Franco Debono: lawyer for Enemalta

Published: November 1, 2014 at 3:54pm


Break out the Prozac

Break out the Prozac

So Franco Debono, who this government has put on the public payroll with a salary, car and chauffeur in his Silver Stick In Waiting to the King position as Law Commissioner, has also been given another revenue stream as Enemalta’s criminal lawyer.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Trabokk says:

    Kollox mahdum bizilla kien. Hux veru Franco kemm ghajjadt bil€500. Tieghek mhux bil-gravy train jigu imma bix chauffeur driven car.

  2. Emm says:

    Wow, so he has added another hat to his collection. Did he choose a Ushanka made from muskrat fur perhaps to remind him of the great democracy he is helping us emulate? Or did he chose a Toque because he has a finger in many pies?

    Where there seismic signs denoting the need for some sort of pressure release one wonders? One never knows, perhaps switched off gadgets were ringing again and since it was not tinnitus, it was decided another iced bun might do the trick. Better that than risk a meltdown.

    • curious says:

      The earliest reference I can find for his work for Enemalta is February 2014. Maybe someone might remember particular incidents or Franco’s ‘sulking phases’.

  3. Gabilott says:

    It would be interesting to get to know how he was chosen as Enemalta lawyer.

  4. edgar says:

    Gabilott, just have a close look at his brown nose.

  5. stephen says:

    Kien mugugh hux id-dottore

  6. ken il malti says:

    Prozac is actually the main cause of Franco Debono’s problems.

    His weird behaviour and outbursts are very much due to the mania induced in his brain by fluoxetine in Prozac.

  7. Nutter says:

    It’s ‘parte civile’, so he’s their civil lawyer in this case. Unless you’re being ironic.

    • ciccio says:

      It’s a criminal case in the criminal courts under criminal law.

      • Nutter says:

        X’ghandu x’jaqsam. He’s appearing as far as the ‘civil’ interests of Enemalta go – civil debt etc. He’s not defending Enemalta from criminal charges (if that were possible).

        In fact, he can’t be Enemalta’s criminal lawyer because Enemalta doesn’t commit crimes, individuals do. But yes, he’s Enemalta’s lawyer. Taghna Lkoll, taghna lkoll, taghna lkoll …

  8. Francis Said says:

    Hold on, why does Enemalta need a criminal defence Lawyer in the first place.

  9. mc says:

    In contrast to the original, this Judas continues to receive more pieces of silver for the betrayal of the people who gave him their vote in 2008.

    • ciccio says:

      Someone must show him the way to the field and the olive trees. He seems to be lost in between South and Republic Streets in Valletta.

  10. RF says:

    Does he still depend on Government handouts? That Form IIC certificate didn’t take him too far, rotten cock-keeping tw*t.

  11. pazzo says:

    not only that, and in the meantime Charmaine Cherrett is defending one of the accused. She works in Franco`s legal office and often appears on his behalf. Thank God for spotify, as I`m listening to Gary Jules, Mad World.

  12. Emm says:

    Franco Debono: lawyer for ENEMAlta because he almost singlehandedly purged Malta of sanity and good governance.

    Pity that the monsters he thought were real at the time were in actual fact visions from the future which we are living now. That must have been why they were calling him on a switched off mobile phone.

    Why does he still not look like he is demon free yet do you think? Isn’t he enjoying our year round haloween or has he finally cottoned on to the fact that no amount of money will make one happy?

  13. Andrew.B. says:

    Cafcaf papru la sibt l-ilma. Dan kollu mhux ghax kon tkapaci imma ghax kont gagbin.

    • ciccio says:

      “Lil min qed tghid li ma kienx kapaci? Jien tghidx kemm batejt. Kont top student. Tifel biezel. Biss biss, ta’ erba’ snin kont qrajt il-priedka tat-tifel. Fil-hames distrett ghaddejt anke lil Louis Galea fl-elezzjoni tal-2008. Jaqaw tridni nelenkalek il-proposti tieghi ghar-riformi fil-qasam tal-Gustizzja?”

  14. Dr Cherrett says:

    (Pazzo) please note I left Franco Debono s office as from February 2013, regards

  15. Gahan says:

    He is always appearing in court on behalf of Enemalta.

    I guess that’s why he does not criticise the government about the new LNG plant on the doorstep of his residence in Marsaxlokk.

  16. pazzo says:

    @ Dr Cherrett. Forgive me as I was not updated.

  17. Gladio says:

    Franco should declare his feed-in tariff rate. In exchange, Enemalta will be installing a smart meter at his San Tumas boathouse.

    Does his boathouse have an electric meter installed or did he steal electricity like the rest of them?

  18. Disillusioned says:

    Possibli this moderate, fair, and righteous individual finds nothing to complain about anymore? What a w**ker you are, Debono, and I hope you read this.

  19. Zaren says:


  20. Arturo Mercieca says:

    Just after the election, Enemalta dispensed with the services of most of its lawyers, most of whom had been retained for a long time on very low fees.

    Only those who support the Labour Party were spared the axe. A few months later, when the controversy about a room full of files relating to old revenue cases erupted, some 600 judicial letters were sent to try and interrupt the statute of limitations.

    Enemalta did not make use of its legal officer to sign these letters but they were all signed by Dr Marion Camilleri from Franco Debono’s office even though his practice is almost exclusively in the criminal field.

    If he charged according to the tariff, that is Lm6,000.

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