Highest number of views ever on this website yesterday: 473,707
Yesterday (20 November) this website registered the highest number of views-per-day ever since it was set up in March 2008: 473,703.
Almost half a million views in a day – I can barely believe it myself.
Not bad for a fringe operation read by nobody except a few cats, written by the old and ugly Nationalist outcast queen of bile who everybody hates and whose name mustn’t be mentioned in case those mentioning it turn into pillars of salt.
And fascinatingly, the majority of my readers are aged 18 to 34.
But I had worked that out long before any examination of Google Analytics, three years ago when the Labour Party’s propaganda machine revved up its pre-electoral engine and began a sustained and narrowly targeted attack on me, my image, my credibility and my ‘young person’ appeal.
Without the stats to hand, they had worked out the facts.
More fool the shallow, uninformed, non-media-savvy people who swallowed their rubbish whole. There was only ever going to be one reason why the Labour Party had an interest and incentive in bringing its entire machine to bear on making me look bad and making it a bad thing to admit to reading this website, still less loving it, or linking it on Facebook.
And you don’t have to work in communications or politics to puzzle that one out. It’s plain obvious to anybody with a brain.
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I don’t want to piss on your bonfire Daphne, but let’s face it what else do you suggest we do. There is no other media platform to turn to.
Congratulations and thank you for your huge personal sacrifice you make but your blog would be worthless with out its readers and their comments.
[Daphne – That’s convoluted reasoning, but I’ll let it go.]
Brilliant, Daphne.
You work hard. You’re discerning. Fair. Discreet when it calls for it. Driven.
Very wise.
People trust you.
There are a whole lot of intangibles being processed.
I learn a huge amount from you.
This website has become vital at a time when Malta is going through another emergency of dangerous and reckless governance under Labour.
That the views to your site have peaked today is fantastic news. I have no doubt that this will continue.
Thank you for not ever compromising your principles.
I agree 100% I always read this site first thing all mornings
Well said.
I completely agree with Tabatha here, and am really proud of you.
Daphne, turn on Google Ads and you can almost give up the day job (not that you’d want to).
May you have the strength to carry on. Thank you.
Daphne, next stage, please employ a camera man and a reporter and send them chasing these inapt lot and have your reporter ask them the questions our so called journalists should be asking, and upload the footage on your site. This would be the coconut’s nightmare.
I want to read something that does not insult my intelligence.
You have little or no competition when it comes to the truth. I do not think your blog is the perfect medium for telling the truth and the news as it should be reported (he who has no sin, cast the first stone – it ain’t gonna be me) but God forbid you did not exist.
Thank you for the service. I like, many more, am grateful for your work.
I have one puzzling (and maybe silly) question – how do these analytical sites come up with stats like age group, gender, and level of education of the reader?
Obviously, the people trust you. You call it as you see it.
The people share your views but feel helpless with the direction the country is taken.
May you continue with your informative journalism as not too many journalist have the guts to uncover the dirt of this government.
They attack you because they fear your pen. What a bunch of idiots.
Well done Daphne. Keep up the excellent work. Give ’em hell.
Well done and thank you.
Thank you Daphne, for being possibly the only journalist who we can really trust, and who gives true news the value it deserves.
Grazzi mill-qalb. Alla jħares ma tkunx int, għax kieku nistgħu ngħidu li verament morna lura għas-snin 70 fejn ħlief gideb ma konniex nisimgħu u naqraw.
Bis-saħħa tiegħek qed naqraw u nsiru nafu l-ingann ta’ dan il-gvern….kuljum b’xi bużullotta.
Tiġri waħda u tinsa l-oħra. Għandna bżonn inżommu lista ta’ dawn il-bużullotti u kuljum inżidu dik tal-ġurnata ħalli ma jkollniex lista twila x’niktbu fl-aħħar tal-leġiżlatura.
