Charmian Gooch: Meet Global Corruption’s Hidden Players (TED Talk)

Published: November 11, 2014 at 8:34am

9 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    I see that the speaker makes a special mention of Turkmenistan’s Saparmurat Niyazov, who died in 2006. The speaker gives him the privilege by mentioning him first in a list of global corrupt dictators.

    Isn’t it nice to note that Malta’s Prime Minister’s consultant, Shiv Nair, had been connected to the Turkmenistan dictator?

    “In 1996, he (Shiv Shankaran Nair) was appointed the first foreign advisor in the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, a role that was replicated subsequently in several of the CIS countries.”

    Then the speaker makes a special mention of Shell, as well…

  2. Niki B says:

    The PL should have a close look at China’s economic outlook before tying their horse so closely to their cart.

    This report was discussed this morning during the BBC World Service programme Newsday.

  3. Sherlock says:

    Excellent clip.

    I think we might find that Tancred and Tarcisio have a lot to say on this very subject, and someone up there is delaying the process.

    Another reason why Angelo Gafa’ was summarily transferred.

  4. Natalie Mallett says:

    No wonder Konrad Mizzi is convinced about the shell company support. If one goes to 9:15 on the clip she explains exactly what these shell companies are. “they are central to the secret deals which may benefit wealthy elites rather than ordinary citizens”

  5. kev says:

    Now that’s tunnel vision for you. Suffering from the boiling frog syndrome and totally oblivious to the concoctions of those who effectively run the West (and much of the world), she sees evil only where she’s told to look for it, believing every lie that originates from the Western puppet governments and their globalist puppeteers’ corporate media networks – layer upon layer of deception, until up is down and down is up.

    So we get manufactured wars, false flag operations in the name of the ‘war OF terror’ (which helps governments trade away our liberty for our ‘security’), murky terrorism financed by Western allies; a rogue network of secretive, criminally self-financed intelligence agencies; a big bankers’ cabal bent on enslaving whole nations through usury, unpayable debt and their global central-banking ponzi schemes; climate hoaxes ushering in an unsustainable green agenda that deindustrialses the West and establishes humankind as a virus that needs to be managed and controlled; despotic laws fit for police states, with psychopathic thugs in uniform becoming the norm (check out the US); pandemic fear-mongering, ‘new’ viral strains, toxic vaccination programmes, the list is endless, the details mind-boggling, and the evidence abundant… I haven’t even scratched the listing surface here, let alone the details, and all Ms Gooch can talk about are international street urchins and their corrupt, tin-pot ‘ruling elite’.

    Dream on, folks, I will not shatter your illusion. Like boiling frogs, you won’t even feel the pain when the heat is turned up to levels that should otherwise be unbearable.

    [Daphne – God, Kevin, you can be so boring.]

    • kev says:

      I agree. Things one knows nothing about tend to be very boring. The truth is all boring. And not pretty at all. Your topics are so much more fun, really, and I’m not being funny.

  6. observer says:

    Absolutely shocking? Yes, but absolutely true.

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