Joseph Muscat wanted Eric Schembri to be Air Malta chairman

Published: November 18, 2014 at 5:29pm
Joseph Muscat with Allcare Insurance chairman Eric Schembri

Joseph Muscat with Allcare Insurance chairman Eric Schembri

When Tumas Group’s Ray Fenech gave up the Air Malta chairmanship, Joseph Muscat rang Eric Schembri, chairman of Allcare Insurance, and asked him to accept the position.

Schembri turned it down, I am told, “because of his business”.

Incidentally, Tumas Group holds shares in Allcare Insurance too, and the company’s financial statement, published in the newspapers in June, was signed by Eric Schembri as chairman and by Ray Fenech’s brother George as director.

The prime minister then turned to Coca Cola Malta’s Maria Micallef, who accepted the position.

It should be pointed out, in this context, that Allcare Insurance was given the health insurance contract for Air Malta.

13 Comments Comment

    • Jozef says:

      ‘…“We can’t have an 18-year-old going out to register for work and staying on benefits until they are 60,” Dr Muscat said…’

      Let’s have the work then.

      • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

        He’s a fine one to talk. Barring his stint with Crystal Finance, he’s been on benefits in one way or another since he was born.

  1. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat uza Maria Micallef bhala tapp biex isodd it-toqob.

  2. Positive Energy says:

    I remember the Schembris especially Simon as pampaluni Nazzjonalisti.

    [Daphne – Apparently, they are the sort who would be pampaluni Martians if the Martians took over.]

    • Watcher of lies says:

      They are not pampaluni Laburisti, nor pampaluni Nazzjonalisti but pampaluni Flusisti. The world is full of them. They jump from one ship to another like rats after food.

      • Fido says:

        That’s exactly it! They are nothing but rats which are scientifically defined as opportunists; i.e. without any principles and anything goes for the sake of the god of personal gain.

    • Jonahan says:

      They were diehard Nationalists when the Nationalists were in government, and now that Labour is in government they are diehard Laburisti.

  3. Jonahan says:

    Kien jirrangaha ghal frisk lil Air Malta. Isn’t he the chairman of a company that is sustaining losses?

  4. Jonahan says:

    This government has also made Eric Schembri a director of Malita Investments:

    Isn’t there some kind of conflict here?

  5. Trisha says:

    The late Anglu Fenech, brother to Ray and George, was married to John Dalli’s sister.

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      How cosy it all is. The real clique that migrates from government to government, squeezing the money-sponge all the way.

  6. numerus says:

    Air Malta has or had a subsidiary company called Osprey Insurance Agency Ltd, which was the only profitable company in the group.

    Besides the huge savings it used to help Air Malta achieve, it paid an annual dividend of around a million euros.

    Is it good business practice to give away profits to an outsider when you have a company in the group doing the same work? Or is it purely blatant corruption?

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