Labour arithmetic for schoolchildren

Published: November 24, 2014 at 1:25pm

Evarist Bartolo

Evarist Bartolo has introduced a new arithmetic question into the primary school syllabus.

1 Red Bull costs 1.50 euros.
24 Red Bulls cost 36 euros.
Paul Sheehan drinks 24 Red Bulls a day, so much does he spend on Red Bull in a week (a week is seven days)?

He spends 252 euros a week on Red Bull.

How much does Paul Sheehan spend on Red Bull every month (a month is four weeks)?
He spends 1,008 euros a month on Red Bull.

Evarist Bartolo will introduce a new arithmetic question when he learns from his cabinet colleague Manuel Mallia how much Paul Sheehan earns after tax and NI in terms of his constable’s salary and overtime as a duty driver. The price of Red Bull is in the public domain, but any other information has to be fought for.

9 Comments Comment

  1. wacko says:

    Is it Red Bull or white dust?

  2. ken il malti says:

    At 1008 euros a month, it would have been cheaper for Mr Sheehan to construct a time machine and go back to the 1950s and stock up on benzedrine inhalers.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    Perhaps it’s part of the Leisure Clothing supply of minerals to The Police Catering department?

    Or some other such firm.

  4. Mim says:

    ‘Prison for Red Bull binge driver’, even though depression and bereavement were used in his defense.

  5. Jack Beans says:

    “The price of Red Bull is in the public domain, but any other information has to be fought for.”

    You just have to love your wit and humour in these tragi-comic times.

  6. Nighthawk says:

    That’s a supermarket price, isn’t it?

  7. David Thake says:

    How appropriate for a manic Labour ministerial driver to drink Red Bull.

  8. salvu says:

    Why do I get the funny feeling that he is proposing himself as an alternative centre forward ?

    He definitely sent a message to Joseph Muscat that he is not scoring goals and that he is continuously on the defensive.

    He hid that message within a string of vulgar language.

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