Instead of ‘Nippremjaw il-bzulija’, a more appropriate slogan would be…

Published: November 19, 2014 at 9:36am


16 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    The prime minister is defending his own budget. According to Malta Today:

    “The budget is reported to have been the personal work of the Prime Minister and his closest advisers, with little input from his cabinet ministers. It will not be easy to criticise this budget. ”

    This much was very evident from Muscat facial expression during Scicluna’s speech – Muscat was beaming as Scicluna reluctantly and boringly read out measures which he was not aware of, and he probably disapproved, and he even stumbled many times in the language used.

    A four hours speech is easy to criticise. It lacks a focus. When one has something to say, one should be able to say it in a few paragraphs. The prime minister excels in hindsight, but ask him to give you a vision, and he tells you he has a roadmap…

    This situation reminds me of 1996-1998. When Alfred Sant realised that his Minister of Finance was not on board on the removal of VAT, Sant took control of the situation, creating one uncertainty after the other as he tried to implement his CET.

    Joseph Muscat has a crisis of his own making: the reduced electricity tariffs without a power station to pay for them. He knows the political damage this has on his credibility, so he tried to use a “shock and awe” approach. But is it “kostid”?

    I am sure everything is “on truck.” Which means that I anticipate another 1996-1998, with the Minister of Finance leaving shortly.

    • ciccio says:

      I have the feeling that the prime minister leaked to Malta Today that the budget was prepared by him, with his team.

      He wants to take credit for the budget which he thinks is a good one. It actually is a hotchpotch of measures from the electoral manifesto without any coherent direction, where the bottom line is a weekly increase in wages and salaries of 58 cents.

      I get the feeling that the Finance Minister has been sidelined – he is probably being considered as being of insufficient calibre, without a talent.

      Labour has a history of problems with their Ministers of Finance. The resignations of Guze Abela and Lino Spiteri come to mind.

  2. manum says:

    Il-poplu Malti injorant. Kif qal Norman Vella, il-Laburisti jifirhu basta l-gvern ikun Labour.

  3. Shame on you says:


    First up, Cyrus Engerer.

  4. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    That expression on Muscat’s face strongly suggests the expression Benito must have had on his face just before he was machine gunned.

  5. Nik says:

    “Nippremjaw il-bazuzli”

  6. A Mifsud says:

    Nippremjaw l-kornutizmu.

  7. Robert Pace Bonello says:

    Let them eat cake

  8. A V says:

    According the Boss himself, because Mallia is the one and only running the show, they are looking after the ones who protect them. In Italian they say ‘pagare il pizzo’.

  9. Manuel says:

    Nippremjaw lill-Gays Irgiel biss

  10. edgar says:

    Min hexa mexa.

  11. Claude says:

    Biex tippremja l-bzulija l-ewwel trid tieqaf tippremja lil min mhux biezel.

  12. Frank Theuma says:

    Min hataf hataf, u min ma hatafx, inhataf.

  13. silvio Farrugia says:

    Nipremjaw lill Sandro Chetcuti u land speculators

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