Just like Sai Laing’s husband was confident he would have a power station by March

Published: November 18, 2014 at 10:49pm

muscat buses

The government “will not be taking a Big Bang approach”, the prime minister said. Let’s hope Konrad Mizzi isn’t going to do that either. Allcare Insurance might not be able to meet the pay-out.

Incidentally, a mandat is not a mandate but a warrant. Mandat ta’ qbid = warrant of seizure; mandat ta’ inibizzjoni = warrant of prohibitory injunction, but then mandat ta’ sekwestru = garnishee order. It’s a commonly made mistake.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    The big bang approach is being reserved for the LNG tanker in Marsaxlokk.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    That’s one hell of a disaster they’ve created. Let it all brew.

  3. Il-verita says:

    The proper term is garnishee order.

    [Daphne – Yes, you’re right. A warrant of seizure is a mandat ta’ qbid and not a mandat ta’ sekwestru, which is a garnishee order. I’ve corrected it.]

  4. gorg says:

    Off topic:

    Are the Libyan Prime Minister and his 5 ministers still in Malta?

    • George says:

      No they’re back in Tobruk. At least the Libyan premier Al Thinni definitely is as he just called an urgent budget meeting.

      • tinnat says:

        Libya being a hop, skip and jump away, surely he could be back in Libya and chairing a meeting within an hour of leaving Malta.

  5. Watcher of lies says:

    The only big bang we have seen coming from this government is in corruption and it is no big bang theory. It’s proven.

    It’s there for everyone to see and measure. It’s a no-brainer.

  6. dutchie says:

    I’m quite sure Muscat likes a proper man-date.

  7. nutmeg says:

    If November-to-January changeover is not one hell of a bang, what is? The previous administration had embarked on a year-long info campaign before the new operator actually took over.

  8. Dissident says:

    Next year will be a very interesting year. I can’t wait for the show to begin.

  9. baffled says:

    Is this verbatim reporting or what? I’m having trouble trying to understand what the prime minister means. And let’s go with the big bang theory, sounds like fun.

  10. baffled says:

    He said the government will not be taking a “big bang approach.” Rather, a gradual phasing in will take place in order not to repeat past mistakes.

    What the f*ck is he trying to say.

    • Pippa says:

      Probably the new service will start gradually, town by town, village by village so as not to confuse the Maltese commuter.

    • rjc says:

      He’s trying to say that the Spanish company was planning to start operations in January 2015 operating a few routes, increasing the routes slowly throughout the year.

      That is the reason why the subsidy for the first year is going to be €23 million and we’ve already been told that it will increase the following year.

      Meanwhile Transport Malta shall continue to operate throughout 2015 on the remaining routes, eating up more millions per week of operation.

      In short, one big expensive mess, and we pick up the tab.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        I am assuming that the first routes to be taken over by the contractors will be those making a profit, while the government continues losing our money by operating the less profitable ones.

        By the time the new company takes over all routes the subsidy will be increased to an as-yet unknown amount.

    • ciccio says:

      I think that a big bang will take place. That’s when the court orders the whole bidding process a fraud.

      I only trust the prime minister with hind sight. Remember that with him, everything is always “on truck.”

    • Tabatha White says:

      I think he is trying to avoid spelling out that with the amount of subsidies being granted and with the roll-out plan the Government wants to go by, the subsidies will be amortizing the roll-out for the company.

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    Surely Joseph Muscat cannot be against big bangs. He should remember where the family fortune comes from, after all.

  12. Jozef says:

    He hasn’t realised how stale he’s become.

  13. canon says:

    This time Joseph Muscat stopped short of telling us that he would resign if we have no new transport provider by January.

  14. Mila says:

    Of course he cannot take the big bang approach, that requires vision, a well thought out plan and a deadline. If well executed, by people who really know their job, it is also cheaper.

    What Muscat should have said, if he had been honest, is that he cannot take the big bang approach because he does not have the elements necessary for it and that anyway it is our taxes which will bear the brunt of his deficient government. So that’s alright then.

    Instead he has opted for a phased approach which is low risk for his government, can be tweaked to make up for what incompetent planners did not foresee, where a lack of focus would be convenient to divert the public’s attention from failures and specific failures can easily be attributed to single entities rather than the government.

    The cherry on the cake is that, with a phased approach, the government can slither out of giving or sticking to deadlines AND it is the taxpayers who will dish out the money for the delays and failures.

    Of course this calls for a thank you to all those who elected an apprentice government who is an expert at manipulation. Of course anyone with a brain can tell you that our taxes are paying for the very advisors who are pulling off this mass deception. Why else would all these puppets in key positions be necessary? If the LP had had a brain to manipulate the public on their own, why would they have a problem with devising a roadmap?

    As we now know the goal was never good governance, sadly it was winning the election.

  15. pablo says:

    This Joe Muscat reminds me of the leading part in the mockumentary series “The Office” played by Ricky Gervais.

    It personified an inept manager who created crisis after crisis and yet could always talk his way out of them or talk things up.

    His staff would walk away half convinced by the smart talk and half confused by it. He was all talk.

    When nervous or under pressure Gervais would stroke his tie repeatedly and pretend to be self confident in the validity of his perverse logic.

  16. Francis says:

    He was also confident we would have a power station by next March. Would he offer to resign on this one too?

  17. giraffa says:

    Ma niflahx nisma aktar cucati minn dan il-Prim Ministru! Such a pathetic and sterile personality one couldn’t imagine.

    A scandal a day and he defends the indefensible, as his incompetent ministers fall over each other in competing as to who is the biggest a**hole.

    On doctor’s orders, I am keeping off TVM like the plague – it’s become plain revolting.

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