Watch this amazing dawn raid by the ace squad of the Malta Police on a Mafia boss’s fox-hole
Somebody has uploaded on YouTube this Italian ‘Polizia di Stato’ video, which looks like it was taken with a smart-phone, of the Malta police’s raid on a super-dangerous Mafia boss’s fox-hole in St Paul’s Bay.
SPOILER ALERT: it bears no resemblance to anything you might have seen on TV, either real life in Italy or fictitious in films or on television. It shows the Malta police in their scruffy civvies, dragging themselves around a dump of a rented flat, swearing and grumbling.
The best bit is where they say ‘Qalla’ and ‘Qlustja’, and one of them goes “IL-QAHBA KIF IPPENNIKJA USTJA”. Even our senior police officers are total hams. Truly, there is no escape and no respite.
Il-qahba how dangerous he is if they are this cool and relaxed about it.
Oh, and another thing: TVM, our national broadcaster, has seen fit to upload the unexpurgated video on its news website. Maybe the bunch of hams who now run the site think that police officers saying ‘Il-qahba’ and ‘Qalla’ on public view is a normal and acceptable standard of behaviour.
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None of them is wearing gloves. The scene has been contaminated.
During arrests of such a “high criminal profile”, no precautions were taken so as not to contaminate evidence. Very professional.
L-aqwa speaking in the Italian and using the Maltese “u” at the end of each sentence.
The flat is not a crime scene. It is simply the place of residence of a wanted man.
Allura, kemm ha tikrihuli dak il flett, hi?
Did you hear the creaking sound of the car door opening? Highly, highly professional unmarked police car.
Bargejn minn fuq Maltapark.
Mel’ejja hi, kemm domt biex gejt lura, qlustja
Il-qahba, fejn hu Manwel, nudge nudge?
Mela haqq ghall-qahba hadd ma jista’ jiehu holiday bikom, jewilla?
Is this video genuine? Is this our elite unit?
If so I suggest the entire Corps switches to the catering business.
In the national interest that is.
Too sloppy for the catering business. Imagine the dirt under the fingernails.
They do not even realise that a clip like this may potentially put their own life in danger, exposing those who made the arrest of a mafioso. But as long as they got their part of Walker Texas Ranger, so be it.
Hardly! But I will not elaborate further lest I get hauled to court by some liberal minister.
I presume that since this video bears the “Polizia di Stato” emblem it is a production of the Italian police, who are unaware that the language used by the Malta police is a disgrace that reflects very badly on their educational level.
Il-qaħba? She’s posting admiring comments beneath photos of Franco Debono.
So that’s where my spallieri ended up! (The ones I gave to Paws)