Here’s Leisure Clothing’s Adrian Grech Cumbo at the prime minister’s staged political events

Published: November 4, 2014 at 12:12pm

Adrian Grech Cumbo was a regular audience feature at the Labour Party’s campaign events in the last general election. After Muscat became prime minister and began holding his staged ‘laqghat mal-poplu’ in his office courtyard, Grech Cumbo featured in those audiences too.

See him here: extreme bottom right.

Incidentally, what because of those hyped-up laqghat mal-poplu? They were supposed to be held every month, but after the first two or three, they vanished into the ether.

Perhaps they were scared of the comments and questions if they could no longer police the entire audience with plants like slave-driver Grech Cumbo (now on the board of governors of the Institute of Tourism Studies)?



10 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    And sporting a red tie, extreme left second row, is Konrad Mizzi senior.

  2. Jozef says:

    ‘That day he did not have the cold so he goed.’

  3. canon says:

    So Leisure Clothing also provided fashion clothes to Taghna Lkollers.

  4. Dumbo Cumbo says:

    Before the 2008 general elections, Grech Cumbo was telling people around to vote for Alfred Sant, because he was such a great leader.

  5. TROY says:

    Joseph Muscat seems to be surrounded by people like this Grech Combo, who seem to have secrets or aces up their sleeves.

    Another name that comes to mind is Michael Ferry, known for his charades in Brussels at the time our Joseph was an MEP and over there.

    • ciccio says:

      Bortex suits from Leisure Clothing are that comfortable because they’ve got several inner pockets. The perfect solution for those brown envelopes.

  6. AE says:

    And isn’t that Milica Micovic top left hand corner of the second photo? I never quite understood her support for the Labour Party when it was Mintoff who stole the bank her family partly owned. There is some warped reasoning at play there.

  7. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ma niskantax li ghosfru dawk il-laqghat. Ghax spicca li l-poplu kellu u ghandu bosta aktar xi jghid lil Muscat milli Muscat kellu u ghandu xi jghid lil poplu.

    Aghar minn hekk, Muscat la sema, la jisma u lanqas irid jisma.

    Allura zarma l-laqghat. X`taghmel?

  8. silvio Farrugia says:

    Xi hmieg ta’ pajjiz. They have just been in government 20 months. What will they do in 5 years time? How much more grabbing, sleaze and corruption?

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