Are all ministers’ drivers armed under Labour, or is it just the very special Manuel Mallia?
Exactly why does Manuel Mallia’s driver carry a gun? Because his boss runs about town with half a million euros of cash on him?
It’s certainly not because he is a police constable. Police constables do not carry guns, and even if they did so routinely (which they don’t), a police constable who is on secondment as the Police Minister’s driver is on ministerial driving duties and should not be armed.
Is Louis Grech’s driver armed?
Edward Scicluna’s?
Owen ta’ Janice’s?
I should ruddy well hope not. We have had long years of civilisation with Nationalist ministers being driven around by chauffeurs who don’t carry guns, and suddenly we’re back to gun-toting banana republic drivers again, throwing their weight (and their bullets) about.
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Protecting the ones who protect us, he said.
Is Manuel Mallia the new Lorry Sant, as in untouchable?
So if you get shot for touching Manuel’s car, what happens if you touch him?
Don’t try to find out what will happen to you. Just avoid touching him by keeping a few metres away from his low centre of gravity.
God alone knows what he’s got in the way of brown envelopes. This man worked for Malta’s worst criminals, remember.
Daphne jista jaghti l-kaz li peres huwa xufier ma ministru tas sigurta u huwa wkll pulizija ghandu permess igorr arma tan nar. Ma nafx insaqsi qieghed forsi tista tghidli ezatt jekk hemmx xi ligijiet jew protokolli fuq din. Grazzi.
Stuff your ‘ligijiet’ and stuff your ‘protokolli’. What is it with this country and the innate inability to know and accept that something is simply wrong?
U kieku stess, kien igorr l-arma biss meta jkun hemm il-ministru fil-karozza. X’imkien qrajt li qal li kien qed izur lill-mummy.
Zgur allura, li mhux il-kaz li kien qed jaghmilha ta’ skorta ghall-ministru.
U kieku stess, kien igorr l-arma biss meta jkun hemm il-ministru fil-karozza.
X’imkien qrajt li qal li kien qed izur lill-mummy. Zgur allura, li mhux il-kaz li kien qed jaghmilha ta’ skorta ghall-ministru.
Is this where we’re heading?
Il-Hadd filghaxija mort nara film l-Eden.
Barra minn hawn gie Manuel Mallia mal-mara tieghu.
Sa kemm Mallia xtara il-biljetti dan ix-xufier ipparkja ezatt quddiem Eden Cinema. Ix-xufier ma kienx komdu jistenna fil-karozza, imma hareg jaghmel xow ta’ arani min jien.
Il-bicca hi li Mallia xtara il-biljett u dahal gewwa u hu kien qisu bahnan jdur mal-karozza bhal kelb jistenna lil sidu. Xtaqt hadtlu ritratt ghax kien vera tad-dahk.
[Daphne – The real news point here is that Mallia paid for his cinema tickets.]
Exactly…considering the three gifts (500k for cinema upgrade from Herrera; 3 storeys on hotel from MEPA; casino concession from not sure whom) received within 20 months. Or did Mallia consider it a case of give unto Cesare what is his due?
It’s not the cost of the cinema tickets that concern us. It’s what inside the brown envelope.
Sabulu seat li jidhol fih komdu?
Forsi nehhew l-arm rests.
The Minister was clearly off duty, so why does he get chauffer-driven to the cinema? And why is the car allowed to park illegally in front of the cinema?
Now what if PC 533 had tried to miss the guy and actually hit him?
Does this cowboy carry his gun in parliament?
It’s a tradition with certain ministers. Karmenu Vella’s driver in the 1980s – il-Bottom or whatever his nickname was – used to carry a sub-machine gun.
Karmenu Farrugia, a driver of ex- Minister Karmenu Vella during the government of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, comes to my mind. A witness, Gianni Psaila, said on oath that he saw Farrugia shoot at the Nationalist Party Club in Tarxien in December 1986. That was the night that Raymond Caruana was shot at another club. The police used that same gun to frame Pawlu Busuttil.
I presume we shall soon hear of a promotion for gunner, sorry, driver-policeman Paul Sheenan.
Next time I see a minister’s car I’ll try to keep my distance so as not to be shot in the arse.
Louis Grech’s driver is fast asleep with air conditioner on.
Jista jkollu permess jew le, li taqbad tispara ghax dan kollu bniedem laqat mera ma ifissirx li timlih bic-comb.
It-tieni, seta irrezista b’idejh u saqajh jekk hi vera bniedem trenjat ghal glied. Ghax l-iehor hareg bi flixkun u l-puluzija seta hareg b’lembuba.
Mela ergajna gejjin fi zmien 80s nahseb.