Bomb attack policeman was deployed in police immigration/visa department until 2012
November 4, 2014 at 9:03am
Please see previous post. I have rung my police sources who tell me that Inspector Geoffrey Azzopardi was deployed in the police immigration department (immigration and visas are handled by the police) until 2012.
Before that, he was deployed in the Criminal Investigation Department. Since 2012 he has been deployed at the Hamrun District Office and for the last 11 months at the police EU funding office.
They described Azzopardi as a “quiet and unassuming man, a very decent sort”.
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Can Minister Mallia tell us on what kind of “work” he’s doing abroad? Was it a planned trip or an “urgent” trip?
Prime Minister Muscat likes to be away when there are bad news, like the increase in rent of social housing, but does his best to be seen in positive news like the release of the Maltese citizen in Libya.
Dejjem ifuħ.
‘Fuq impenji ta’ xoghol’ is too general. Since it is work related, there is no harm in knowing where he is and what the work is about.
Reference Number: PR142574, Press Release Issue Date: Nov 04, 2014
Il-Ministru għall-Intern u s-Sigurtà Nazzjonali Manuel Mallia jikkundana l-att vjolenti li sar fuq l-Ispettur Geoffrey Azzopardi. Il-vjolenza fuq uffiċjali pubbliċi hija attakk kodard u viljakk kontra l-istat kollu u għalhekk l-Istat irid jiddefendi bis-saħħa kollha membri fil-Korpi Dixxiplinati u jħares is-sigurtà tagħhom.
Il-Ministru Manuel Mallia li jinsab imsiefer fuq impenji ta’ xogħol, xħin sar jaf b’dak li ġara, ċempel mill-ewwel lill-Ispettur Azzopardi, li assigurah li hu u familtu jinsabu fi stat ta’ saħħa tajjeb iżda fi stat ta’ xokk. Il-Ministru Manuel Mallia jesprimi solidarjetà mal-Ispettur, il-familja u l-kollegi kollha tiegħu.
Il-Ministru Manuel Mallia iżda wiegħed li ser jesiġi li jsir minn kollox biex jinqabad minn wettaq dan ir-reat.
L-attaparsi Ministru ghall Intern u Sigurta Nazzjonali ghandu jigi mghajjat u indagat ghall-tixwix u dikjarar ta’ insinwazzjonijiet bi skop li jhajjar vjolenza fuq terzi injoti u li kagun ta dan it-tixwix, tpoggiet bomba ma dar ta’ ufficjal pubbliku bhalu.
Il-Kap ta’ l-Armata vera m’ghandux x’jaghmel biex ghadu jaghmel l-accessi, jew forsi jhossu aktar komdu jaghmel dak li jaf jaghmel flok dak li m’ghandux idea kif jaghmel, jigifieri jmexxi l-armata.
Il-FAM ghandha bosta ufficjali u suldati ikkwalifikati biex jaghmlu dan ix-xoghol ghallura naslu ghall-konkluzjoni li hu kas iehor ta’ Laburist jiekol b’hafna hluq.
Why weren’t the faces of his family blurred out?
[Daphne – No point, since this is his Facebook profile picture and it’s still up.]
I know Inspector Geoffrey and can confirm that he is a very decent man, bil-Malti subghajh dritt hafna. Hopefully the perpetrators of this atrocious crime will be brought to justice immediately. The very thought that they endangered a whole family makes me sick.
I understand this is a major news story and hopefully the police will get to the bottom of it and solve the crime.
But let’s not take the Air China/Air Malta issue off the front page.
This is Malta’s biggest tourism stakeholder we are talking about and Muscat is pawning it to the Chinese. Why is the Malta Hotels & Restaurants Association silent? Why are we not questioning the government? Why do we hold Muscat & Co to such low standards?
Now, we should revisit the story of the Chinese ambassador who tried to censor (threaten?) the PN from continuing with this story.
Now who is going to do some research on bombs in Zurrieq going back around 3 decades or more?