’s selfish demands of whatever nature (list too long to mention but the latest is the installation of smart meters at Armier).

    The ultimate destination is retaining/consolidation of a 55% electoral majority, possibly more, and rendering any opposition irrelevant. We need hardly mention what this will lead to…..Golden Years revisited, minus the violence (hopefully).

  18. White coat says:

    It is the Opposition leader’s duty to demand the prime minister’s resignation in these circumstances. These dirty dealings should be called by their proper name in parliament.

    Whether Muscat resigns is not the issue, but more of a moot point. I would prefer him not to resign, thus this proof of incompetency will remain hanging round Muscat’s neck like Coleridge’s famous albatross, and if Simon Busuttil does what he is supposed to do and Muscat refuses to resign, then worse for Muscat and kudos for Busuttil.

    That should be the strategy, not actually force Muscat to go. He won’t. He’s too full of it to resign. His narcissism would not even let him understand the gravity of the situation he has landed us in.

  19. kjd says:

    There really is no need to worry. It has been reported in Times of Malta that Edward Zammit Lewis said, when answering a query from the Opposition re the Selmun Palace Hotel, that we have a government with a “hands on attitude” which delivers results.

    To list a few:

    Power station off track
    Renzo Piano project with no date for delivery yet
    China deal with EneMalta under threat
    Dismal Air Malta results
    Government borrowing is up by over Eur 400 million

    Perhaps some hands off attitude is called for.

  20. ciccio says:

    So is Joseph Muscat buying electricity from the BWSC (after its conversion to gas by China) at 9c6 per unit?

    If not, how can he say he has met his electoral promise?

  21. A VELLA says:

    I hope the government isn’t going to commit itself to buying more electricity than required, with the electorate having to pay for it indefinitely.

  22. Wilson says:

    ‘daqs kemm ghandhom flus jistghu jaffordjaw/nisolhu minn fuq ir-regina u l-barrani.’ Malta’s prime problem, even with Libya.

  23. is it an inflatable power station says:

    LIARS!! How can we believe the PM when he says that the power station will be delayed by a mere two months?

    When the cost of electricity generation fell last year from 18c per unit to 11c per unit, this was not due to a Labour power station but BECAUSE of the “cancer factory” they so opposed.

    The Opposition should blast him with this simple fact.

    Can we believe these liars on anything else? When they tell us that they are prepared for Ebola, can we believe them? Konrad Mizzi is health minister. He lied about the power station so what’s to stop him lying about that as well.

    SHAME ON YOU for treating the whole nation like a bunch of idiots.

  24. Edward says:

    Judging by this and many other problems that Labour seem to be facing/ have faced over the past two years I can only come to one conclusion: we actually have a government that thinks it can run the country on lies.

    I m not talking about spin, or PR stunts or even the typical cynical “politicians lie” cliche.

    I am talking about the type of lying that isn’t even supported by any form of truth, so much so that the usual advice to a liar “always mix in a bit of the truth to make it believable” cannot be used by the PL because there literally is no truth there.

    Perhaps if I were in China and part of the government there, I would read the PL’s newspaper and scratch my head thinking, “Do they really believe we are going to do that?” or “We haven’t actually said yes yet. That’s a dangerous game he’s playing.”

    I wonder if some of these companies involved in this and that deal are often as surprised by the headlines as we are. What on earth does Muscat think he is doing?

    This is a country, something that must run like a machine to produce actual tangible results. Sure, thinking positive helps people get through the tough times and overcome challenges, but only when there is a clear end in sight.

    In fact, it’s not thinking positive that does the trick, it’s keeping a firm eye on that destination that motivates. But I can’t see one at all. Where is Muscat taking this country?

    So far he is only focused on selling our passports to make money. He is dedicating a great deal of time towards promoting our passports, and less and less time answering our questions, often just deflecting the question, or just plain stonewalling us.

    Muscat stands in front of a group of Russian millionaires in London, with no idea where they got their money or what their reputation actually is, and sells our passports but we aren’t even allowed to know what he is saying.

    I know I’m not the only one who finds all of this unnerving, but how is it that he can actually get away with it?

  25. TROY says:

    The Chinese want assurances?

    Then what exactly is Mrs Mizzi paid to do in China?

  26. Makjavel says:

    Tomorrow in parliament , Simon Busuttil must with simple logical arguments tear Joseph Muscat to shreds.

    The prime minister has been talking all along about an agreement with Shanghai Electric, and we discover only now that Shanghai Electric never signed on the dotted line still less paid anything up front.

    Muscat oversold Malta’s energy requirement to three different entities and guaranteed the same full utilisation to all three.

    Yet these are not assholes like his followers and those who voted for him in March last year.

    They all took out their calculator and in 10 seconds started to ask questions which have not been answered, questions that should have occurred to those who voted for Muscat.

    Look at us now. Muscat has been prime minister for 19 months. His energy minister is chasing Shanghai Electric desperately while they back off. And the ElectroGas consortium has not even stuck a nail in the ground, though it might well have stuck one in Joseph’s head.

  27. Paul B says:

    Muscat will hand his resignation, and the general conference will not accept it. He will ask for a confidence vote from his delegati and will end up stronger then he is today. Then he will say that he kept his word.

    [Daphne – I’m afraid you’re a little confused there. The prime minister and the leader of the Labour Party are two separate and distinct positions. The prime minister holds constitutional office; the Labour leader does not.

