Government spokesman Carmelo Abela says that the media should keep quiet about Leisure Clothing

Published: November 1, 2014 at 5:18pm

carmelo abela

Government spokesman Carmelo Abela, he of the multi-pronged salary stream, said on the radio this morning that the media shouldn’t expose (“iperrecc”) violations of workers rights as we are doing in the Leisure Clothing case, as “it isn’t right” especially “if there is an ongoing investigation”.

The man clearly took lessons in the role of the press in a democracy from Reno Calleja and his friends.

36 Comments Comment

    • Peter Bloom says:

      When a society does not trust the authorities to conduct a proper investigation – because the authorities themselves may, directly or indirectly, be involved in some wrongdoing – the task has to be performed by the free press. That is what a true democratic society is all about.

  1. curious says:

    Carmelo Abela, we can talk and investigate as much as we want because (1) we are not being given a salary of thirty thousand by the government and (2) we have not been integrated officially with China, as yet.

  2. edgar says:

    This for me is the most shocking news. Carmelo Abela has really hit rock bottom and we all should be worried at this attitude. As I always predicted, we are in for very bad times.

    • Pippa says:

      And I used to think that this quiet man was a gentleman. Not a great disappointment, really, him being a Mintoffian.

      • ciccio says:

        Carmelo Abela deserves more than Eur 30,000 for his work.

        He has been appointed a Spokesman for the Liars Now in Government.

        He doesn’t realise the risk this poses to his personal reputation.

        I will hazard a guess. In less than a year’s time, he will not be in this post anymore. Who will enjoy facing the media with the lies of others?

  3. C.G says:

    Da ser johoda z-zieda ta’ 58 cents?

    Dik is-sjut, Carmelo Abela, mnejn akkwistajta?

  4. canon says:

    Was Carmelo Abela speaking in his capacity as spokesman to the Prime Minister, which earns him € 39,000 a year?

  5. It-Tezi ta' Mario says:

    Carmelo Abela accompanied Muscat to China in September 2013 when he was in Dalian ostensibly to participate in the World Economic Forum meeting. The real reason for the visit was to sell off a chunk of Enemalta to China and to lay the geound for selling passports.

    I’m told Carmelo Abela was admitted to the conference centre even though he was merely pary whip at the time, and not government spokesman, Kurt Farrugia, then and now government head of communications, didn’t accompany the prime minister during the WEF meeting.

    Perhaps Reno Bugeja can elaborate. He covered Muscat’s visit.

  6. Delta says:

    And while all of this is going on not a single mention of the word ‘China’ on the front page.

  7. John Higgins says:

    I’m sorry to say that Carmelo Abela has been really spoilt by the PL. As a banker he was quite a reasonable man notwithstanding his Labour views.

  8. Gerbera says:

    Incredibly unconscientious words coming from a PL representative of the people considered to be a moderately decent human being. How disgustingly insensitive. Sleep well Hon MP.

  9. ken il malti says:

    Carmelo Abela proudly says that Labour Party goons will personally come to your house and make you shut your mouth about Chinese slaves in Malta.

  10. P Shaw says:

    …and I foolishy thought that Carmelo Abela was the rare decent person in the MLP camp.

  11. Kapxinn says:

    Excerpt from the best-seller “Chinese Leisure for Pleasure”
    Chapter VI: Police Investigation

    The indentured labourer sat uncomfortably as the police inspector started in English, a language that to her sounded very much like Australian. But she soon could make out a Chinese interpreter seated at the far end of the office.

    “Don’t be afraid,” said the interpreter in Chinese, kindly provided by the Chinese Embassy.

    “You’re in safe hands. You can speak out in confidence.”

  12. Emm says:

    Of course that is what he would say. It is much easier to target and silence a whistleblower or two and make sure that their Achilles heel keeps them from pushing for a proper investigation.

    And if anyone thinks that this would be some soft pressure they should be reminded of the five bullets shot in the face of a certain television importer in the midst of the colour television scandal. That shut everyone up nicely, didn’t it?

  13. Wistin Schembri says:

    Carmelo is right. Who promised transparency? Who mentioned whistle blower protection? These are elements of the decadent West that is destined to fill the dustbins of history.

    Carmelo deserves an increase in his salary (or salaries?).

  14. AE says:

    Things have certainly changed for Carmelo Abela since he was an altar boy.

    Imbasta l-quddies kollha li sema but we should close an eye to human beings being treated so appallingly.

