Leisure Clothing: it was John Dalli who upped the quota of Chinese workers

Published: November 10, 2014 at 8:50pm

james Debono

James Debono, who survives as a functional individual despite working in an office where the sign ‘you don’t have to be crazy to work here but it helps’ is literally meant and not a joke, has the employment numbers for Leisure Clothing.

He even backs up my blog-post in which I reported that an ETC employee had told me it was John Dalli, through a direct ministerial order, who over-ruled the ETC’s decision not to increase Leisure Clothing’s quota for Chinese workers.

But Debono doesn’t refer to my blog-post, of course. That’s because his boss thinks I am The Web Troll and The Bile Queen and I can’t possibly do anything right because I’m a woman who doesn’t flirt (and especially not with the likes of him).

This is the relevant bit in James Debono’s report:

In October 2009 Leisure Clothing Ltd asked for the employment of an additional 55 Chinese workers, thereby raising the workforce from 110 to 165.

The Employment and Training Corporation disagreed with this request.

In February 2010, Social Policy Minister John Dalli, agreed with Leisure Clothing Ltd’s request to increase the staff complement to 165 from 110 but insisted that for every four Chinese workers a Maltese worker should be employed. Leisure Clothing disagreed with this and wrote to the Ministry of Finance asking for a revision of the quota mechanism.

What is interesting here is that his boss Saviour has finally shut up about this, having discovered through the agency of this website that Leisure Clothing was set up in 1986 by the KMB government and not post-1987 as he had thought.

11 Comments Comment

    • Spock says:

      Imma jiflah ikun iktar tan-nejk u misoginista Balzan?

      No wonder he’s got the personality of a rabid dog – he’s had to deal with the conflict of his conscience always pitted against his Mintoffian indoctrination all his life, and is in a constant battle to suppress or bend the former to justify the latter.

      Perfect recipe for creating a schizophrenic view of life and a psychotic interpretation of facts.

      His is a lifelong pursuit to rationalize preconceived ideas as opposed to using pure, unerring logical forms in search of the truth.

      It is in this that Saviour and you, Daphne, differ most. Thank God for you, Daphne – at least there is one bastion of truth, objectivity, intelligence, courage and integrity that we can rest upon. No wonder he hates you.

  1. Not Sandy:P says:

    Balzan thought the factory was set up in 1987 because that’s what their website says. At this point, why would anyone believe what Leisure Clothing says? Saviour Balzan does. But, then again, Saviour Balzan went to China and marvelled at the ‘progress’ in a country where people are killed to remove them from their farmland or made to disappear if an influential official is upset.

  2. Edward says:

    How is it that no one knew about all this though? Seriously, why didn’t anyone say anything? How was it all covered up exactly?

  3. ciccio says:

    How many bottles of water did JDalliBA get for each additional Chinese worker?

  4. gianni says:

    how come you know what do the signs read in the maltatoday offices ?

    [Daphne – Taking me literally, I see.]

    • Spock says:

      What do you expect ? The capability of recognizing wit or irony? Not even Saviour can do that – let alone “gianni”.

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