As a matter of interest, how did government/police sources decide that Smith is a Scot?

Published: November 20, 2014 at 11:57am
This man hates Scots.

This man hates Scots.

And then all the newspapers and everyone else followed suit. There is no such thing as a Scottish citizen, and there is never going to be one either, as the recent referendum established beyond doubt.

If they asked for his passport, it would have been a British passport.

Maybe they mistook him for Scott Dixon (“Dan jitkellem bhal dak li korna lic-Chief, ta! Ghalih.”)

4 Comments Comment

  1. Charles borg says:

    It-turizmu se jbati wara din il-buzzulotta.

  2. Nighthawk says:

    How sweet, Ramona and Kurt get to work with each other. Did you see them on either side of Jabba at the press conference?

  3. mandingo says:

    U ejja Daph, jekk kellu l-kilt u bagpipes! Aktarx kien qed jiekol xi haggis ukoll, u kellu wiccu misbuh blu bhal Braveheart.

    Ghalkemm Mel Gibson Awstraljan.

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