Here’s another one who’s unfit for purpose: Mario Philip Azzopardi

Published: November 28, 2014 at 12:38pm

He directed and produced all of the Labour Party’s campaign videos for the 2013 general election, starred in the Malta Taghna Lkoll video along with a bunch of other scrounging freeloaders who then got put on the public payroll, and has now been appointed ‘artistic director’ of the preparations for Valletta – European Capital of Culture 2018.

Another blast from the 1970s. These people were adults when I was in primary school and they’re still considered the natural Labour choice for running the show.

Mario Philip Azzopardi and his ideas are as dated as a Bay City Rollers LP.


Mario Philip Azzopardi



19 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew S says:

    This administration continues where Dom Mintoff’s war on the church left off.

    Joseph Muscat thinks that it is so very liberal, progressive and European to be anti-religion.

    Dated more than ever of course, as this iconic photograph taken a few days ago proves.

    • ChrisM says:

      To be very honest, the anti-religion part is the only part I like about Labour.

      PN was a little too conservative when it came to moral issues such as divorce.

      Other than that though, Labour is absolute rubbish at everything it does and I will give them no praise for being liberal either because it is the easiest thing to do.

      • Matthew S says:

        People who are vehemently anti-religion tend to be utter bores. They turn atheism into a religion of its own and never stop droning on about it.

        Anti-religiosity is just a phase you go through as a rebellious young person. Then you get over it.

        God’s existence can never be proved but neither can it be disproved so it’s a mostly pointless argument which just keeps going round in circles.

        And religion makes many people happy and provides meaning to their lives, so who are we to argue?

        Are all the European members of parliament believers? Certainly not, but the parliament was still packed during the pope’s address. You don’t have to be a believer to agree with his message.

        Religion has had an integral part in shaping history, society, culture and the arts. There’s no use denying it.

      • High Tea says:

        Some people don’t grow out of their rebellious phase even in their thirties. They start waxing their chest instead.

    • Tabatha White says:

      This is the upcoming trend, accompanying values.


  2. La Redoute says:

    Azzopardi apologised because Bonnici said the comment was unwarranted, not because he thought so himself.

    Unwarranted? The comment was offensive.

    Azzopardi isn’t fit for purpose. Bonnici should sack him and then resign. He’s got enough to keep himself busy. He might even shed Janice in process, freeing himself up to be more productive in other ways. She only seems to be tuned on by his ministerial status.

  3. winston psaila says:

    Quite honestly, I share his views, as do millions of others globally, but then he should have chosen an appropriate platform.

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      He should have chosen NO platform. When you are in that position you have to watch what you say everywhere and all the time.

      And a person with those views has no place being artistic director of V18 because those views show that he is no better than a redneck.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    ‘Here’s another one who’s unfit for purpose: Mario Philip Azzopardi’

    Let’s be honest, is there really anyone who is?

  5. willie inatinovic says:

    Now he can join in and sing more Taghna Lkoll bullshit with his Garden Gnome slob-buddy Albert Marshall and Jane “Paranoid” Marshall. Mario Philip Azzopardi did so well in Canada that he wound up producing campaign videos for the Malta Labour Party in exchange for a job.

  6. Madoff says:

    Ghalfejn gie lura dan l-antipatiku. Ghax ma baqax il-Kanada.

  7. nistaqsi says:

    A statement from the Association of Performing Arts Practitioners (APAP):

    “The association feels that these remarks do not fit well with his proposed role as Artistic Director of the Valletta 2018 project. V18 is a major international event which is specifically entrusted with the task of promoting cultural diversity, as well as reflecting the various aspects of the Mediterranean culture, and which aims to bring about change and understanding within society through creativity and dialogue. APAP feels that Mr. Azzopardi’s comments as made on a public forum, repeatedly and with much vigour, make him a highly unlikely candidate to attain such an ambition.”

    It very unusual for an NGO to express an opinion on a specific appointment. APAP felt sufficiently strongly about the matter to do so.

    Joseph Muscat claims that this is a government that listens. Will he listen to APAP’s advise? We will wait and see.

    • gaetano pace says:

      No doubt absolutely, in the most Stalinistic and Chinese way. Joseph will listen, always. He uses one ear to listen and the other to jettison what he hears lest it sticks and he would have to listen to it.

  8. Anon says:

    I’m slightly disappointed that you did not pick up this story a few couple of months ago when I sent you a screenshot of his Facebook timeline showing the barrage of racist posts. Luckily, this has come to light. It’s better to expose scum of this sort late than never.

    [Daphne – Sorry, I missed that. It must have been when I was away that month.]

  9. Wheels within Wheels says:

    I think we will find that Azzopardi has been given more than one iced bun.

    I wonder what happened to that Eur1 million co-production film fund that was announced last year? it seems to ‘fortuitously’ coincide with a co-production that Azzopardi started working on

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