BREAKING NEWS: I’ve found Toni Abela and his delegazzjoni…in the Chinese press, having meetings with the Communist Party

Published: November 2, 2014 at 8:51pm

Toni Abela in China

toni abela and the commies

This is getting to be pretty exhausting. When the government or the Labour Party is up to something and failing to give information to the press, we have to squirrel about in the Chinese state-controlled media to find out what we can.

And that’s saying something.

There’s been no news of deputy Labour leader Toni Abela (who, incidentally, also has a seat in the cabinet of government) since he went to China with a delegazzjoni tal-partit.

I was getting a bit worried about him. Had he been steamed with broccoli for the Great Dictator’s late-night snack?

But no, look – here he is, on the website of the International Department of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee.

He is exchanging views on cooperation between the Malta Labour Party and the Chinese Communist Party, “bilateral relations and other issues of common interest”.

I quote:

Xu said that the CPC takes its exchanges with the Malta Labor Party very seriously and is willing to further enhance mutual understanding and trust through high-level visits, youth exchanges and communication at multilateral events so as to boost the sound development of bilateral relations.

Abela said as Malta-China relations are facing new opportunities, Malta looks forward to stronger cooperation with China in infrastructure, energy, finance and other sectors.

He added that the Labor Party of Malta is willing to deepen exchanges and expand cooperation with the CPC to help upgrade bilateral relations.

38 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Is that Sai Mizzi sobbing in the right hand far-end corner?

    • Lizz says:

      If it’s her then she’s not sobbing. She’s merely checking the hairs she’s just pulled out of her head.

      • Salvu says:

        If it’s her, then she should be on the Maltese side of the table.

        Rephrasing: Let’s hope we are paying her to be on our side of the negotiations.

  2. Gahan says:

    What is our appointed Maltese Ambassador to China,Clifford Borg-Marks, doing with a political party delegation?

    • observer says:

      What he has always been doing for ages in cahoots with the MLP.

      What else did you expect, sur Gahan.

      And being paid out of our tax contributions for it, of course.

  3. Can't take no more says:

    OMG. I cannot read this trash anymore. China relations, power stations, gender identity law. One thing after another.

    I am tired. When will all this end? We really and truly need a miracle, especially with our sleeping Opposition.

    What a joke. It is not even funny anymore. It is like living in one endless Monty Python sketch. Our country needs deliverance.

    • carlos says:

      If you cannot take anymore why don’t you do something and volunteer with the Nationalist Party. Armchair critics calling on the Nationalists to do something is becoming nauseating. It is not what the party can do for you but what you can do to help the party fight this abusive government.

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      Our country needs A GOVERNMENT after deliverance from what now is pretending to be one.

  4. ciccio says:

    Is that the “Maltese” Ambassador to China there? If so, why is he there if this is a meeting between political parties?

    • ciccio says:

      Looks like this is a government delegation disguised as a party delegation.

      Muscat must be fed up with orders from his masters in China to drop whatever he is doing and catch the first plane to Beijing.

      He probably asked Louis Grech as his deputy to go in his place, but lazy Grech dumped it on Toni Abela.

      • ciccio says:

        And then there is the other fact.

        Muscat was selling passports in Singapore when these meetings were taking place.

        Muscat probably reckoned that he stands a better chance to plug the huge hole in the budget (caused by the powerstation delay) by selling EU passports than by selling powerstations to China.

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      Our Ambassador is doubling up (on extra payment, of course) as translator) since Toni can hardly speak Maltese let alone Mandarin Chinese,

  5. U Le! says:

    So if a minister goes abroad with a friend to watch a football game all hell breaks loose, and if a party deputy leader holds a ‘bilateral’ meeting with a dictatorships, then there is nothing untoward. As the saying goes, hawwadni ha nifmhek.

  6. Len says:

    Upgrade bilateral relationship between who? Is it between Labour and the Communist Party or the two totalitarian states?

    Last cheque from CPC was before 2013 general election, heqq it’s time for another cheque, hux.

    Mela, what’s on the table with Toni taghna?