    The prime minister does not tender his resignation to the Labour Party delegates, but to the head of state. Prime ministers do not offer their resignation; they tender it and go at once, not even returning to their office after visiting the president because at that point they are no longer the prime minister and cannot do so. In other words, it’s not a formality but a decision.]

  28. Mister says:

    Look how Evarist Bartolo is going to solve the “failure rates”… by reducing the number of applications in the first place.

    Education is Malta’s only ‘natural’ resource. If Malta’s standard of education falls, the economy will soon follow.

    What idiots. Imbasta il-kont tad-dawl gie irhas.

  29. Newman says:

    The terms of reference of the debate have now been set by the government.

    The House will debate “the energy sector and the change-over to gas”.

    It is quite clear what the government’s intention is: an all-out attack on the Nationalist Party – the BWSC contract, oil procurement scandal and the ‘cancer factory’ – to deflect criticism of its failure to deliver on its principal electoral promise.

    The Opposition needs to come up with an effective strategy to counter this move.

    • ciccio says:

      “The House will debate “the energy sector and the change-over to gas”. “

      The government is showing that the important thing it lacks in this sector is energy.

      And they should be discussing “the change-over that turned out to be gas.”

  30. Aunt Hetty says:

    Looks like the Chinese don’t want to buy any birds in the bush…unlike the people who voted these cardsharps in.

  31. Francis Said says:

    Joe Muscat will never resign, he might call a general meeting and ask for a vote of confidence from the delegates and he will get 100% backing.

    The whole mess and subsequent result of the Delimara project hinges on this point. The fact that the new power station to be built by the consortium, together with the BWSC plant that will be converted to run on gas, will produce more supply of electricity than what Malta actually needs. This not taking into consideration the interconnector.

    Now the consortium has got this government’s guarantee that all the electricity produced will be bought by Enemalta. The Chinese should be investing €320 million, €150 million to cover the purchase of the BWSC plant, €70 million to convert it to run on gas, €100 million to purchase 33% of Enemalta.

    So the Chinese will invest €220 million to purchase a power station that will produce electricity that is not covered by a guarantee that it will be purchased. Will any businessman willing to invest €220 million go ahead if he has no guarantee that all the electricity it can generate will not be sold? I think not.

    One has to remember that there is also the supply from the interconnector. So let us assume that the two power stations can produce more than enough electricity, what about the investment in the interconnector? So all those millions invested will be not utilised? Like the proverbial Sunday suit?

    Now, I do not give a hoot that the PL is currently between the hot frying pan and the fire. But I certainly do give great importance to our Country’s image. I feel ashamed that these idiots are tarnishing our integrity and image in International fora. This whole deal stank when it was thought up (stank much much more from a financial point of view), stinks and will always stink.

    If the PN insists on the PN’s head, nothing will happen. Neither if they ask for Konrad Mizzi’s head. The PM has already put his defences up, he maintained that the business utilities will be reduced by 25%. So in a sense he has or will maintain his promise in reducing the utilities. The common man in the street, will not give a rat’s ass from where these will be financed. The spin has already started by saying that Enemalta this year is better off by €20 million due to less theft of electricity (all due to the incompetence of the previous administration, – their words not mine), but no mention of the €50 million reduction in costs by Enemalta due to the BWSC plant!

    The only way forward is to keep pounding this government of spin by facts.

    1. How is the reduction of utilities be financed?
    2. The negative economic indicators that are there?
    3. The measly €1.16 increase granted – how will the low wage earner and pensioner cope? Note the price of a gas cylinder rose by 90cents.
    4. The rich – property developers are getting richer but the poor are getting poorer.
    5. The state of the current and prospective publuc transport system.
    6. No new productive investment in 19 months, yielding no new productive employment.

    To conclude, a constant hammering of anything remotely negative. My doubts are if the PN has the people and mentality to, let me put it in a snobbish way, go down to their level. We are no longer playing softball now, but rugby. This is the only way forward. In boxing terms, punching below the belt, where the sun don’t shine. A complete boycott of TVPL (ex TVM), and any advertisers who opt to pour money in that propaganda machine.

    As the saying goes, when the going gets tough the tough get going. Thank you.

  32. rjc says:

    So now government will be bound to buy all production from both plants, the existing and the one still to be built. And the interconnector?

  33. Cikku flieles says:

    Has anybody not realised that the PL road map is one of Comino?

  34. anthony says:

    Now we begin to understand Miriam Dalli’s ludicrous idea of an energy hub.

    We will be lumped with so much surplus energy, paid for by the workers’ taxes, that we will have to try and find a market for it.


    • P Shaw says:

      We can always build a new interconnector to Libya to sell the excess electricity. Miriam Dalli’s original idea of a hub will become feasible.

      We can ask the Chinese company, which is blacklisted by the World Bank, to build this interconnector to Libya instead of the bridge to Gozo. As far as we know, it will be built for free anyway. Right? The Chinese are very generous these days, and we should take full advantage of their generosity.

  35. Dissident says:

    Net should be running this for days on end

  36. George says:

    The PN did its duty in the general election campaign when it consistently, emphatically and clearly warned the electorate not to trust Joseph Muscat mostly on his promises regarding the the gas-fired power station.

    But the electorate in its mammoth majority didn’t give a damn and voted him into power.

    Now it’s the same electorate who should come forward first to be counted and protest vociferously against his bullshit.

  37. Tabatha White says:

    The power station was never anything but a strategic distraction.

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