Ikunu kollha hemm lesti, ħalli żgur ma ninsew xejn. U mmorru nivvutaw bil-kuxjenza safja bit-tama li mhux se jkollna aktar minn dawn il-bużullotti fil-gvern il-ġdid. Jitħajjar jagħmilha xi ħadd li għandu arkivji tajbin u memorja tajba? Grazzi bil-quddiem.
I must say I really did not like your blog some time ago as I felt it bordered on just insulting people in general.
I like it better now as you seem to focus on the realities of what is happening in the country today vis a vis the government.
You need to put on your blog the various initiatives that the PN from time to time propose as I am sure they are going to need all the help they get.
Keep up the good work.
A very good idea, Butterfly. I have no doubt that you will oblige Daphne. B’hekk inkunu nistgħu nixtarru u nqabblu. Grazzi tax-xogħol tiegħek.
I disagree, because if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Daphne is on the right track – slowly but surely even those who opposed her most are beginning to see that. Yes, if a snap general election were called now, Labour would still win but be in for a nasty surprise.
Well done, Daphne. You are doing a great job. Thanks for your contribution.
Never a better opportunity for you to shine as a Labour government.
Train more like you for posterity and protection of the great achievements of this country.
Even I am selective what to read from your site but when it comes to matters that concern the nation you are unbeatable by far. I write because you deserve support.
Well done. I cannot say I agree 100% with certain points of view, but you certainly provide all the right information that some would like to keep “il-popolin” ignorant about.
Keep up the good work.
I didn’t like you at first, Daphne, I thought you were one of those arrogant upper class types I find back home in England, but I have grown to like you and your site, my favourite Maltese web site.
I love the kind of work you do and wish you well. Sorry I cannot share some of your political views but life would be boring if we were all the same.
You have more balls, please excuse the phrase, than most men I know. All the best to you, God bless x
I’ve said it before , and I’ll say it again a million times : THANK YOU DAPHNE .
Well done ..
This is a clear sign that:
1) If someone wants to know the details hidden from the public, this is the site to find those details;
2) Even haters can’t resist looking you up.
Well done and keep it up. Thank you.
A beacon of hope and courage. Well done and keep it up.
Hu go fik Muscat.
It is here I come for the facts because all remaining sources offer only their biased and twisted opinions.
Well done, dear Daphne. You are doing a great service to Malta. You are a bulwark for free speech in Malta.
Being a Friday many people would say ‘Thank God it’s Friday’. On my part, not only on Friday, but daily say ‘Thank God there is Daphne’ and on Tuesday’s I say ‘Thank God we also have Ivan Fenech’.
Keep it Daphne, and do not lose heart.
Well done, Daphne. This undoubtedly shows that the government and Labour media machines have never taken into equation the power of the internet. With so many hits in one day, am I right to conclude that a substantial number of those are Labour-leaning supporters? Alas, as they say, the pen is mightier than the sword or in your case, the keyboard! Keep it up.
Wow – impressive.
Still room for improvement especially if political bias and personal hunches were eliminated.
[Daphne – This is not a newspaper, Manwel. The formula is successful precisely because of what it is. People in Malta think that the recipe for success is beating others at their own game. No, it isn’t. The recipe for success is finding something others are failing to do or haven’t even realised is necessary.]
Hi Daphne,
Can you please re-introduce the next and back button, as it makes it easier to navigate your website especially when we need to catchup with the blog. Thanks.
[Daphne – You have page numbers at the bottom for catching up.]
And kudos to the PN newsroom, Maltarightnow, it’s been performing well: Leisure Clothing saga, the shoot out, and other recent stories – some they followed up after getting tipped off here.
I have been following you from your early writings in The Malta Independent (at least that is where I did) both for the content and also for the way your pen flows.
I used to love discussing your writings with my ailing father and reading them out to him.
You have a great talent and I am sure coupled with hard work. Thank you for what you do and I must also add a BIG thank you to the regular contributors as they add to the interest and entertainment.
473,703 WOW.
Great achievement! Well done!
