Great leading article – and even Martin Scicluna has woken up to reality
November 26, 2014 at 12:23pm
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My dear Madam,
There is only one way to describe PM Muscat’s shambolic government: “omnishambles”.
“Omnishambles” is the delicious concept of a multiple screw up in all areas, invented by the writers of political satire “The Thick of It”:
“…you’re a f*****g omnishambles, that’s what you are. You’re like that coffee machine, you know: from bean to cup, you f**k up…”
From: Series 3, Episode 1, The Thick of It.
And when Minister Mizzi gets his sticky hands on public transport, it becomes a blistering “Omni-bus-shambles”
Cluster-F#ck is another accurate one.
Is that the definition of orgy?
Hello there, welcome to 80s Malta revisited – Josanne Cassar and Lou Bondi next.
The backbench couple would be nice.
Given up on Deborah Schembri, propensity for legalese spikes her brain, she’ll come up with direction of the shot irrelevant when a warning, it’s the noise it makes, no silencer on that Glock ergo bla bla.
Who’s a bejta avukati now?
Iz-zejt tiela’ f’wicc l-ilma.
Good to see people sobering up.
Sorry to go on a tangent, but this is important too.
The article of The Times about the La Vallette Multi Manager Property Fund does not report about the scathing attack by Paul Bonello on the Labour Chairman of BOV, John Cassar White.
Now would that be because Mr. Cassar White was a regular contributor on The Times?
Why is The Times not attaching a copy of Finco’s letter to investors like Malta Today?
This is another case where the Labour government has taken voters for a ride.
Ara jahasra.
Allura il-fatt li John Cassar White, dejjem skond Bonello, l-ewwel qal li se jmur ghal-arbitragg, imbaghad biddel hsiebu, x’inhuwa:
(a) “dilettantizmu”;
(b) “inkompetenza”;
(c) “korruzzjoni”;
(d) “decizjonijiet li jittiehdu fl-interess tal-ftit kontra l-interess tal-hafna”?
Bonello jattakka lil Cassar White talli dan, qabel l-elezzjoni, kien ikkritika lil BOV. Allura lil Bonello x’irid jinghadlu, wara li tant fahhar lil Labour qabel l-elezzjoni?
Please watch this video again, especially at 1.37 when the Speaker talks about corruption. Prophetic stuff! Look who shows up at that exact moment.
Later on in his speech, the Speaker lauds Muscat for not tolerating “dawk li jaqbzu l-linja”. Alas, Muscat is still dithering on this one.
Mid-dehra l’onorevoli DOTTOR Busuttil mhux busy il- qorti illum. X’ jahli iz-zmien idahhak in- nies bih dalghodu fuq FB.
More iced buns for the Developers’ lobby from Joey;
The Prime Minister showed his lack of integrity from day one: he allowed his ministers to continue with their private work.
As was highlighted, his ministers and MPs got away with breaking one code of ethics after another.
Good to see that people admit their mistakes, in the end.
Some on the contrary insist on putting their foot so deeply into their mouth that the oxygen supply to their brain is cut off.
”…Dr Dalli said she had listed Pada Builders in her ministerial declaration of assets only because it formed part of the community of acquests with her husband. She had no shareholding in the company, nor was she a director. She had no responsibility and no say in the way it was run.”
I thought that Helena Dalli was a lawyer. Did she not attend class when ‘community of acquests’ was being discussed?
Labour, the government all in for the perks but none of the responsibilities.
Re the part in the Editorial about Helena Dalli:
The point is not whether it is incredible or not that she didn’t know, the point is that whether or not the property is on Konvenju, it remains her property and therefore her responsibility. The onus is on her. It is about onus and responsibility of ownership.
One assumes that she, as one half of the couple, benefits from profits made from this company.
Since, as far as we know, she has not divorced or is not legally separated from her husband, her argument falls flat.
Do you think they put a whole lot of fog into every argument, editors and all, thinking the house will disappear from sight if the Minister is determined to stay?
Is she one of those Maltese who won’t let the sunlight through her bedroom window for fear of it attacking the antiques?
I highly doubt that.
I’m so tired of the attempts at mind-bending.
If they would all just do the decent thing and go.
Such a sham set-up from whichever point it’s analysed.
Don’t trust this snake.
One of the many reasons why Manuel Mallia is not, and never was, fit for purpose as Minister of the Interior is that he is only capable of thinking and acting as a defence lawyer.
In criminal law the role of a defence lawyer is to ensure that no person is convicted of a crime unless such conviction is proven beyond reasonable doubt.
In any developed and democratic state, a Minister is held to higher standards than alleged criminals.
A Minister’s actions must not only be correct and proper but must be seen to be so. A Minister is a servant of the state. He (or she) is accountable not to a client but to Parliament and to the country at large.
His or her success or otherwise is not determined by a jury but by public sentiment.
Ever since he joined the political fray Mallia has employed the language, tactics and approach of a defence lawyer attempting to impress a jury. This approach may have helped him get elected and secured his Cabinet position. But it is also proving to be an insurmountable obstacle to fulfilling his duties as a Minister of State in a democratic country.
He has been unable to make the transition from a defence lawyer to a servant of the state.
I always follow Martin Scicluna’s articles with interest. They are always measured and though I may not always agree with him, I do not doubt his sincerity. Good to read his latest article today.
Martin is slowly waking up and is smelling the coffee. He cannot admit overnight that he was completely wrong to advise us about voting for Muscat before the elections. But he is getting there slowly.
So in 2013 it was an earthquake and now we have the tsunami which is even more devastating as it is bringing about the total destruction of all the high institutions that managed to survive the earthquake.
I’m still waiting to hear his apology
I have always considered Simon Busuttil as a great man. He is honest, intelligent and hard working. He was willing to give up a great job to take on a thankless position which I am very sure few were willing to take.
Well done, Simon – I have great respect for you and I know you will lead us to victory and rid us of these dishonest power-hungry philistines.
Unless I am missing something really obvious, there is something really wrong here. A 26 mile bridge in China costs nearly the same as the Gozo bridge which is under 9km long. Of course, ‘jien mhux tekiniku’, in these matters.–hold-title-years.html
Not the same can be said for this article however:
”€3 million in benefits saved as payment to abusers stopped – minister”
‘Saved’ implies a done deal, but in the artilcle it says ‘is being saved’ but does not specify over which period.
”The country is saving more than €3 million in benefit payments after it stopped paying 724 abusers , Social Solidarity Minister Michael Farrugia said this morning.”
The article states ”Farrugia said that more people were being investigated.”
‘More’ as in ‘more than before or a certain number’ or it meant to say ‘more WILL BE investigated’.
The article goes on to state ”He (Farrugia) also spoke on the EU food scheme and said this was currently in the tender process and would be implemented in the beginning of the year.” It does not answer the question many have been asking regarding why EU food distribution had been stopped, nor does it acknowledge the fact that where supplies are dependent on tenders, the said tenders are sorted so as not to disrupt supply.
The article does end with a loaded quip in line with what we have come to expect from this government, conveniently not substantiated.
”The government, he said, would not allow abuse even on the food being donated by the EU”