I can’t believe people still get hyped up about the Budget
Or do they just pretend to be interested? I’m sure it’s a hangover in the national psyche from the years 1971 to 1987, when the entire country hung around the (black and white) television set in nail-biting balls of tension.
I don’t suppose many people of my generation missed the irony of Lino Spiteri being buried on Budget Day. I rather suspect he might have found that interesting, too.
Ever since then, Budget Day has been one big nothing, with the major policy decisions that truly affect our lives and change the course of the economy taken throughout the year, in parliament or in cabinet.
Think about it: what affects us most, a couple of cents off the price of petrol delineated in the Budget speech, or a major power station decision?
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“Think about it: what affects us most, a couple of cents off the price of petrol delineated in the Budget speech, or a major power station decision?”
For property owners in Marsaxlokk and Birzebbugia, it is certainly the power station decision that affects them most.
The gas storage facilities on a ship in the middle of the bay will affect them most of all.
No matter how safe the operators will claim it to be, there is always the possibility and the perception (where did I hear that before) that an accident may happen. The perception alone will push the value of property down.
Although the proverb says that world-wide there is one fool born every minute that must be a gross underestimate for the Maltese electorate that at the last general election voted in this lot to govern Malta.
It was a golden opportunity for the ‘generous and successful’ government to give out a few cents here and there to the non-business, non-self employed while changing rules so that developers and other businesses can earn millions.
The privatization of the Cospicua Health Centre is a nice touch. Following the lack of regulations and enforcement in private clinics, homes and hospitals, the health centre step will be a move worthy of observation indeed.
Xi xtaqt nisma’ fil budget – b bqajt b’xiber imnieher
– Kemm dahhalna mill- bejgh tal – passaporti
– Min huma daek li xtraw ic-cittadinanza u kemm huma ta stoffa.
Insejt issemmi x’talenti sbieh ghandhom u se jghaddulna hi.
“Malta slips 17 places in global wellbeing index for the aged: Malta is now the 55th best place to grow old, a slide from 38th place in 2013.”
Losing 17 place in one year is no joke.
Malta l-aqwa fl-Ewropa.
Dan gvern li jara biss short-term – dik hi l-problema.
Funny you mentioned the fuel price cause that is the only item in the budget which is relevant to me.
Thanks to my fuel efficient commercial vehicle, my diesel bill for year 2015 will be reduced by €9.56. It is a pity that the insurance for the same vehicle will attract a higher stamp duty of at least €13.
Xi xtaqt nisma’ fil budget – b bqajt b’xiber imnieher
– Kemm dahhalna mill- bejgh tal – passaporti
– Min huma dawk li xtraw ic-cittadinanza u kemm huma ta stoffa.
– Meta se tibda tahdem il-power station il-gdida li kellha tibda f’Marzu 2015
– Meta se jkollna transport suret in-nies
– Meta se naraw x’fih il-kuntratt li gie ffirmat mac-cinizi
– Kemm il-kumpanija gejja Malta biex jittaffa l-qaghad
– Meta se nnehhu s-soddod mill-kurituri fil-Mater Dei
– Meta se jgibuli l-medicina d-dar kif gejt imwieghed
– u nista’ nibqa’ sejjer
Kull ma sar s’issa huma biss progetti li nbdew fi zmien il-PN u bis-sahha tal-ghajnuna li giet mill-Ewropa (bis-sahha tal-PN)
Half the speech was about white paper this, public consultation that.
Pity neither Mizzi got anything signed.
Interesting proposal that costume museum, concentrating on the baroque period of course.
Need we say whose idea that is.
Once the vice passed muster, anything goes.
I heard there were great celebrations at Junior college and University today. They were celebrating the increase in their stipends of 2c per day or 7.30 euros in one year.
The government is concentrating its efforts on the more doable things.