  15. AE says:

    Would David Thake make a phone-call to Ramona Frendo and ask her what she thinks about her husband’s Bortex subcontracting its production line to a company that effectively enslaves its workers?

    And when she claims she didn’t know, ask whether we are supposed to believe that Bortex, that boasts about “Fine Tailoring”, never did any due diligence on Leisure Clothing, that no director ever actually went on site to check how their clothing was being made. What’s so Fine about this Tailoring Mrs Borg?

  16. Joe Fenech says:

    What a mess of a country.

  17. What guarantee will the government spokesman give that once the investigation finds out what is happening, he will not tell us that it is not wise to make this public, as government has been saying on the contract with a Chinese lady?

  18. Censa says:

    Is this the official government position then?

  19. Gaetano Pace says:

    Din bhal l-iskandlu taz-zejt. Min sefsfilhom ma qalilhomx minn qabel li l-percimes kienu ukoll nies minn tal-qalba, hopefuls tal-partit, nies imwegheda art li tnixxi halib u ghasel.

    Ahna issa nafu li hopeful iehor tal-Partit Laburista kien imdeffes ma’ ohrajn bhalu f`din l-oxxenita degradanti, vili u viljakka tal-Leisure Clothing.

  20. Tabatha White says:

    I wonder what Norman Lowell’s solution would be now?

    Acid? On the rocks?

    Nothing short of a few gas chambers to get rid of this putrid lot?

    There is so much deep-rooted corruption.

    And on top of that so much stupidity.

    Ideal state of affairs for the psychos controlling it all.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Let’s forget Norman Lowell and ask Arlette Baldacchino, who is ostensibly sane.

      Who is the real enemy? China or the Jews?

      [Daphne – Where on earth did you get the impression that Arlette Baldacchino is ostensibly sane? If she were sane, would she be doing what she is doing, with whom she is doing it? But actually, her real problem is a very low IQ.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        She may have an IQ that can dance the limbo, but she gives the outward appearance of a sane person, unlike Lowell, who doesn’t.

        That’s why she’s got all the normal social circles and Lowell doesn’t. She is the acceptable and accepted face of Imperium Europa and all that lunacy, and Lowell isn’t.

        [Daphne – In the same way that Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando give the outward appearance of a sane person? The psychologically unsound look just the same as everybody else – bar untreated schizophrenia. Norman Lowell dresses and behaves the way he does on purpose. When he worked at the bank until the age of 50+, he wore a suit, shirt and tie. The clues are in the behaviour. To judge whether Arlette Baldacchino is all right up there, you don’t look at her. You assess her choices and behaviour. Those are not the choices and behaviour of a psychologically sound person.]

        Which is why I’d like her to answer. Lowell would just turn it into another of his soap-box speeches.

        [Daphne – I think you’ll be disappointed. Ms Baldacchino is completely inarticulate unless she’s reading out something written by somebody else.]

        Imperium Europa paved the way for Muscat. They are responsible for Labour’s election victory. So it’s no use going all patriotic and condemning the colonisation by China. They supported it. They are just as guilty as Labour.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Have you met her recently? I mean post-Imperium Europa? I have. I doubt if people know who she is or what she does. Lowell would be scorned like the leper at the party. She isn’t.

        [Daphne – H.P., I have known Arlette Baldacchino for 40 years. I would never mistake her for a person of sound mind or reasonable intelligence. The two are not mutually exclusive, but Ms Baldacchino hasn’t been fortunate on that score.]

        Sane or not, and articulate or not, she tries hard to look like Mrs Decent Citizen. Lowell relishes in his lunacy. So if anyone is to be doorstepped, it should be her, not Lowell.

        I just want all those Imperium Europa supporters who voted for this evil regime to be made aware that they are just as guilty as Joseph Muscat’s followers. That’s all.

        Illegal immigration hasn’t stopped. Black Africans haven’t been banished. And now China is taking over.

        Thanks you very fucking much, Norman Lowell.

      • We are living in Financial Times says:

        And if she fully subscribes to Lowell’s philosophy / philosophies, these things tend to be genetic.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Do you mean her family members share the same philosophy, FT?

  21. Bumblebee says:

    Carmelo Abela : Why ?

  22. Francis Said says:

    Not in CHINA’s National Interest, neither in the National Interest of the MLP/PL/PARTIT TAL-HADDIEMA/PARTIT SOCJALISTA!

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