At last – the words we have been waiting to hear
November 8, 2014 at 9:33am
After disowning John Dalli and making it clear that his place is with the prime minister whose consultant he is, Simon Busuttil has now disowned Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and said in no uncertain terms that “Joseph Muscat can keep him”.
I am reaching out to every person who used to support the Nationalist Party and no longer does so, Busuttil said, but I draw the line at Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando…Muscat can keep him.
Read it in The Malta Independent.
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Franco Debono next, please.
Gej weekend nobis. Ghidli kif se jdamdam keyboard.
Finally. John Daewoo Snus Slavery Bahamas Mary Swan Dalli, Jeffrey Mistra Joseph’s Trojan Horse Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Corruption Bridge Mugliett, Franco Cocksucker Debono, Lou Ass-Kisser Double Agent Bondi – good riddance to the lot.
That Lou is being compared to the trash you mention is punishment enough besides he’s probably the only one of that lot who’s already realised his mistake and that the Muscat dream is but a nightmare.
But that’s tough Lou, you made your choice, albeit the wrong one.
Perhaps we weren’t used to well mannered people who don’t mince words. Or maybe loud, foul, macho gibberish had become the staple.
Sometimes the best place to start is to define what isn’t.
Jeffrey isn’t PN.
About time Simon Busuttil is taking a much needed stand. He needs to take serious swings against Joe Mizzi’s transportation mess and the abuse of public funds by Anton Rafalo.
JPO disowned the party when he was still an MP. He finished the legislature as an independent MP, but actually one who was aligned with Labour and shared its interest in bringing down the Gonzi government.
Simon Busuttil paid him a visit when he was still an MP.
He had already disowned JPO, Franco and John Dalli by saying “I respect their choices” or something to that effect.
That’s his style which many of us do not understand.
We want dramatic phrases like “Joseph Muscat can keep him”, to get the message which was already there.
[Daphne – You are very wrong, Gahan. The message was NOT already there. Simon Busuttil should never have visited Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando at any point after he did what he did. The correct form in those situations is to cut the individual dead completely, to the point of looking through him should you encounter him accidentally. By talking to them or greeting them, still more by actually visiting them, you have conveyed the message – to them and more so to everybody else – that their behaviour did not put them beyond the pale and that it was at some level still tolerable and perhaps even forgivable. “I respect their choices”, if he really did say that, was also absolutely the wrong thing to say. How can any decent person have respect for choices like those? What he should have said was that Pullicino Orlando’s behaviour cannot be countenanced by any decent person and the consequence of his behaviour is that the doors of decent people are closed to him for good. Political parties don’t even come into it. I am quite sure there are plenty of Labour supporters who understand that he is a foul person.]
This was the one of the nastiest jibes by Joseph Muscat prior to the elections, a sign of things to come and a confirmation that JPO really had long since sold his soul: if anyone needed that.
They both belong together.
Another complete mess, all wives and mistress on board.
Plus Michelle Muscat passed on from Alfred Sant’s office to where ever.
The rule of the dickhead.
And the sacrificial lamb will not be Konrad.
Incidentally, I noted Simon Busuttil’s graceful way of getting rid of JPO and Franco in the Xarabank interview with Peppi: “Franco and Jeffrey are practically working for Labour and I respect their decision”. In other words, good riddance to bad rubbish.
Just in case nobody said this to Franco I would like to echo what he told Carm Mifsud Bonnici, but in the more polite form: Take that!
Go to 19:40
Wasn’t this enough?
[Daphne – Ah, but that “I respect their decision” was sarcastic and not how it was presented in your earlier comment.]
Il-PN mhuwiex il-Wasteserv. Ma jirriciklax zibel.
And a few more others need to be sent off.
The PN needs to keep its guard up for planted partners trying to bed PN officials.
What the PL did to the other side is now happening to itself.
A whore house in the back office of the cabinet is the result.
It is certainly a new way of making politics. At least this promise is being upheld, of course, in a very different direction everybody assumed.
