Couldn’t they have thought of a different slogan this year?

Published: November 19, 2014 at 8:32am

Last year it was a ‘Budget to make work pay’. And this year again, the government has called it a ‘Budget to make work pay’. Has it already forgotten that it used that slogan last year too?

Last year

Last year

This year

This year

23 Comments Comment

  1. zunzana says:

    The problem with this administration is that they do not know how to create work.

  2. M Falzon says:

    Most probably because he was reading last year’s budget.

  3. bob-a-job says:

    Basically it means that they are increasing income tax again.

  4. ciccio says:

    They are in fact making work pay for the reduced electricity and water tariffs.

    They are in a panic station about how to pay for the hole in Enemalta because there is no power station, so they want to make sure they collect enough taxes.

    Now I have a question.

    If the Maltese consortium involved in the bidding for public transport is seeking a court order to stop the government from signing the contract with Autobasbis tal-Iljun because there have been negotiations which are changing the conditions of the tender, what is it to stop other bidders for the power station project from asking for a similar order to stop the government with its negotiations with Electrogas and Shanghai Electric given that this will most likely result in changes to the terms of the original bid?

    We know already that Shell will be supplying gas to the consortium, but Shell was not part of the winning consortium. It was actually one of the other interested parties who did not submit final bids.

  5. Brian Sinclair says:

    Just shows that the roadmap never even existed and their GPS is kaput.

  6. ciccio says:

    Oh, thank goodness, this hole has been sealed.

    Now let’s hope they can seal the hole in the government’s budget.

  7. jim says:

    The title was printed by mistake. The real title was “Budget to make worker pay”.

  8. Charles borg says:

    Tonio Fenech il-bierah fuq Times Talk kiexef il-qerq ta’ dan il-budget. Il-prezentaturi ta’ Times Talk komplew jikxfu l-agenda politika taghhom, mhux ta’ b’ xejn li gabu l-istess titlu tal-budget tas-sena l-ohra.

    L-unika gazzetta bil-lingwa Ingliza li qeghda tiirraporta bi kredibilita u sincerita hija biss il-Malta Independent.

  9. bernie says:

    That’s to confirm that there was no progress since last year and hardly any hope there will be progress next year.

    To have a situation where work can pay, there must be new opportunities of work. So far, it’s been the “kaxxa ta’ Malta” that has been doing great to tap the job creation scenario.

  10. RF says:

    Not a single grey cell between their collective ears, and they have still been trusted to govern this country. Says a lot about the Taghna Lkoll supporters.

    • Ares says:

      Some of them are some of the big brass of the University that were given high positions during the PN administration but thought fit to vote for this lot. At least some of them have retreated back into their hole and are ashamed to say that they voted for a change.

  11. Mila says:

    What they call it and what it does are worlds apart. It does seem to make being a single parent with a constant production of young babies pay though.

    Now let me see how I am going to spend all of my 58 cents.

  12. observer says:

    I thought they would call it the Budget of Optimism, or the Budget of the Positive Rainbow.

  13. Paul says:

    Isn’t that a clear admission of failure? It means they failed miserably, and are trying again next year.

  14. ciccio says:

    Making work pay, says Scicluna. And all we got was 58 cents.

  15. Mila says:

    Now this is worthy of being an example of the adage regarding lies and statistics as well as a good example of shoddy reporting. God forbid it is due to bias or the intention to deceive of course.

    Throw in a few numbers for 2012, put Australians in the headlines (Australians are ok aren’t they?) , mention Eurostat and then slip in 2014 and the IIP. End with the reassurance that any shortfall would be taken care of by another scheme.

    Critique of studies and reports was always a weakness of fellow students, goodness how that peculiar local weakness has come in handy in this incessant marketing campaign.

  16. Tabatha White says:

    Isn’t “pay” a transitive verb?

    [Daphne – Not necessarily, no.]

    • Tabatha White says:

      In terms of concept precision:

      Work, of the market place variety, pays a fixed sum.

      Payment is inherent to the concept.

      It’s what happens with that payment that changes it.

      I find the slogan conceptually misleading.

      The only area where “work” was made to pay in this budget, is the sector of maternity leave. In this case “work” needs to be substituted by “employer” to make sense.

      The rest is all about taxes and contributions or excise, not work. About making our work, information channels and leisure activity “pay for” what the Government pays out.

  17. baffled says:

    Typo, was meant to read ” To make workers pay “

  18. T. Cassar says:

    Work pays, billboards pay more and being Konrad Mizzi’s wife pays most of all.

  19. A V says:

    And for this year it’s ‘Make pay work’ or ‘Pay may work’ or maybe ‘Work might pay’. Anyway, one will have to work hard for the pay, and work even harder to make it last at least till the following pay.

  20. How was “Budget to make work pay” translated into Maltese?

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