    Air Malta privitisation without call for expressions of interest

    Pembroke subsidised land

    Enemalta privatisation, China pays 300m euros in 2014 and earn one billion euros in 2018

    Photovoltaic cells assembling in Malta (*uck German photovoltaic companies)

    Ms Konrad Mizzi pay raise (miskina hux)

    Toni’s dream of a supermarket with made in China food items, like Flied Lice

    Bridge to Gozo

    Chinese slaves with GWU blessing and no flogging please

    Master degrees in anus puncture at the University of Malta

    More King Long buses, as Arriva’s Mercedes ones were scrapped thanks to the half-brained transport minister

    Another Santa Lucia garden in Hamrun- more Chinese culture for the peasants

  7. Makjavel says:

    And were was Sai Mizzi, cooking noodles for the great and honourable visitors?

    What the hell is she being paid for?

    Not being present with a Maltese Official Delegation, or has she conflicts with the Chinese Communist Party if she assists a foreign government?

    [Daphne – It wasn’t a government delegation. It was a Malta Labour Party delegation. It would have been wrong of Mrs Mizzi to be there.]

  8. michael seychell says:

    It seems we are moving on the fast track nearer to China.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    Perhaps they are discussing the aspidistra.

    It’s ironic that, to find out what our politicians are doing, we have to consult the regime-controlled media of a dictatorship. Our own media gives us less information than even that of China.

  10. matt says:

    Muscat must be the most secretive prime minister this island has ever had. Where is the transparency and accountability that he offered? What a joke.

  11. La Redoute says:

    Who paid for Borg Marks’ flight and hotel stay in Qingdao? He’s based in Beijing.

  12. Kapxinn says:

    “Comrades of the Cultural Revolution, I can assure you that we can serve two masters: the EU regulates our economy, but you can run our country.”

  13. ken il malti says:

    More corruption is coming Malta’s way.

    They all agreed on it.

  14. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ma hemmx ghalfejn nghidu li wara li Konrad u Joey kien ghoddhom ghaxxquha mal-gvern Ciniz.

    Issa baghatulhom lill Tuni Aspro biex inehhilhom l-ugiegh ta’ ras li qabbadom Muscat u d-dardir li dardarhom Con Rat u jitlobhom bil hniena jifhmu li min ma jifhimx fit trab tad-droga daqs tant iehor ma jifhimx fil-politika internazzjonali u ghalhekk biex issir gustizzja mieghu, flok jigi sparat il-barra a la Cinizerija (kelma moderna ghal Maltija hnizrija) ghandu jinghata cans.

    Cans li tigi generazzjoni gdida ta zghazagh Cinizi jighallmu kemm hu innokwu li jkollok lil xi hadd bhal J & K bhala habib kbir tieghek.

  15. M says:

    ”…Chinese President Xi Jinping has told the government to focus more on utilizing China’s soft power. But Beijing’s inability to keep politics out of the way could be gumming up the works, and reminding the world of the authoritarian nature at the core of the Chinese government.”

    Can someone put a microphone under Evarist Bartolo’s chin and ask him what he thinks of this year’s nominees for the Confucius Peace Prize: ”…former CIA employee Edward Snowden, South Korean President Park Geun-hye, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama — and Syrian President Bashar Assad”

    Below is the link to an article which does not seem to have made it on the radar of our exceedingly sharp newspaper jounalists and which, besides the above points, describes why some US universities have removed the Confucious Institute from their campus.

    ”China’s soft power seems to be attractive enough for countries that are working toward building more authoritarian political systems” the article concludes and then quotes the Kazakh representative as saying that “We will learn from China’s approach toward building a different style of governance than the Western democracies.”

    No wonder we are not told what delgations discuss and what is in agreements being signed.

    • Jozef says:

      M, you nailed it.

      Terzomondisti of the world unite, before the People’s Republic folds in on itself.

      Latest detail to emerge from Leisure Clothing; its precinct served as a parallel freeport, sealed containers having their documents altered.

  16. Tabatha White says:

    Enough is enough.

  17. Jozef says:

    Ghax taf int, wara l-pandemonju li hadd m’ghandu jispicca l-habs, sikkatura zejda u x’naf jien, ndunaw.

    U kemm hi brava t-Times.

  18. R Vella says:

    Back in the Hamrun Lyceum many many years ago, Toni Abela always had a portrait of Mao, Lenin and Marx in his school bag.

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