Parnis needs to understand that in-nies tas-sawt are not his average, comments everywhere invariably scathing.
Times of Malta poll also indicates 75% against, a couple of weeks after 82% said they want Armier demolished.
Style as in the way of doing has become of the essence, but that quantum leap requires linguistic pax.
The moment Labour’s recognised for the webee cut and paste content folder it’s become is when style in thought matters.
Mistra scandal – tahwid bin-nisa – cheating and lying to his party leader – cheating and lying to his wife.
Running around trying to find happiness at the bottom of a bottle of Earl Grey, always in company of others even on his honeymoon because he can’t bear to be alone with himself.
Joseph Muscat needs a much bigger skip than he started out with.
Tigix tghidli li mhuwiex kap tajjeb dan. Mhux li tiehu lil tat-TV biex jaraw iggib lin-nies lura kif kien jaghmel Muscat, biex imbaghad iddahhallom stallett go darhom. Dak li jsir mill-qalb, isir fil-kwiet.
Innota d-differenza:
Kif Dr Busuttil kien fiz-zifna missu ha l-opportunita li jsemmi lil Debono u lil Mugliett. U ma kontx niddejjaq kieku rega semma lil Dalli.
Those men abused of their position and the trust given to them and dealt a lot of damage, not only the their party which frankly is not my issue, but to our country.
But a message like that shows some leadership skills in Simon Busuttil. He got some points with me.
Prosit, Dott.
Now that Simon Busuttil has disowned John Dalli and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, it is expected that every PN Member of Parliament do the same, publicly, individually and unequivocally and not hide under the umbrella of a group statement.
One could perhaps start with the deputy leaders and the secretary-general, followed by Robert Arrigo, in alphabetical order.
Spot the difference.
Bimbo vs Mater Dolorosa.
Never thought JPO was such an HTK.
What does HTK stand for ?
He should have been thrown out when the Mistra case came out.
It is has been 20 months and in all this time we have seen Muscat and Co talk down the 25 years of previous administrations (PN and MLP).
Every time they open their mouths, they sound like a broken record, trying to hide their incompetence and divert attention away from the corruption.
When they are caught lying or with chocolate all over their face they play the broken record.
Remember the slogan “Labour doesn’t work”. It’s not that they do not want to but they cannot because they are prisoners of their promises, slaves to their wants and running scared of an ignorant public becoming informed.
Who is JPO?
I liked one of the comments posted under The Malta Independent article linked below.
“We are being led by a bunch of ex-Super One hacks who used to dish out untruths and downright lies to their party’s followers all year round.
Now their audience is totally different a different one.
We promoted them to lead our country and instead of bringing jobs they are busy trying to cover and re-interpret each others lies.”
So true. It captures the essence of the Labour government.
As Lawrence Gonzi once said in an interview, there will come a time when Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and other individuals like him will become albatrosses round Joseph Muscat’s neck.
If this is a milestone, I can’t wait for this perennial child’s watershed moment.
Let’s all hope that these statements are also repeated with regard to Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and all the other former Nazzjonalisti who breached trust.
Getting rid of all the Judases will do the Nationalist Party a lot of good.
New brooms and all that.
Simon Busuttil is asserting himself at the helm, and about time too, thank you.
And good riddance to bad rubbish.
A bit slowly though.
Prosit, Dr Busuttil. Ghad jigi zmien meta dan Pullicin jkollu jhallas tal-hsara li ghamel inkluz lili, wara li ghemmintu gewwa l-Mosta qabel l-elezzjoni ta’ 2008. Id-differenza li jien ghandi principji u hu bniedem skifuz, vili u opportunist. In-nisa li zewweg u telaqhom jew telquh ghad jghidu fil-pubbliku ezatt x’tip ta’ bniedem hu.
Id-demel fil-mizbla postu.
Thank you, Simon Busuttil. We need to hear more of such unequivocal, principled statements from you and the PN.
