Exactly why has Adrian Grech Cumbo been appointed to Institute of Tourism Studies board of governors?

Published: November 4, 2014 at 1:45pm

This is how he communicates in writing, this being a typical sentence:

adrian grech cumbo sentence

adrian grech cumbo

26 Comments Comment

  1. Advance says:

    He was on the Advance course organised by the Tourism Ministry a couple of years ago.

    Not sure if he has some ownership or involvement in the smaller hotels.

  2. Jozef says:

    To ensure it’s demolished in time for Muscat’s pharaonic plans for St. George’s bay.

  3. Katrin says:

    He has a background in tourism. Back in the late 1980s he used to work for SMS Travel & Tourism in Valletta, I think he was some sort of Human Resources guy on the first floor.

    • Martin Felice says:

      No, at SMS he was handling the tourist traffic originating from Scandinavian countries.

      He was shown the door and he took his business with him to Traveltrade, where he was also shown the door after a couple of years.

      He was then working in a shop in Msida selling rattan furniture and ornaments from the Far East and later on taking care of a clothes shop on the Strand close to the Nazzarenu church.

      Before SMS he was self-employed in tourism and before that he worked as a salesman in a men’s clothes shop in Ordnance Street in Valletta.

  4. Michael Mifsud says:

    This guy was giving a hint on the dealings of Leisure Clothing on June 11 –

    ‘This company sells class quality Staff’ ask Jdalliba he bought one.

    Hell, he might as well have bought one himself, ‘I have tried them and they are so professional as much as their goods which I call unique things’ could be very subtle remark.

  5. zz says:

    What’s wrong with that sentence? It seems that he traffics in Chinese factory staff.

  6. M says:

    Is he really admitting that the company sells the staff? Wow. And when he says that he has tried them, surely he is not talking about the merchandise, according to what he is saying, the staff?

    This would be hilarious if it were not real life in Malta.

  7. RF says:

    A Freudian slip? Having the Chinese staff girls on his mind?

  8. Bumblebee says:

    Henry Mifsud better watch his back at ITS with Adrian Grech Cumbo circling like a vulture for the opportune moment to take Henry’s place as top dog.

  9. C.Portelli says:

    My 8 yr old daughter can write better.

  10. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Maybe to ensure that the ITS starts teaching TEFL courses?

  11. Francis Said says:

    He was employed with Travel Trade Ltd., a company involved in incoming tourism from Germany and Sweden in particular. He was their marketing manager, specialising in the Swedish market. This was in the late 90s.

  12. percita says:

    Jekk niftakar sew, Adrian kien jahdem ukoll ma Frank Borda tal-Gala. Hu Sliemiz minn Triq San Gakbu fejn kien hemm il-vendha tas-Savoy.

  13. CumboStyle says:

    Me Cumbo write as I like, I always understand how I says it.

  14. Bella Patria says:

    In the late 1970s Adrian Grech Cumbo was an SMS representative – when the representatives’ office was in the basement ta l-office ta’ Strada Reale. In the mid-1980s he worked with the late Joe Ancilleri [Travel Trade].

  15. C Falzon says:

    For sure the company buys Staff, possibly first class quality but most certainly low cost.

  16. claude says:

    Is he really talking about a company which sells staff who are really professional? Or has he no idea how stuff is spelt?

  17. xejn b' xejn says:

    No wonder why the I.T.S is in such a state at the moment.

    Students got a THIRD schedule change in as many weeks.

    Food preparation (chefs) courses are 5 years long and for a restaurants service certificate it can take you as much as 7 years.

    Total disaster for the students and for the hospitality industry.

  18. kjd says:

    He may be the whistleblower who who informed Il-Mument on the Chinese workers’ plight. He clearly knew, way back in June 2011, that Leisure Clothing were selling their “staff”.

    Hmmm, he also seems to know they are ‘professional’ – perhaps he had access to happy endings.

  19. Peppa Pig says:

    Most probably , the sum total of his experience in tourism was oogling the Scandinavian bints sunbathing topless by some hotel poolside.

  20. John Higgins says:

    Adrian Grech Cumbo was heard boasting after the general elections that he was approached by PL to vote for them in return for which he will be rewarded.

    Besides, he “had a lot of experience in tourism”.

  21. Tweety says:

    ITS is known now as the Institute tat-Tahwid Sistematiku.

    All is havoc. Students are being transferred daily from one block to another, Lecturers are drained and most of them look and feel as if they have lost hope. And to make things even worse, the board of directors is a board of amateurs and unfit-for-purpose individuals.

  22. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Oh yes, I remember this person as a rep for SMS. Shifty – not what you might consider your typical hospitable, “service with a smile” kind of guy.

    And now he is obviously the Del Boy type (of which there are plenty in Malta; they have walked out of their smelly closets everywhere) who is trying his hand at everything.

  23. gn says:

    Pruvahom u ghogbuh.

    Mohh nittien

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