Needless to say, there must be a reason for this success, as there is also a reason why, in contrast, certain other parts of the media are losing their readership and following. And very rapidly too.
And I am pretty sure that this trend will continue, the reason for which is that I am sure there will never be a lack of serious issues which will be dealt with as they occur and in complete openness here. And in a style attractive to both young and not so young.
The best publicity is by word of mouth, and of course by the level of information given in this blog, both quantitatively and especially qualitatively.
Keep up the excellent work. Thank you.
You have become the only reliable source. Others cannot match you due to their hidden agendas and obligations in support of a fake and incapable government.
Well done.
Well done Daphne. You are the best.
Well done! keep it coming please. Thank you
How would you know the average age of the viewers? Just curious. I’m 34.
[Daphne – Google Analytics.]
The star is still shining. Keep on shining, Daphne, for now and many more years to come. God bless you and your PEN.
God, please see that the ink of her pen never repeat NEVER dries.
Keep up the good work IRON LADY.
Dear Daphne, YOU are followed and read avidly due to your being accurate, clear and most of all well informed.
You portray a picture of straightforward reporting with a hint of humour and loads of details which all your readers attribute to hard work on your part.
A huge thank you from the heart.
There are people out there who come to you first with the news.
Because they know that newsrooms around the country twist them for their own purposes.
I declare, that there is No other well informed source than THIS blog. It is multi purpose. Informative, fresh, to the point, and there is the entertaining bit, which has cost a lot to those who dared have their teas whilst going through your blog. It is the one and only.
Prosit Daphne,
Thank you.
Well done! As we all say in our family – if we read a news item on your site, then we have no doubt that it is true. Keep it up and thanks!
Well done, Daphne, you’re the best.
Almost the number of euros underneath a mattress.
Well done, Daphne. Apart from the news getting out from your blog it also shows that some other media portals are losing their viewers. Thank you for keeping us normal mortals informed.
The only difference between today and the Golden Years is the media in the hands of the citizens, and this blog is a prime example.
These media might be the only thing which will stop us from sinking completely into the morass we went through in those days.
Well done Daphne and well deserved.
Your blog is the only way of getting to know the truth, it seems.
Kieku possibli nikklownjak biex ikollna aktar DCGs…u nxerridhom ma’ Malta kollha.
You will only go from strength to strength. I’m not one to comment normally but this certainly calls for it! You should consider a political career :-) All the best!
[Daphne – I am a great believer in finding one’s niche and sticking with it. I do not view the media and public communication as a stepping-stone to politics, but as an end in themselves.]
@louise, I cant help it but I have to agree with you, Daphne should consider herself as one of the best with a brilliant political career. She is too clever to brag about it, which makes her wise.
What worries me is that women like her can be resented by the more relaxed chummy men around.
Maltese men don’t like it when women outshine them. But the fact is, she is brilliant, witty, and does not leave a stone unturned.
You certainly have found it no doubt about that!
Thanks, Daphne. Your blog is really having an impact now.
It’s time for Busuttil to pluck up the courage and endorse you, ignoring all the attempts (even internally) to denigrate him following such a decision. After all, the PN have nothing to lose, they have no chance in the next election, so such a move would only have positive impacts.
[Daphne – Are you quite all right? The last thing I want or need is to be ENDORSED by a political party, any political party. Isn’t that the very falsehood that the Labour Party has perpetrated against me for the last few years under Muscat – that I work for the PN? I cherish my independence and my independence is what my readers want.]
What I meant, in very short words, is for them (the Nationalists) to stop avoiding mentioning you by name (especially when they pick up stories from this blog without any acknowledgement) just because they fear reprisals by you know who.
[Daphne – I do not need any such acknowledgement and I would rather not have it. The Nationalist Party is not expected to make pronouncements on any individual journalist. I am no different. Please stop taking Labour propaganda on board and allowing it to shape your thinking.]
Daphne prosit tassew!