Finally we are seeing an example of no-nonsense leadership. Clear out the junk.
Mhux sew….. probabbli bikkih issa
Din bis serjeta? is it not better for Mrs. Dalli to stop looking into petty local politics, stop being a lapdog and start “working” in Malta’s best interest. What a total fool
Love it
Very Very Well Done
Glad that he’s finally baring his teeth. Now he needs to go for the jugular.
Not long ago I was driving down the narrow road along the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Attard when a four-wheel-drive vehicle shot out from the road on the right at excessive speed and almost hit me.
The number plate was JPO. I followed to make sure and it was him.
A few days ago I was driving in the same area and the same vehicle passed me being driven erratically and at excessive speed.
Moral of the story – if you encounter JPO on the road – STAY CLEAR if you value life and limb.
[Daphne – Hitting the Earl Grey again, no doubt. He was on it last week: barrage-texting me over the course of an afternoon, from midday onwards, like a maniac. If he hadn’t been drinking, then he definitely has psychiatric problems. There can be no other explanation.]
Switching between binge-drinking to binge-texting. Anyway, shouldn’t he be at his at that time?
I still can’t believe that patients trust their mouth in the hands of such a man, where a mistake of half a millimetre can make a huge difference.
I am one of those who will leave the PN if JPO returns.
JPO: Just Piss Off
or… Just Phuck Off.
Just Putrid Orifice
Well done, and keep them coming.
Simon Busuttil seems to be coming into his own. More of this, please.
If Pullicino Orlando Smith changes parties as much as he changes women, I will not be surprised to hear, one day, that he has joined AD, if they will have him. Or Imperium Europa, more likely.
Anyone who directly or indirectly has done untold harm to the PN, has no place within the new PN that Simon Busuttil is building, together with all his team and volunteers.
I ask myself why have I voted PN? I never asked for favours, wanted any favours nor even dreamt of wanting any favours. The little I achieved was by staying hard and working even harder. I was never employed with the Civil Service, nor any public entity.
Anyone who even remotely thinks that politics is a means to achieve what is NOT yours to take is NOT a true supporter. I have always voted for the PN, because it was the Party of Vision. Independence, the negotiations with Mintoff to build our Republic, EU membership and joing the Eurozone.
The administration of our small but proud Country is for the benefit for ALL. Politics should unite not divide, particularly on National Issues.
Did the PN make mistakes? Yes
Could it have done more? Yes
Were there corrupt people of trust? Yes – if these are found to have acted in corrupt manner by the Courts, I have no pity for them. These must face the consequences of their actions.
But when I compare the good with the not so good, then the scales weigh heavily on the good side. I am certain that the Party will build an updated vision for Malta. Prosperity for all and more emphasis on the less fortunate. The truly genuine ones. I exclude all those who in any way abuse the social services.
Thank you
Vote Joseph. Get Jeffrey.
And John Dalli, Jesmond Mugliett, Franco Debono, Ian Castaldi Paris and Cyrus Engerer.
Ghall-erwieh. What a relief to hear him say that at long last.
This is exactly what we want to hear and while you are at it, Simon, you can add a few more traitors who are not wanted in the PN.
Skandli tal-passat:
Hear, hear, Edgar.
Naqra Blue Pain Relief. Prosit, Simon.
Phew! At last PN cleaning out the stables’ s**t for good. Most obliging of PL to pick it up.
Ippermettili nikkoregi lill Joseph Muscat.
Zepp, hawn mhux fabbrika tal-kancer ghandna. Ghandna fabbrika li ma tirriciklax zibel biex ma taghmilx hsara lin-nazzjon a skapitu ta l-intiena li jinten iz-zibel li gbart u qed tigbor.
Kif qallek Simon Busuttil, tista zzomm kollox ghalik inkluz il-58c u t-2c tal-petrol.
Hadd wara hadd tasal ta’ kulhadd. PROSIT DR.BUSUTTIL