Leisure Clothing sponsors the outfits for Ilsien In-Nisa on Labour TV

Published: November 4, 2014 at 10:37am

Leisure Clothing, through its factory outlet Label C, is one of the companies which dresses the women who host the show Ilsien In-Nisa on the Labour Party’s television station.

In return, Ilsien In-Nisa promotes Label C clothes.

ilsien in nisa 1

ilsien in nisa 2

19 Comments Comment

  1. Towni says:

    Can we expect a statement from the Ilsien In-Nisa show-hosts, about whether they will now continue to wear clothes made by slave labour?

    • TGTBT says:

      From what I can see in the photos above, only 1 of the ladies wears clothes from Label C. The others from Lui Jo and Morgan.

  2. Jozef says:

    Where’s Tinkerbell?

  3. Vagabond King says:

    Someone told me Label C is a local designer.

    [Daphne – ‘Someone told me’. Do your own research. It’s right there on the official sites: Label C is owned by Leisure Clothing.

    Leisure Clothing is what is known in the textile industry as a CMT operation (Cut, Make, Trim). I know a fair bit about this because I used to produce the Malta Development Corporation’s trade newsletter around 30 years ago, when I worked for that sleaze Godfrey Grima, and nothing much has changed since.

    A CMT operation receives everything from the broker who placed the order on behalf of the actual label company (sometimes the label company places the order directly): bolts of fabric, patterns, trimmings, the lot. The factory then literally cuts, makes and trims, and the clothes go to the label company. There is no creativity or design involved at a CMT operation. The patterns come in with the fabric and trimmings.

    Very often, these CMT operations will have some fabric and trimmings left over. In breach of their contract, they run up a few more items which they then sell at their factory outlets with the label ripped out, with no label, or with their own label.

    You should know that it is impossible for a factory to produce designs by Maltese designers made exclusively for sale at a single shop. The economies of scale and the production methods do not allow for it.]

    • Jozef says:

      ‘..it is impossible for a factory to produce designs by Maltese designers made exclusively for sale at a single shop. The economies of scale and the production methods do not allow for it…’

      Not anymore, designs, exclusive, shop, scale, production and method require updating to the real and proper industrial revolution taking place.

      What the word processor did to the office, imagine Malta attempting to set up its financial services without email, digital manufacturing’s doing to the factory floor.

      The only limit being orthodoxy, read detente, in the social contract. Muscat, with his passports and snide opinion of his core vote, that primitive and an obstacle.

    • La Redoute says:

      Label C is a brand, not a designer. The boutique belongs to Chinese state-owned Leisure Clothing.

      That is why the Chinese ambassador and the company’s manager cut the ribbon at the launch party.

  4. Caclulator says:

    So much for the Maltese ‘socialist’ party. Do the rest of the PES member parties promote slave labour too?

    Will Martin Schulz be coming round for another photo op with our dears Joseph and/or Manuel any time soon, telling us how good they are?

    • Jozef says:

      That people realise why globalisation’s gone belly up the way it did.

      There can be no trade with totalitarian regimes, not when they abuse human rights to dissolve ours.

      Perhaps politicians in the western hemisphere need to disengage from an ideology portrayed as vintage chic since 1990.

      Imperialism nowadays is about belonging, when all we do is consume, production methods soon radicalize into weapons.

  5. gn says:

    U l-hwejjeg li tilbes Michelle Muscat…kollha ta’ Ron u l-iehor?

    Iccekkja ha tara.

  6. pablo says:

    The Chinese Communist Party needs foreign markets for its state industries which run on cheap slave labour. It cannot become an EU member but it can colonise an EU member. It looks around and finds the opposition party in Malta, the Malta Labour Party. They do a secret deal. Money is involved.

    PL Electoral Manifesto is fully “costed” which means that China will bridge loan up to a couple of billions.That loan has high interest re-payments and repayment is secured by an outright sale of our national energy infrastructure.

    Within the ranks of the Labour Party today, you have Marlene Farrugia (and others less vociferous) who are very very worried about this new colonial era. Reality is starting wake up also within Labour grassroots. They are making the right connections and sensing the betrayal of their core values. This betrayal is made possible with the help of a group of former Nationalists that were seduced by the smell of PL success and their own future winnings.

    The bottom line is that Malta’s vote in the EU as a full member is now always used foremost in China’s national interests. The man who wrote the PL Electoral Manifesto is today the EU Commissioner nominated by Malta.

    • Jozef says:

      China has no internal demand. The moment it tries, the regime’s at stake.

      It’s that simple. Labour is China’s thesis in the EU.

      Time to choose who we are.

  7. freedom5 says:

    gn/ curious: wrong – Charles and Ron would never copy an outfit, let alone sew buttons on the wrong side.

    Please don’t antagonise people by feeding false information.

    [Daphne – I think that was just a sarcastic remark of gn’s, Freedom5. I know Charles and Ron’s work and have done so for years. In days gone by they also made a couple of really beautiful things for me. I also know that Charles at least is a lifelong committed supporter of the Labour Party and that no amount of antagonism or its opposite is going to change that. I respect people like that more than I do those who switch for fun and money, or because they think it’s fashionable.]

    • P Shaw says:

      The same applies to egocentrics who parade themselves hysterically in return for a free apartment in Valletta and a few trips abroad here and there in the name of Baroque chat-stews.

    • curious says:

      My comment was not referring to Charles and Ron. I did not understand gn’s comment in the same way you did.

      And it was a just a light remark. False information, mhux hekk tghid.

  8. Peppa Pig says:

    How do those three ladies feel about wearing clothes made by slave labour?

    Or is it OK, so long as it is Chinese and not Africans or gays who are being exploited?

  9. John Higgins says:

    Didn’t the 3 ladies appear regularly on Net in the past? More switchers for gain?

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