You know better than most of us do that this brings upon yourself a load of responsibility. We trust that “il-passat HUWA garanzija tal-futur” on this one.
Keep it coming, Daphne.
Well done for keeping us posted with nothing but the truth, a rare find in Malta nowadays! Thanks and keep it up.
Brilliant. You are an eye opener. Well done. You are doing what many are afraid to do….. Telling the truth.
And thank you so much for being so brave. We owe you tremendously.
You should create a timer of a countdown to the resignation of Manuel Mallia on your blog. Sadly, I am not technically proficient.
Daphne, il-blog tieghek minbarra l-gurnalismu reali u fattwali li fih, permezz tieghu sirt inhobb naqra (specjajment bl-Ingliz) li sfortunatament meta kont izghar qatt ma habbejt.
Prosit u grazzi.
Who would waste energy on a non-threat? They depend on their smoke and mirrors and you are a mighty fan.
They must wish you were a fan of the other variety, the type who would come to heel, wag its tail and wait for crumbs.
Everyone knows that people have a habit of not mentioning things that they are terrified of, that they do not have an answer to. Emotionally mature adults do not need to revert to this tactic.
Thank you, Daphne Caruana Galizia, from the bottom of our heart.
When I read this website I’m assured of fair, reliable and truthful information which regrettably we don’t get from other media.
Well done Daphne, and thanks for all the hard work you put into this website.
well done and thank you for the sterling work you`re doing.
Keep up the good work.You are the only journalist that gives us the news in a truthful way.
No wonder it is the first site I click on as soon as I switch on my laptop. How else would I know all the bare facts of what is going on around me.
Yesterday I was waiting to service my phone at one of the main network outlets.
Sharing my bench there were several waiting customers all using their devices. At one time, every screen had this site on.
The youngest were in their mid twenties. The eldest, I suppose, in their 70s. It was cool to see the long line of shiny different devices all pointed to the same site.
I remember there was a time where it was not considered wise to read your blog openly. Clearly, those days are now gone.
They’re afraid of you, full stop! Keep up the good work.
Congratulations and thank-you for all the information and good work. ” is-sewwa jirbah zgur”
This site has been my homepage since 2008. I want to read your blog the minute I start my laptop.
You know you’re the queen of Malta and Gozo and we’re proud of you.
Best Maltese blog ever.
[Daphne – Why ‘Maltese’, specifically? Can’t stand that way of thinking, sorry. The whole point of the internet is that it is not confined by borders, and at least 35% of my readership comes from outside Malta.]
Mostly, Maltese working and living abroad. You are their reference point to know what’s going on back home.
Well done, Daphne – I cannot imagine what will happen to this country if you were not around. I admire your intelligence, fairness and great courage.
I am a firm believer in the truth, justice and integrity. All of which are missing.
PN needs to wake up, but at least there’s you to keep the truth from being hidden
Thank you Daphne
Congratulations indeed.
A truly powerful blog.
A bunch of layabouts with nothing better to do than immerse themselves in tittle-tattle.
I’m in.
well done, you are so true people my age understand thanks so much
Let’s keep on working relentlessly to expose and somehow limit the damage being inflicted on Malta and its people of goodwill.
I see all these efforts coming from a pool of dedicated readers who through their input to this Running Commentary will not allow Malta to be vilified and disparaged by such an incompetent government led by a bunch of arrogant and self proclaimed untouchables.
Well done, Daphne.
Nofs miljun. Kwazi l-prezz ta’ cittadinanza.
This makes me so happy.
Thank you for the sterling service, Daphne.
Well done, Daphne.
I’m curious. How do you work out how old we are?
[Daphne – I don’t. The stats are worked out by Google Analytics.]
Even a diehard Labour supporter at my place of work (and we always agree to differ) admitted that Mallia is a complete disgrace and from this particular Mintoffian, I was even more gobsmacked.
The Times of Malta online polls are not particularly renowned for their accuracy but, shit, 70-odd percent want this guy out.